Captain Rich
02-28-2016, 05:44 PM
Booked a sailfish charter 3 days ago, today the charter shows up at the dock with the father in law, an 8 year old and 2 - 10 year olds. I motor out to 140' out by the Breakers, turn around and see that the 8 year old is in tears! Time to turn lemons into lemonade, shoot back to the inlet, start trolling, work the intercoastal, dig through the bait freezer to see what will work for lunch, catch bonita, runners, lane snappers, grunts, lizard fish, flounder, pinfish, and a couple other species, Kids have a great time, eat all of the food on the boat, and I get them back in time for their afternoon soccer games. Sometimes less is more. Tight Lines--Rich