View Full Version : Hi-Mar 2016 Flea Market Fundraiser Update

02-10-2016, 12:31 AM
I just went back and did a search on how many years i have been doing this fundraiser to help my elderly neighbor. Was surprised to find out this will be the 4th year that i will have a table at the Hi-Mar show. Allot has changed since last years show.

1. Her mother that she has been taking care of finally passed away at the age of 95 on Aug 31, 2015. For the past 8 years she has been taking care of her mother 24/7 who was bed ridden. It was because of her compassionate care the she stayed with us that long.

2. I had to move right around the same time of the death of her mom. With all she had going on she was still worried about me and my move and constantly asked me if i needed help with anything, that she would make herself available. Just because she is no longer officially my neighbor anymore does not mean that my responsibility has changed being she has become a very big part of my life. What i do for her pales in comparison to all the good she has down for everyone who's life she has touched. She is very much like my Mom as she worries about taking care of everyone else first rather than taking care of herself. Drives me crazy. She is a proud old Polish lady so it is difficult for her to accept any acts of kindness even though she is always trying to help everyone else. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Malcolm Forbes. " You can tell the true character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him" Very rare quality nowadays as most are always looking for something in return rather than unconditional acts of kindness and love. I am truly blessed to have her in my life as i get much more from her years of wisdom and advice than the anything that i do for her. She does not call me by my name as when she addresses me or says goodbye she calls me her " Handsome Son # 1 "
I guess she is loosing her sight lol.

This year will be extra special as I have 2 causes that I am working on this year
1. One is to continue with helping out my elderly neighbor
2. Had Birchmeyer Memorial reef fund

Even though i have sold off much of my tackle over the past few years i was able to purchase quite a few things from fellow njfishing member who was having a yard sale last year. Also members and friends have donated some things as well to help the cause. All proceeds from Saturdays sale will go to her Fund to help her out with expenses. My goal is to get her to show up to the event as she is a peace of work that members will enjoy meeting. She is very funny without even trying to be. Would love to hand her a check that she can use to get head stone and plague for her mothers grave. Getting her to show up will not be easy as she is currently dog sitting 2 dogs and may not be able to get away. If she does come please stop by and say Hello. Tell her that we all miss her beloved mother Josephine who she called Jo Jo

The second part of the fundraiser will be to Fund the Had Birchmeyer Memorial Reef Fund. I was asked by his family to sell off his fishing gear after his death. Many of you guys from the site know him as i have never met anyone who was more passionate about fishing than Had as any day that was fishable he was on the water catching fish. I have all his gear
* Rods - Many Custom Bogan Rods from Fluke to Cod/Tile.
* Reels - Shimano, Penn, Diawa including a few Diawa Electric reels
* Tackle - Plano boxes full of all kinds of tackle i still need to go through.
* Raw Lead - I am guessing a few hundred pounds.

Overall i will have Rods and reels for everyones budget from $10-$500 bucks
Jigs, bucktails, plugs, plastics, spreader bars, mono, braid, terminal tackle, rigs.

Thanks to the guys from Hi- Mar i will have 2 tables which will probably not be enough with the amount of gear i have.
Dress warm as it looks like it is going to be a cold one on Saturday.

I have had a few guys reach out to me. If interested in getting a preview of stuff prior to show or interested in donating any gear please give me a call directly. Thinking about doing a raffle again for one of my custom rods that i will donate. $5.00 an entry. Even if you can not make the show you can still donate. All i will need is your name and phone # and i will enter in card with your info. Send me a pm or text if interested. If Larry Hart wins it again this year i will request an investigation as no one can be that lucky 3X's in a row:D

Looking forward to seeing everyone and try not to beat me up on pricing to much as everything is being discounted heavily already with money raised going to a great cause.


Capt. Lou
02-10-2016, 02:33 AM
I wish u the best at the sale ! I'm presently out of town , contact u upon return !


02-10-2016, 05:47 AM
It is a good thing that you do my friend! See you there.

02-10-2016, 07:37 AM
It bares repeating: Alex is a MENSCH :)

(& third time is a charm :eek: )

Tuna Tales
02-10-2016, 08:15 AM

All good...glad we can help...see you Sat am.


Joe T.

02-10-2016, 11:26 AM
See you on Saturday Alex.

02-10-2016, 12:01 PM
Is the flea market only Saturday or is it both days of the weekend?

02-10-2016, 01:09 PM
Saturday only Feb 13
Time: 8 am to 2 pm

02-10-2016, 02:44 PM
Alex, I am trying to squeak you out as much room as possible...See ya Saturday!! (Robby, Hi-Mar)

02-10-2016, 04:20 PM
Saturday only Feb 13
Time: 8 am to 2 pm

Alex My help for this year take my 2 tables.I am going to email captfysh

02-10-2016, 09:12 PM

Hope you're OK.


02-10-2016, 09:54 PM
Alex My help for this year take my 2 tables.I am going to email captfysh


Give me a call when you get a moment. I always look forward to seeing you and your wife at this show so i a hope everything is OK. If you need anything i am just a phone call away. As for you donating tables for my use that is very generous of you which is not a surprise. I will be happy to pay you for the 2 tables you secured as it will be a great help to me to have the extra space to display all the goodies.

02-11-2016, 04:39 AM

Hope you're OK.


Keefe I am okay thanks for asking

02-11-2016, 04:40 AM

Give me a call when you get a moment. I always look forward to seeing you and your wife at this show so i a hope everything is OK. If you need anything i am just a phone call away. As for you donating tables for my use that is very generous of you which is not a surprise. I will be happy to pay you for the 2 tables you secured as it will be a great help to me to have the extra space to display all the goodies.

