View Full Version : NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

12-30-2015, 12:03 AM
The U.S. government has reduced the amount of flounder that recreational and commercial fishermen can catch next summer.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration set the limit at 16 million pounds, down 30 percent from 23 million in 2015, U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone said Monday. The limit would drop below 16 million in each of the subsequent two years.
The ruling did not sit well with Pallone (D-6th Dist.), whose district includes part of the Jersey Shore.
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational fishermen in New Jersey," said Pallone, the top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. "They depend on a sufficient summer flounder quota and without one, New Jersey's economy faces a threat as it continues to rebound from Superstorm Sandy."
NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service said the limits were needed to avoid overfishing as there has been a decline in young fish. Pallone said he would work with other members of the state's congressional delegation "for more favorable catch limits in the future."

12-30-2015, 07:18 AM
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.:mad:

Joey Dah Fish
12-30-2015, 09:41 AM
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.:mad:

12-30-2015, 09:44 AM
Make sure to sign up for the 2016 Saltwater Registry.

12-30-2015, 10:10 AM
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.:mad:

Ron , by now I would think everyone should be able to see whats really going on.
The plan of the NMFS is to get the government paid for every fish in the ocean.
They could care less about either the recreational fishery of the commercial one UNLESS they are getting paid for it.

You can go buy a quota of 30000 pounds of fluke right now for 75 grand.
want a second 30000 pounds after that , hand out the dough

yet you cant even get a reasonable limit for an entire industry that brings billions into the state.


because to them the billions isnt in nice piles that they can spread around to the other politicians as perks.

And since the commercial fleets doesnt buy those quotas to make a dollar a pound while the Government makes 2.50. those fish are sold to other countries for political perks.

as with everything else in this country its ALL about the money.

shrimpman steve
12-30-2015, 10:15 AM
Palone is just like all of the other politicians, useless!

bunker dunker
12-30-2015, 10:36 AM
by the people,for the people except when we can make money.so now a family of 4 will spend $350.00 to go out for a days fishing and get even less.i'm sure that will happen allot.take take take...take take take...take our flukies.

12-30-2015, 11:38 AM
"And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Until the government figures out what this part of the Gettysburg Address means it doesn't matter what the 2016 or future regulations are. We'll have our own set of regulations we follow. All anyone can do is be guided by your conscience, not by politicians who have their own interests in mind.

12-30-2015, 03:34 PM
Hate to get political, but we always get the govt we ask for and desire.. These people were demanded by the good people of the great state of NJ to serve in the employ of those that voted them in.. Never forget that.. They were ASKED..
Same here in NY where I live.. We continually ask for radical leftists to enact their particular agenda... It is our desire that they serve,, We asked them to do their job, how dare we complain when they do what we asked???... bob

12-30-2015, 03:58 PM
..if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.

what does that mean?

Capt John
12-31-2015, 07:10 AM
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.:mad:

Capt....your last paragraph says it all. Amazing incompetency!

bunker dunker
12-31-2015, 08:34 AM
we need to step it up a notch fellows.we have to hit them were it hurts

Capt Sal
12-31-2015, 10:29 AM
Tell me what progress we have made. Each year it gets worst. Pallone needs to go. I don't care if he is a nice guy. If we keep loosing a little each year it will take decades to get it back. We have tooooooooo many organizations to represent us. We need one and that will give us more power. A Governor that actually cares about recreational fisherman would be nice. We don't have that. I have no respect for Christie. His political ambitions do not include us. He has no chance to be president anyway. What would help is a new president that is an avid salt water fisherman. Noaa needs to be totally restructured. It has to come from the top not state senators or Reps.

12-31-2015, 02:53 PM
Rather than get rid of Pallone maybe we need to elect more people who think like he does. The ocean is important to him. Someone mentioned leftist policies or something but frankly our super right wing Governor doesn't seem to give a crap about the recreational fisherman either. Also it's not like Pallone isn't doing anything. This law he just got passed will at least keep the water a bit more livable.

http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/12/obama_signs_pallone_bill_to_keep_plastics_out_of_w .html#comments

12-31-2015, 03:42 PM
Rather than get rid of Pallone maybe we need to elect more people who think like he does. The ocean is important to him. Someone mentioned leftist policies or something but frankly our super right wing Governor doesn't seem to give a crap about the recreational fisherman either. Also it's not like Pallone isn't doing anything. This law he just got passed will at least keep the water a bit more livable.

