View Full Version : Blackfish How to Tips
Gerry Zagorski
01-03-2016, 11:19 AM
Figured I would share a few tips, hope some sharpies chime in here.
- Use a bigger sinker then you think you need because you want it sitting as still as possible on the bottom. Min is 6 ounces when there is no current and seas, usually no more then 12 ounces needed.
- I like braid while some prefer mono.... Here is a great knot to join the braid to your top shot mono leader. Very easy to tie and a low profile so it goes through you rod guides easier without snagging. I like to tie in a 15 or so foot top shop so if it breaks off I have more leader to tie a new rig with.
- Speaking of rigs, here is a post on them
- Every day is different so be prepared to switch things up with your bait to find out what works best.... Half crab, whole crab, shell on, shell off, legs on legs off etc. Believe me it makes a differnce
- Pay attention to who is catching, what they are using, where they are fishing and mug if nessecary but be polite about it.
- Don't swing on every bite, swing on the right bite. Often times you will have smaller fish like Bergals pecking at your bait. If you swing on them you are going to scare the Blackfish away. Try and wait it out for a good tug.
- Don't skimp out on terminal tackle like leaders and hooks. Use the best you can afford.... 3/0 or 4/0 Owner Hooks seem to get the nod by most and 40 pound minimum Floro Leader for your hook leaders.
- Best bait is usually White Leggers. Be sure you have some or the boat your are going out on has them or bring your own... They are a bit softer then the green crabs most boats supply.
- Here is a general article to check out with some tips for people new to fishing for blackfish
Hope this helps some people new to this fishery and this season is shaping up to be one of the best. The NJ State record 25 pound fish was caught in 2015 and few days ago a 23 pound 10 ounce fish was caught out of Atlantic City on the one of our sponsor boats, the Osprey.
Be forwarned that Blackfishing is addictive. It's been known to stress marrages, cause you to miss work and the challenge of figuring out what works on a particular day can drive you nuts but also keeps you coming back.
01-03-2016, 05:11 PM
Great advise everyday is a different story one day you might bail them go back the next day and have a slow bite or just catch shorts. As for white leggers or green crabs I fish out of Barnegat and use mostly green crabs have used white leggers but greens works the best but go on a party boat up north and white leggers seem to produce and as far as when to swing I like to let them bite no mistaking when that nice tog is taking the bait
Islander II
01-04-2016, 06:13 AM
Figured I would share a few tips, hope some sharpies chime in here.
- Use a bigger sinker then you think you need because you want it sitting as still as possible on the bottom. Min is 6 ounces when there is no current and seas, usually no more then 12 ounces needed.
- I like braid while some prefer mono.... Here is a great knot to join the braid to your top shot mono leader. Very easy to tie and a low profile so it goes through you rod guides easier without snagging. I like to tie in a 15 or so foot top shop so if it breaks off I have more leader to tie a new rig with.
- Speaking of rigs, here is a post on them
- Every day is different so be prepared to switch things up with your bait to find out what works best.... Half crab, whole crab, shell on, shell off, legs on legs off etc. Believe me it makes a differnce
- Pay attention to who is catching, what they are using, where they are fishing and mug if nessecary but be polite about it.
- Don't swing on every bite, swing on the right bite. Often times you will have smaller fish like Bergals pecking at your bait. If you swing on them you are going to scare the Blackfish away. Try and wait it out for a good tug.
- Don't skimp out on terminal tackle like leaders and hooks. Use the best you can afford.... 3/0 or 4/0 Owner Hooks seem to get the nod by most and 40 pound minimum Floro Leader for your hook leaders.
- Best bait is usually White Leggers. Be sure you have some or the boat your are going out on has them or bring your own... They are a bit softer then the green crabs most boats supply.
- Here is a general article to check out with some tips for people new to fishing for blackfish
Hope this helps some people new to this fishery and this season is shaping up to be one of the best. The NJ State record 25 pound fish was caught in 2015 and few days ago a 23 pound 10 ounce fish was caught out of Atlantic City on the one of our sponsor boats, the Osprey.
Be forwarned that Blackfishing is addictive. It's been known to stress marrages, cause you to miss work and the challenge of figuring out what works on a particular day can drive you nuts but also keeps you coming back.
Thank goodness! I thought you were posting your personal black fishing tips. Just kidding Gerry. Good tips.
Gerry Zagorski
01-04-2016, 08:40 AM
Thank goodness! I thought you were posting your personal black fishing tips. Just kidding Gerry. Good tips.
Thanks Kevin, from one Hack to another ;)
01-04-2016, 04:19 PM
Lately the tog hit my crab once or twice and then they go away. The tog do not want to commit to become dinner. When the tog are picky like this no one seems to be catching much. Is there anything I am doing wrong or could do better? Are there any tricks to get the tog to commit to eating the bait?
01-04-2016, 04:26 PM
Blackfish Doug
01-04-2016, 04:29 PM
The guaranteed way to get them duct tape a big rock tape a m80 to it & light it throw it in the water fast don't hold on to too long like Jason Pierre-Paul & get the net ready LOL.