Alex I am still waiting to hear from Robbie

02-11-2016, 12:53 PM
Alex, from Rich, I have more room for you!! rearranging layout , getting you as much space as I can...Robby

shrimpman steve
02-11-2016, 05:41 PM
You are one of a kind!!!

02-12-2016, 02:01 PM
its a good thing you're doing. i met you over the summer when you were at the end of the garage sale. bought some trolling plugs and you gave my son a larry dahlberg dvd. he loved it like a 3 year old loves dvds, watched it for 5 minutes then moved on to something else. but everytime we drive down walnut he says thats the fishing guy's house! i was going to try and take him to hi mar this year since he loves coming to tackle shops with me and loading up on things to play with in the tub but we have stuff to do in the am. cant believe the hi-mar show ends at 2pm whats up with that!

Gerry Zagorski
02-12-2016, 02:17 PM
Used to take my Grandson every year. It was his and my thing but now he's down in FL :(

Funny how kids remember this stuff. I was down for a visit a few weeks ago and of all things, he brought up the show.

I think part of the reason is all the attention he got from people at the show. One vendor actually gave him an old used fishing pole which he still uses and cherishes today, even though I bought him a shiny new outfit.

If you have any kids around BRING THEM!! The time alone with you is worth it and it just might be the thing that gets them into fishing.

02-12-2016, 08:41 PM
See you in the AM Alex. Everything is going for a great cause.

02-12-2016, 10:02 PM
we have stuff to do in the am. cant believe the hi-mar show ends at 2pm whats up with that!

Agreed, If you have to do something in the AM, ur screwed! It's not like we all live around the block!

02-13-2016, 12:26 AM
Looks like I will be pulling an all nighter to get ready for the show. Got in way over my head this year as I did not expect things to be this time consuming with trying to work on 2 causes at the same time. Would have been much easier to call up a tackle dealer to come by and take everything at .20 on the dollar. Being that is not what I had signed up for the extra effort will be well worth it when I see th smiles on the face of my elderly neighbor and the Birchmeyer family when I hand them each a big fat check.

I have been to a lot of thes fla mark Taylor over the years and I truly believe that I have never seen the assortment of tackl that I have ill be displaying. Most fever trying is discounted from 30-70% of retails. Will ha rods from $ 5 - 20 dollars. Reels from $5 - 550 dollars. Hopefully will be able too organize th trays of plugs, bucktalis, jigs and terminal tackle to bring with me as well. For those who asked me to bring them raw lead we will hav to make arrangements for another day as I will not have time to pick it up from my moms house
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the morning. I will be easy to spot as I will be the guy with dark circles under my eyes from no sleep 😎 I Will be wearing a blue hat with a fish on it the reads Life is Good. Make sure to stop by and say hello. If anyone will not be able to make it by 2:00 pm and you are looking for something in particular give me a call and will but things aside for you as I will probably not be leaving till around 330 pm by the time I get things packed up to head back home


02-13-2016, 10:58 PM
Well put another one in the books. This years event was another great success as we raised some money to 2 great causes Got to spend the day with my 8 year old niece so it was a big win for me as well
1. Had Birchmeyer Memorial Reef Fund. Today we raised just over 1700 dollars for his cause. Still have a lot of rely nice fishing reels for Stripers, blacks, cod and tiles as well as some nice rods from freshwater up to tile fish. Have a nice Diawa Tanacom Bull 750 reel sill left for guys looking for an electric reel. My goal is to hit at least 2500 for him before all is said and done
2. As for the elderly neighbor that will be an ongoing cause until I am no longer able. We raised just under 780 dollars for her.
My payday for all this comes tomorrow as my Valentines gift to her will be a check for 1000 dollars to help pay for expensive a for her mother grave that she has been trying to save up for to get plaque and engraving done as well as getting some repairs done to her house. She is going to freak when she opens up the card as she always tells me when things seem to be at their bleakness God will always find a way to provide. For some reason I have been picked to be her guardian angel.
Still have about 40 rods and 25 reels left plus boxes of various tackle so expect to see a post in the spring for a yard sale to hopefully sell the rest

Can not thank the guys from the Hi Mar Club enough for all they do. I just may need to join this club as they are some top notch people and run a great event.
Also I big thank you to everyone who either bought something or donated something to help raise her total. To many guys to list but you know who you are

Well it been over 36 hours since I have seen my pillow so a wish you all a good night

02-14-2016, 07:47 AM
Your a good man Alex! Sorry I couldn't get over to your table, never left mine except to use the men's room! Busy is good.

02-14-2016, 08:50 AM
Well done Alex. Thank you for allowing us to pitch in and help out.

02-14-2016, 11:37 PM
For those who have asked here is update on the results of the Hi-Mar show this past Saturday.

Well today was the day i made a tough old Polish lady cry.
After a 12 hr hibernation i woke up a new man and stopped by her house this afternoon to give her a Valentines card with a nice check from my fellow brothers from njfishing and the Hi Mar guys. As always she gave me a hard time but at the end was eternally grateful with big kisses from her and Jo Jo going out to everyone who made this possible. Enclosed are a few pictures of her at the kitchen table reading her card and then of us sitting in the living room talking while watching the TV she bought herself with gift card i won from work last year that i gave her. She would kill me if she knew i posted these pictures. I am not into making people cry unless i am beating you out in a blackfish pool but in her case i will make an exception as they were happy tears.

You are all greatly appreciated,

02-15-2016, 02:59 PM
Job well done Alex and good to see you at the show, again :D