http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/12/obama_signs_pallone_bill_to_keep_plastics_out_of_w .html#comments

As a real right winger, I must say calling Christie ""super right wing"" is a bit of a stretch, don't you think??.. Real righties don't get elected in NJ, or NY for that matter...
Pallone's voting record is leftist/progressive all the way, and always has been. He votes with the other Democrats in Congress 93% of the time. Typical party hack..
You need to do some research.The man always votes against business and for the "progressive agenda". Don't forget NJ shore fishing is a VERY big business state wide His voting record is available online.. As long as NY/NJ insists on electing tree hugging progressives of EITHER party, the fishing opportunities will continue to dry up.. take a look at the state of California the Democrat/socialist mecca. Huge no fishing areas in the ocean. Is that what you really want for NJ?... Keep electing leftists.. you'll get there.

12-31-2015, 06:42 PM
How many of us from PA. would be there marching, writing, calling, whatever to try to help, but our vote doesn't count to the politicians I guess. Already so many of us send $ to all the groups we hope will help, already...
We love to just get out, despite spending hundreds, to just go fish. But having something to bring home for the family plate is a bit of a big deal too. Sick as it might sound to people close to the ocean, that fluke, striper, tog dinner is more valued than a freakin lobster to many of us.
What, if anything can your fellow state fisherman do to help? :confused:

12-31-2015, 10:14 PM
I'm confused about just why a government (federal) agency has to be involved in all of this. Are they trying to protect the fish? Do the fish now belong to the government? If they stayed out of all of this, would we wipe out every fluke in the ocean? If they were afraid of a total species decimation, how long would it take to happen? It reminds me of the fear mongers who would have us believe the world is ending due to climate change. Or, are they protecting us? Can anyone please explain this to me?

For whom are the limits being set and why? Are they set so there will be fish in the future for us? Isn't now the future that the limits were set to protect by the government so many years ago? How well did those past regulations work out for us now? What do we have to show for it? We have more regulations by a government agency to replace the regulations that the same government agency told us would protect our fishery if we abided by the rules. Could they have been wrong?

Did anyone hear or read an admission by anyone in any of the agencies that their previous regulations failed to meet their goals. Could they ever be wrong?
If they are, they will never admit it. All they do is adjust their quotas and bag and size limits and are never evaluated. Besides, who would evaluate them? Does that work where you work? Try being wrong time after time. NOAA is the same agency which predicts our weather. Are they ever fired for their mistakes? They are funded by our taxes and yet they tell us what to do!

Do you think politicians will interfere with the operations of a government agency? Do you think any of our state representatives will evaluate the body of work of the people who propose the regulations? Of course they won't because the politicians voted on the regulations. If Palone or any of his cronies were to chastise or criticize the government regulators, they would be criticizing themselves because they put the regulations into law.

This all smells of the excrement of bulls.

12-31-2015, 10:19 PM
Sit in your garage, turn the car on and wait... How's the climate? Now extrapolate that over billions and billions of gallons and pretend earth is the garage... Climate change is real and one of the greatest dangers and challenges our children will face.

To the matter at hand I don't know what the big agenda is but I do know if not for regulations you'd need the Lorax to save the fish. Not from us but from the commercials. They would fish it till every last fish is gone. I don't think recreational people should be punished for corporate greed. Thats the real issue here. Individual anglers and the businesses we frequent are being damaged for no reason. Hook and line can never do the damage the draggers are doing.

Gerry Zagorski
01-01-2016, 09:12 AM
The regulation issues we face are due to a few things:

First and foremost is the Magnison Stevens Act. It's purpose of this act and the 2007 revisions to it were:
- Acting to conserve fishery resources
- Supporting enforcement of international fishing agreements
- Promoting fishing in line with conservation principles
- Providing for the implementation of fishery management plans (FMPs) which achieve optimal yield
- Establishing Regional Fishery Management Councils to steward fishery resources through the preparation, monitoring, and revising of plans which (A) enable stake holders to participate in the administration of fisheries and (B) consider social and economic needs of states.
- Developing underutilized fisheries
- Protecting essential fish habitats
- Additionally, the law calls for reducing bycatch and establishing fishery information monitoring systems.

