View Full Version : Prowler5 - Sun. Feb. 7th, Tog Report

Prowler 5
02-07-2016, 08:27 AM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. We have a fair amount of anglers on the boat today for another drop dead gorgeous day for February. Heading out to 17 fathoms again. I'll post a follow up and pictures this afternoon. P.S. We won't be sailing this week until the weekend - Saturday, Feb. 13th, Sunday, Feb. 14th and we will also be sailing on Monday, Feb. 15th President's Day. You may want to check with the Ocean Explorer or the Big Mohawk for their schedule during the week. P.S.We have plenty of greenies and white leggers. Looking forward to seeing you next weekend. Thx. Capt. Scott

Prowler 5
02-10-2016, 08:11 PM
Pictures from Sunday, Feb. 7th - and a follow-up report for this weekend. We won't be shaping this weekend with the freezing cold temperatures and wind forecasted. We'll try next week. I'll keep you posted. Thx., Capt. Scott