View Full Version : Blackfish blues.

01-08-2016, 06:06 PM
Let me first say you guys are slamming some real nice fish. Great job. Now my story. Got up today to do some serious blackfishing today but it wasn't meant to be. First mistake, I didn't preorder green crabs from local AH bait store. I figured with the nice weather and good reports lately the bait stores would have plenty of greens to go around. Well that didn't happen. I drive 2+ hours from PA and cant find crabs. 2 of the bait stores were closed(what!!) and the other didnt have any. Then the one that was open says " we got some coming in at 10am". So, me and my buddy stick around to wait for some. We come back at 10 and the friggin store was closed but the lights were on and owners car was still there. 8 guys show up looking to give this a** some business and he's nowhere in site. ( not good business sense). Not mentioning any names but J your a idiot telling customers one thing and doing another. Tip for bait stores. If the bites on, stay open and make some money during the slow season. Thank guys for posting your reports.