That all sounds pretty good right??

Well as usual and just like the Affordable Health Care Act, although it sounds great in theory, the reality is not so good.

With the act we are losing the ability as a state to control our regs within our state boundaries. The fisheries management is now regionalized so states can no longer choose different regs... You saw it with Fluke and Stripers recently and you'll probably see it with Blackfish soon too. Problem here is we as states have no individuality and no say in our local waters so like it or not, we get what the Regional Councils decide.

Next is as a result of the Act, if a fishery is deemed to be in trouble, the government has no flexibility and by law they need to take measures to protect the fishery. They do this by either making the regs more restrictive or in extreme cases, closing an entire fishery down. I think I speak for most of us recreationals when I say "if a fishery really is in trouble, then let's do what we need to do to bring it back". Problem here is we are told we are overfishing and stocks are in decline or headed that way and the science they use for stock assessment are flawed.

So what we need to do is 2 fold. Politically we need to try and add some Flexibilty to the Magnuson Stevens Act and have our interests better represented in the Regional Fisheries Management Councils. At the same time we need to force the government to use proper science and methods to assess the stocks.

Thats why I support the NJRFA and the SSFFF. RFA is fighting more on the political side and the SSFFF is fighting the science.

01-01-2016, 10:47 AM
Another group:


01-01-2016, 12:02 PM
Hook and line can never do the damage the draggers are doing.

I used to agree with that statement.. for decades.. I can't any longer, just too many people fishing these days, with equipment and knowledge that could only be dreamed of only a decade or two ago..

The population in the NY/NJ metroplex is staggering, and the pressure on inshore and offshore fish is relentless.. We need some regulation, thats for sure. Things have changed, and we really can no longer take what we want.. What we DO need is some common sense regulation.. Fluke are a prime example of what NOT to do.. Take ONLY the biggest fish out of the population, and throw all the small ones back??.. Stupidity, dreamed up by some non fishing egghead bureaucrat no doubt. Realistic slot limits make a lot more sense to me, but what do I know.. Let recs take a few smaller fish home to eat, and NOT keep all the breeders they catch on any given day. most fishermen would be happy to release some of their larger fluke if they could take some eating size fish... bob

Gerry Zagorski
01-01-2016, 01:55 PM
I used to agree with that statement.. for decades.. I can't any longer, just too many people fishing these days, with equipment and knowledge that could only be dreamed of only a decade or two ago..

The population in the NY/NJ metroplex is staggering, and the pressure on inshore and offshore fish is relentless.. We need some regulation, thats for sure. Things have changed, and we really can no longer take what we want.. What we DO need is some common sense regulation.. Fluke are a prime example of what NOT to do.. Take ONLY the biggest fish out of the population, and throw all the small ones back??.. Stupidity, dreamed up by some non fishing egghead bureaucrat no doubt. Realistic slot limits make a lot more sense to me, but what do I know.. Let recs take a few smaller fish home to eat, and NOT keep all the breeders they catch on any given day. most fishermen would be happy to release some of their larger fluke if they could take some eating size fish... bob

I absolutely agree. A slot limit encourages the release of the the larger fish which are the breeders... If I remember correctly I saw some data that said 90% of the fluke over 19 inches are females. If our regs are 18 inches or more, aren't we encouraging the keeping the larger breeders?

01-01-2016, 04:25 PM
I bet if I look back 6 or 7 years on this board I can find posts where I and others have asked for Slot fluke. It makes perfect sense. I'm sure recs can do damage to stock. But we're not literally destroying the ocean bottom doing it. I still think the burden of conservation needs to be on the ones who can do the absolute most damage to the stock. Not that we shouldn't adhere to rules, of course we should. But they need to make sense. And commercials keeping 16" fish while we search for 18s is ridiculous.

Gerry Zagorski
01-01-2016, 05:16 PM
I bet if I look back 6 or 7 years on this board I can find posts where I and others have asked for Slot fluke. It makes perfect sense. I'm sure recs can do damage to stock. But we're not literally destroying the ocean bottom doing it. I still think the burden of conservation needs to be on the ones who can do the absolute most damage to the stock. Not that we shouldn't adhere to rules, of course we should. But they need to make sense. And commercials keeping 16" fish while we search for 18s is ridiculous.

