View Full Version : Party boat Angler update

captain george angler
01-16-2016, 06:33 PM
We were out yesterday and I had dinner with the grand kids and used captain Jeff's computer to put up a quick post that we were not sailing today with the forecast but i do not see the report. Most likely my error.

Some guys in the stern did well but the sides no good. Jim fishing in Jose's corner limited and Al Severson from Hillsborough fishing next to Jim had 3 and the pool.

Tomorrow Sunday looks like a perfect day for Mid Jan. with light NW and winds and temps in the 30's. Greens and whites on board.


7:00 AM First boat out.

Next week is looking tough and I do noy expect to sail till Friday.

Thanks captain George

01-17-2016, 08:27 AM
Did Chris G. Get the Skunk??:)

Chris G
01-17-2016, 03:16 PM
Let's just say there were no opportunities for a Costa shoot..... ;)

Chris G
01-17-2016, 03:19 PM
Let's just say there were no opportunities for a Costa shoot..... ;)

Regardless had a great day. JBird and I thank you for getting us out of the house before there was a double homicide Capt George.