Ocean Explorer
12-27-2015, 07:02 PM
12-27-15 We were greeted with a big ground swell this morning on the way out....I think it was the main cause for the bad fishing we had today,,It was tough to get any good bite to develop any where we stopped...made quite a few moves and could not get anything good going....just pick some fish here and there....So overall not good at all today,,a few guys did limit out,,,High hook had 7 keepers and others had 3,or 4 keeper,,some two or one but alot got none...just couldnt get enough to go around today..Im glad some did well but not enough for my liking...well enough complaining about today...As for tomorrow it is not looking good at all,,,,,Northeast winds 15-20 with gusts to 30,,seas 4-7 feet....I dont like our chances of getting out so I am gonna cancel and save some of you the drive and maybe get stuck with going home if its to rough in the morning..Tuesday looks even worse so lets take a couple of days off and maybe start back up on Wednesday..I will let you know here....here are a few pics from today....