I brought the slot limit up at the last SSFFF meeting and the scientists looked at me like I had 3 eyes.... Not sure if that was because they thought it was a bad idea or impractical.... Hope someone can shed some light on this as it make perfect sense to me, but I'm no scientist.

Capt Joe
01-01-2016, 05:27 PM
Hook and line can never do the damage the draggers are doing.

One of the few correct statements in this entire thread.

Gerry Zagorski
01-01-2016, 06:11 PM
One of the few correct statements in this entire thread.
Care to enlighten us Capt Joe??

Joey Dah Fish
01-01-2016, 06:30 PM
I will also enter my 7 cents. The rec guys don't get out slot of days. When they do they are forced to throw back fish that are mortally wounded because of size limits. How many sea bass do you throw back while fluking ? How many guys fishing with bait have to throw back gut hooked fish. How many sea bass come up from 90 feet with there guts hanging out? Now on to the commercial by catch how many fish do they kill as a by catch ? Imagine if they could bring them to market and sell them. They would only have to fish probably half the days they do now to make the same money. Slot this !!!! Take what you want but be smart about the resource. Soon we won't even be fishing because these fkrs will ban boats and fishing poles.

01-01-2016, 08:29 PM
I used to agree with that statement.. for decades.. I can't any longer, just too many people fishing these days, with equipment and knowledge that could only be dreamed of only a decade or two ago..

The population in the NY/NJ metroplex is staggering, and the pressure on inshore and offshore fish is relentless.. We need some regulation, thats for sure. Things have changed, and we really can no longer take what we want.. What we DO need is some common sense regulation.. Fluke are a prime example of what NOT to do.. Take ONLY the biggest fish out of the population, and throw all the small ones back??.. Stupidity, dreamed up by some non fishing egghead bureaucrat no doubt. Realistic slot limits make a lot more sense to me, but what do I know.. Let recs take a few smaller fish home to eat, and NOT keep all the breeders they catch on any given day. most fishermen would be happy to release some of their larger fluke if they could take some eating size fish... bob

Correct me if I'm wrong but I remember back in the 60's and 70's when there were no creel limit or size limit on fluke and or flounder and year after year fluke and flounder were in abundance. Were there as many recreational boats fishing for them....no but there were a lot of boats. I remember spring flounder fishing in Shark River, a small sliver of water and people were lined on the bulkheads catching 40 / 50 flounder a day. There were all sizes as well which is the sign of a healthy fishery. Fluke fishing was phenomenal. I think the only difference today is the bigger fluke are more targeted by people fishing structure and jigs as opposed to open bottom back years ago. Definitely a difference from years gone by but both of those fisheries had heavy recreational pressure, maybe not comparable to today but heavy nonetheless, and every year the fish were there in numbers. I still believe recreational fishing can't destroy a fishery. It has it's impact but the issue here is commercial netting plain and simple. I agree the regs supporting the larger breeders being retained is insane and hurting the fishery but the main issue is commercial over harvest. How is it possible with basically a closed season for what 7 or more years now the flounder fishery is still in the shape it's in. That fishery should be completely rebuilt. Either the biomass was completely wiped out or these fish are being netted off shore. Today's commercial fleet coupled with advanced technology is wiping out one species of fish after another. And recreational guys bear that cross. I agree with Hammer the government is heading us down a pay per catch path. Our resource is no longer our resource. It's being bartered and sold to foreign interests or to the highest domestic bidder. As I said, there are no regulations on our boat this year, we'll use our conscience to determine catch regulations until someone can show the resource is a shared resource for all to enjoy.

You want to witness the problem first hand and see what happens every day along the eastern seaboard and throughout the world. One day take a trip to the Co-op, the commercial fishery not the retail store, on Channel Drive in Point and watch the tonnage of fish and shell fish being off loaded. It's absolutely insane. When the long liners come in, check out their catch as well. And then come back to the board and tell everyone the politicians haven't sold our resources to the highest bidders and the system isn't slanted towards commercial interests. It's a bullshit game and the recreational sector pays the price every year so government and big business can profit from our cuts. Time for another tea party guys....it's that simple. I'm with Captain Ron 100% on this one. Every year it's the same BS and every year it's the same idiots tightening the screws.

