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View Full Version : Ocean Explorer Thursday

Ocean Explorer
01-21-2016, 06:47 PM
1-21-15 A bit more wind today than I thought we would have....not rough but lumpy offshore..Had decent life today early,,,picked at keepers and plenty of shorts mixed in..Not good though,,moved around looking for better and just picked here and there,,,some spots had good life and you pick at the fish,,others were just shorts...In the end a few had limits,,Sammy was high hook with his limit plus and some had 1,2,or maybe 3 keepers,,,Some just had the short curse catching up to ten chuckers....No big ones today,,,maybe tomorrow they will put the feedbag on for us,,,,We are fishing tomorrow.....Weather looks good before the storm we get over the weekend..!!See ya tomorrow...few pics

Ocean Explorer
01-21-2016, 06:48 PM
The big seasonal pool is still growing..up to 3,300 bucks...