Gerry Zagorski
01-04-2016, 04:57 PM
Lately the tog hit my crab once or twice and then they go away. The tog do not want to commit to become dinner. When the tog are picky like this no one seems to be catching much. Is there anything I am doing wrong or could do better? Are there any tricks to get the tog to commit to eating the bait?
Same thing happened to us a few weeks back....We all noticed in this one spot, you'd put down a fresh piece of bait you'd get one, maybe two bumps and then nothing. Only thing you can do in this situation is keep changing your baits or move to an entirely different area.
Hard to move when you know the fish are there and who knows when and if something changes like the current or the wind and turns into game on.
Other thing I noticed happening often lately is you pull up to a spot, you get a few fish right away, think your are finally building some life and it's going to be great and it turns off like a light switch.
That's why I really respect the Captains that make a living fishing for them. The difficult days are very nerve racking.. You've got paying fares on your boat and you end up pacing the deck toiling over decisions to move or stay put. You're the man, the decision is on your shoulders and you're often times damned if you do or damned if you don't.
That's Blackfishing.
01-04-2016, 05:06 PM
I'm new to blackfishing over the past two seasons, but there is one thing i do that i don't see mentioned sometimes. Instead of just attaching the weight to the rig I make a double loop with 20lbs line and loop one end to the rig and one end to the sinker, like a break away.
so basically if the weight is caught when a tog strikes you snap the sinker off when you set the hook and just fight the fish. You will lose more sinkers for sure but I know this season we saved our selves at least a handful of nice fish that may not have been landed if we had to fight the tog and a snag at the same time, hoping the snag comes loose before the donkey tog!
Joey Dah Fish
01-04-2016, 07:14 PM
Lately the tog hit my crab once or twice and then they go away. The tog do not want to commit to become dinner. When the tog are picky like this no one seems to be catching much. Is there anything I am doing wrong or could do better? Are there any tricks to get the tog to commit to eating the bait?
The only thing you can try to do is meet the bite. It's a stressful type of fishing because you must always be on point and ready to strike. The moment you get the bite you swing for the fences. I'm to lazy for the type of fishing but have done it on occasion with good results. Also sometimes a slight move of the bait will trigger the bite. And then some days you just take your beating and look forward to the next time out.
01-04-2016, 09:50 PM
I'm new to blackfishing over the past two seasons, but there is one thing i do that i don't see mentioned sometimes. Instead of just attaching the weight to the rig I make a double loop with 20lbs line and loop one end to the rig and one end to the sinker, like a break away.
so basically if the weight is caught when a tog strikes you snap the sinker off when you set the hook and just fight the fish. You will lose more sinkers for sure but I know this season we saved our selves at least a handful of nice fish that may not have been landed if we had to fight the tog and a snag at the same time, hoping the snag comes loose before the donkey tog!
That sounds like a real good idea, lose the sinker to fight the pig tog. Had I done that on Day 2 of the PUOSU this year on the Mimi, I'm pretty sure that was "The One".:eek:It doubled over my Bogan Poison blank like nobody's business. Then it went in the wreck. Maybe if I had the break-away loop....????:confused:
01-04-2016, 11:49 PM
Don't let people mug you, you must be defensive w/o being offensive. I like owner 5/0s and use regular 60# mono,otherwise this thread owner ;) is right on. P.S. don't forget the Coronas for the slow days lol
Blackfish Doug
01-05-2016, 05:22 AM
[QUOTE=Gerry Zagorski;432611]
Hard to move when you know the fish are there and who knows when and if something changes like the current or the wind and turns into game on.
Other thing I noticed happening often lately is you pull up to a spot, you get a few fish right away, think your are finally building some life and it's going to be great and it turns off like a light switch.
I fully understand but really what is happening is when you first get to the area your anchor line is still not fully played out. Once your anchor line is fully played out & you lay out into your anchor position your lines are now laying differently into the tide. Blackfish are very tidal fish if your not laying right they turn off quickly. The only other thing you can do is re position the anchor line or move on to another spot because your not going to lay right. Or do a lot of casting & hope that when your line lays on the bottom & it's in the correct position. Wind, current & structure don't always go in sync that's why you scratch your head all day long & captains smoke 3 cartons of butts a day.
01-05-2016, 09:01 AM
I forgot to mention strumming your line like a guitar string. It's amazing how it will get them to hit it at times.
01-05-2016, 09:49 AM
Be forwarned that Blackfishing is addictive. It's been known to stress marrages, cause you to miss work and the challenge of figuring out what works on a particular day can drive you nuts but also keeps you coming back.
Truer words have never been spoken..
bunker dunker
01-05-2016, 10:35 AM
I have found that when they are on there one and done routine its better to use smaller small as a quarter of a crab and a smaller{2/0} hook.
01-05-2016, 09:57 PM
Lately the tog hit my crab once or twice and then they go away. The tog do not want to commit to become dinner. When the tog are picky like this no one seems to be catching much. Is there anything I am doing wrong or could do better? Are there any tricks to get the tog to commit to eating the bait?
This time of year, it's very common for the bite to be like that. Nothing you can really do besides go down to a smaller bait or change spots.
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