01-01-2016, 10:57 PM
How long have "limits" on fluke been in existence. I remember the start of them, but I've forgotten just what year they all started. I remember that the early size limits were under 15" ( I think). They kept creeping up every few years until we got to where we are now. No one liked the limits back then, yet we were told that size and bag limits were going to save the fluke fishery. We didn't even know the fishery was in trouble but we accepted the proposals. There was no problem catching lots of fluke along the beaches so why was there such a doom and gloom forecast for the future? But, an increase of 1/2 inch didn't sound too extreme.

Until then, we could catch and keep the same size fluke as the commercial draggers did. The party boats were fishing along the beaches and their customers were happy with the 15" fluke they were taking home. That went on for years. There was never a time when that size fish was not around. How is that different now? Even with the draggers, the fishery was never decimated. It still isn't. There would still be plenty of fish around if the size limits were dropped to 15 inches.

So, even though the size limits were smaller than today, the fluke fishery continued to grow. Did fish growth suddenly change? How much do the scientists want the fluke populations to grow? Taking smaller fish never hurt the overall fishery before. Why would that not be true today? What is the proposed fluke population benchmark?

This mess has been going on for too long. Someone needs to call the scientists on the carpet and ask them how their regulations are working? Did they work in the 80's, and 90's? If they did, why didn't we stick with those limits? If they didn't work, explain why. They have to be accountable for their actions. I have to think the reason why they keep changing the limits is because they are constantly underestimating the total populations and yet they are still employed. There's nothing worse than moving the goal line back every time someone gets close to scoring. That's the way it seems to me.

By suggesting a "slot" limit, we are caving in to the regulators. By compromising with them, we are admitting that we accept their proposals. I used to think that slot limits were a reasonable answer for all of us. Now, I'd rather set my own limits and not give in.

01-02-2016, 07:48 AM
And commercials keeping 16" fish while we search for 18s is ridiculous.

The commercial size is 14 inches......
The 3 year study funded by SSFFF and done by Rutgers, proved that over 90% of 18 inch fish were female.
Unfortunately, all that data and hard work was tossed because it was an independent Study!! Now it is going to be done all over again "WITH" the blessing and credit going to you know who!

Gerry Zagorski
01-02-2016, 09:17 AM
The commercial size is 14 inches......
The 3 year study funded by SSFFF and done by Rutgers, proved that over 90% of 18 inch fish were female.
Unfortunately, all that data and hard work was tossed because it was an independent Study!! Now it is going to be done all over again "WITH" the blessing and credit going to you know who!

Funny, isn't in Ron? Here is a Federal Agency, NOAA with a 5 billion dollar budget with almost 1 billion dedicated to National Marine Fisheries Service and we need to pay for the research?

Not saying this isn't the right approach, but you'd think that a billion dollars would buy us the best science.

For those of you not in the loop, let me try and explain what is going on here.
- Our quotas for fluke are determined by the stock assessment studies done by the National Marine Fisheries Service branch of NOAA.
- We think the science behind these studies is flawed.
- NMFS agrees the science could be better but say they can't afford it.
- Last time around SSFFF paid for a study which indicated the science was flawed. They tried to present the study info at the NMFS meeting and were treated like outsiders because it was not "their" study.
- We've changed our tact to work on the inside now. Rather then do an independent study, we and others are giving them monies targeted to improve the science of their studies of stock assessments.

It's important to note that the SSFFF monies are going directly to science and not to buy political influence or favor. No one at the SSFFF is paid a salary or getting reimbursed for their expenses. It's a 100% volunteer organization 100% dedicated to the Fluke Fishery.

It's also important to note that there is no guarantee that the studies we are supporting will get us more favorable regulations. That is dependent on what the study findings are. So, this is not an exercise to try and get more quota. Rather, it's an exercise to get better science to assess the stocks which will lead to the proper quotas.

I hope you will all consider supporting the SSFFF and thanks to the generosity of everyone who supported our fund raising activities at the Christmas party, we will be sending the SSFFF a check for $870.

More funds are needed for the study so please visit www.ssfff.net to learn more and consider contributing to this important fund.

Thanks for listening to my long rant and lets muster all the support we can to support the SSFFF and the future of a healthy Fluke fishery for us and the generations to come.

Capt. Debbie
01-04-2016, 10:48 AM
Captain Ron stop making sense. You know this is the same old sh*t year after year no matter who's there.

That's why Trump is inexplicably leading.. he's not PC and honest. A politician will say anything at any time that suits their needs. Doesn't matter which party.. it's just same sh*t different day is all.

"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.:mad:

01-04-2016, 11:08 AM
Screw all the science until after they show its not about them making money.

If any science fouled or not was used to make an actual determination of fish counts showed their wasnt a sustainable fishery ,
then why are they SELLING fish quota's of fluke 30000 pounds at a shot, to WHO EVER wants t buy them , thats the REAL question.

The second question would be when they are selling those quotas outside of our local waters to foriegn interests how they are enforcing those poundages arent exceeded

01-04-2016, 11:30 AM
Cant wait to see the numbers they will say recs caught in the month of Sept. when everyone was blown out for most of the month. I agree a rod and reel can never harm a fishery. Take a draggers nets when the doors dig in or the roller gear. Mesh size of nets dont have a conscious. Once the back of that net gets clogged with keepers and junkfish everything else is killed by sheer suffocation. Quota filled, shovel back all the dead without discrimination. Yet a rod and reel can catch a limit and quit fishing. Nets arent that smart. Rod and reel - lets start at a 50/50 shot. get a bite miss it. Draggers no miss. Get another bite, miss it. Draggers dont miss. The fish doesnt like your offering doesnt like it, doesnt take a second look, swims away. Draggers - no bait no miss. So you can sell the BS that rod and reel can compare. Add up all their tows and the days they are out while most are tied to the dock, it will never compare. We take this BS of cuts YOY, the recs do their part and yet some still look to give back,lol. Yea right.... Bridge for sale any interest.

01-04-2016, 01:07 PM
I've wanted a slot for fluke for years. Say 2 fish between 16"-18". I just hate unhooking a tourists' gut hooked 17 incher and tossing it back knowing it's crab food. It's such a waste.

01-04-2016, 01:19 PM
Cant wait to see the numbers they will say recs caught in the month of Sept. when everyone was blown out for most of the month. I agree a rod and reel can never harm a fishery. Take a draggers nets when the doors dig in or the roller gear. Mesh size of nets dont have a conscious. Once the back of that net gets clogged with keepers and junkfish everything else is killed by sheer suffocation. Quota filled, shovel back all the dead without discrimination. Yet a rod and reel can catch a limit and quit fishing. Nets arent that smart. Rod and reel - lets start at a 50/50 shot. get a bite miss it. Draggers no miss. Get another bite, miss it. Draggers dont miss. The fish doesnt like your offering doesnt like it, doesnt take a second look, swims away. Draggers - no bait no miss. So you can sell the BS that rod and reel can compare. Add up all their tows and the days they are out while most are tied to the dock, it will never compare. We take this BS of cuts YOY, the recs do their part and yet some still look to give back,lol. Yea right.... Bridge for sale any interest.

everytime I see about how Recs cant hurt a fishery makes me think there must be alot more guys who just dont know how to fish then im accustomed t talking to .

sure a dragger goes through an area and the fish are caught. no denying that, they dont have to want to bite, they dont have to get hooked etc.
but each of them is taking 500 pounds a day. and really there arent that many net boats here. no where near the days to fish we get to.

a good charter boat with boat limits of 6 guys can put between 70 and 120 pounds in the boat. add up all the charter boats, good private boats, then all the head boats and you would see , we also put a serious hurting on the fish each week.

last season when guys cried there were no fish around, the draggers were staying local, and doing short drags for their daily quota.

there were ALOT of fish around.
but if you were not fishing the small areas holding bait you werent going to find fish.
they arent going to stay in areas that lack food.

guys who looked and found the bait had quick limits each day.
but still in all.
I am SURE the guys I know who fish alot and put their time in , caught way more fish than the local draggers took

01-04-2016, 01:20 PM
then why are they SELLING fish quota's of fluke 30000 pounds at a shot, to WHO EVER wants t buy them , thats the REAL question.

Is there a limit to the quota that's for sale? Because if there is, I would assume that cap is based off the data as well (flawed or not).

01-07-2016, 10:53 AM
Now it's wait and see! Length of season, bag limit and size of fish! They got us where they want us! Sorry to say!

Gerry Zagorski
01-07-2016, 05:52 PM
So can someone tell me this.....

1) If we are selling Fluke quota to domestic or foreign commercial interests, it should be public record and I'd like to see evidence.

2) If it's is in fact happening, are they sharing in our overall quota?

3) How are their catch limits being monitored ?

4) Where does that money go?

The factual answers to these questions are a total game changer to me. We need answers and proof.

01-07-2016, 09:01 PM
So can someone tell me this.....

1) If we are selling Fluke quota to domestic or foreign commercial interests, it should be public record and I'd like to see evidence.

2) If it's is in fact happening, are they sharing in our overall quota?

3) How are their catch limits being monitored ?

4) Where does that money go?

The factual answers to these questions are a total game changer to me. We need answers and proof.

I reached out to the guy that showed me that info. I will post it once i get the links from him

01-08-2016, 12:51 PM
what does that mean?

I know its only 1 line but you should be able to read between it.

Gerry Zagorski
01-08-2016, 02:45 PM
I reached out to the guy that showed me that info. I will post it once i get the links from him

Thanks Dan I'd be real interested to get my hands on this info.

Dave A
01-09-2016, 06:23 AM
Lots of opinions, wrong info, and bitching going on here but I did not see any of you or hear any of your thoughts, or opinions (with the exception of Paul Haertel and myself) at the meeting this past Thursday night...just saying

01-09-2016, 04:54 PM
Thanks Dan I'd be real interested to get my hands on this info.

WAS told the fluke are sold from the set aside amount established by the NMFS.
he said 2 years ago you could buy lots of 30000 pounds for 75 grand,, he was going to call and see what the amounts are for this year.
He said they go on sale in the beginning of each year.

said most commercial guys wont touch them as they cant make enough money to justify the expense ,

here is a link that explains some of it


he said that amount is split among all the states combined catch


Dave A
01-10-2016, 06:45 AM
Like I said... wrong information

01-10-2016, 08:03 AM
Like I said... wrong information

Dave its info coming straight from a holder of a federal permit who can buy from that allotment.
who has fished commercially for 40 years. Im pretty sure he totally understands how it works

in 2013 when he first looked into it their was over 500,000 pounds of summer flounder available for purchase

01-15-2016, 09:46 AM
When this all started I said don't rely on Pallone. He uses fisherman like cheap whores. I was savaged. Well look where We are now. He doesn't care and is in the minority party in congress. I hope He gets a disease and dies.

Capt Joe
01-18-2016, 01:04 AM
"...everytime I see about how Recs cant hurt a fishery makes me think there must be alot more guys who just dont know how to fish then im accustomed t talking to .

sure a dragger goes through an area and the fish are caught. no denying that, they dont have to want to bite, they dont have to get hooked etc.
but each of them is taking 500 pounds a day. and really there arent that many net boats here. no where near the days to fish we get to.

a good charter boat with boat limits of 6 guys can put between 70 and 120 pounds in the boat....

last season when guys cried there were no fish around, the draggers were staying local, and doing short drags for their daily quota.

there were ALOT of fish around.
but if you were not fishing the small areas holding bait you werent going to find fish.
they arent going to stay in areas that lack food.

guys who looked and found the bait had quick limits each day.
but still in all.
I am SURE the guys I know who fish alot and put their time in , caught way more fish than the local draggers took........."

Did someone actually post this dribble?

01-18-2016, 08:28 AM
"...everytime I see about how Recs cant hurt a fishery makes me think there must be alot more guys who just dont know how to fish then im accustomed t talking to .

sure a dragger goes through an area and the fish are caught. no denying that, they dont have to want to bite, they dont have to get hooked etc.
but each of them is taking 500 pounds a day. and really there arent that many net boats here. no where near the days to fish we get to.

a good charter boat with boat limits of 6 guys can put between 70 and 120 pounds in the boat....

last season when guys cried there were no fish around, the draggers were staying local, and doing short drags for their daily quota.

there were ALOT of fish around.
but if you were not fishing the small areas holding bait you werent going to find fish.
they arent going to stay in areas that lack food.

guys who looked and found the bait had quick limits each day.
but still in all.
I am SURE the guys I know who fish alot and put their time in , caught way more fish than the local draggers took........."

Did someone actually post this dribble?

On some boats all you need is one fluke!