View Full Version : Mackerel

12-19-2015, 09:28 AM
Any reports. Looks like the macks have gone the way of the whiting in NJ.

I miss 'em and could go for a cooler full.


12-19-2015, 10:45 AM
Water is at least 5 degrees too warm

12-19-2015, 01:33 PM
I haven't seen good fishing for big Bostons in a long time.. They have become a highly regarded species for sashemi from what I have read, and when a fish species is desirable eaten raw, especially overseas in Asian markets, it tends to disappear.. Wiki says their preferred temperature is 52-57, so I am not sure its too warm for them. Could be I guess. In summertime they are caught from docks in bays and coastal rivers in Maine, and the water is in the 50's-60-s up there mid summer.. Personally, I think too many have been netted and eaten.. I hope time proves me wrong... bob

12-19-2015, 03:31 PM
I never caught them here in any number when the water temp was above the high 40s, other than tinkers. The bluefish have to be gone before you will possibly see them. There have to be small sandeels and other bait for them to eat to draw the mackerel inshore.

12-19-2015, 03:53 PM
There was a school at the mud dump last Sunday getting torn up by blues. Hooked one on my bare hook while togging out there. Saw em on the screen too.

12-19-2015, 04:24 PM
I never caught them here in any number when the water temp was above the high 40s, other than tinkers. The bluefish have to be gone before you will possibly see them. There have to be small sandeels and other bait for them to eat to draw the mackerel inshore.

That does make sense actually... They are not compatible with big schools of stripers and blues in a feeding frenzy, thats for sure.. Was not taking into consideration the fact that in this El Nino year we still have blues, and lots of them.. at Christmas time... I am an old timer, and must admit never remembering blues still around at this late date...I DO recall years past that when the macs showed up in the spring, they would be around thick, until the first blues started to show, and then they were gone quick!

Maybe the macs will show later this winter... or not... bob

12-20-2015, 12:41 AM
And white people love hamburgers and there are still plenty of cows left

What's your plucking point ?

Look, stick your head in the sand if you want.. Facts are facts.. Mackerel were hyper abundant for hundreds of years, until recently when people in Asia started eating them raw, and paying big money to do so..They have been decimated here, and across the atlantic as well.
I am not a tree hugger. I am as radical right as they come.However, I grow weary of every year seeing fewer and fewer fish off the coast of NY/NJ.. Someone is catching these fish... They are gone from areas where they were abundant in the extreme..

Here's proof.. just look at the numbers, they should scare you...


12-20-2015, 08:56 AM
on a happier note for the future, a buddy of mine did a mixed bag trip out in the canyon recently and while deep dropping (600)' was bringing up a decent number of whiting that were inhaling the smaller squids on the way down...:D

Gerry Zagorski
12-20-2015, 11:46 AM
Can we please not turn this into another pissing contest

If you have a different opinion on something state it respectfully. :mad:

12-20-2015, 12:09 PM
Can we please not turn this into another pissing contest

If you have a different opinion on something state it respectfully. :mad:

My apologies Gerry, just defending my personal observations ,perhaps a tad too vigorously.. Thats why I provided the link .. Not trying to start arguments,that for sure.... bob

12-20-2015, 01:12 PM
Havent heard a thing on mackeral this year at all. Then again, this weather is absolutely insane.

Never a big fan of eating them, but the spring ritual of catching a seasons worth of bait on spring trip seems so long ago.

Family tradition for years heading out on the Palace II on Mothers Day loading up on Bostons every year. Miss that stuff!

ALS Mako
12-22-2015, 04:05 PM
Got word that the macks were out thick by block island last week. They are on the way down. Just a matter if they come in reach. The fish are there but for the last decade or so they have been crossing too far off the coast to make it worth while for the boats to go after them.

12-22-2015, 04:14 PM
Smoked macks are awesome. Almost as good as smoked bluefish

12-22-2015, 06:01 PM
Smoked bluefish are good but smoked whiting are the best sure do miss them. Even thinking of doing a trip up north next fall hear they catch them good up there. But back to Mackerel after the foreign fleets just about wiped them out in the 70's before the 200 mile limit fishing is nowhere like it used to be. You always had spring and late fall winter fishing for all the Mackerel you wanted

ALS Mako
12-22-2015, 07:17 PM
I remember the spring mack runs well. It's been a while since there was a decent spring fishery . Not that the fish aren't there but that they migrate too far offshore. I may be mistaken but I do believe the stocks are healthy.....there isn't a limit on them!

Captain Rich
12-22-2015, 07:34 PM
Havent heard a thing on mackeral this year at all. Then again, this weather is absolutely insane.

Never a big fan of eating them, but the spring ritual of catching a seasons worth of bait on spring trip seems so long ago.

Family tradition for years heading out on the Palace II on Mothers Day loading up on Bostons every year. Miss that stuff!

Palace II--- Now There's a Blast from the Past !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

12-22-2015, 07:40 PM
I remember the spring mack runs well. It's been a while since there was a decent spring fishery . Not that the fish aren't there but that they migrate too far offshore. I may be mistaken but I do believe the stocks are healthy.....there isn't a limit on them!

With all due respect,the stocks are a fraction of what they were.. They have virtually disappeared from huge swaths of their historic range, especially in the northern parts of the western Atlantic, and most of Europe. I posted the tonnage landed over the years, and its about 10% of what it used to be..
Western LI Sound used to have them every spring, and small boaters had great fishing right in close to the harbors.. they haven't had them in years out there.. I have been hearing the "they migrate offshore these days" for years now, but personally, I don't buy it.. Like Whiting, I think too many were netted for too long.. they are prolific breeders, and we could have a strong year class before long, and I hope we do... bob

12-23-2015, 08:11 AM
There are plenty of mackerel left....they simply are not here. I often fish cape cod for BFT and they are the choice bait. Each time I was there (4 days), I could have caught mackerel from sun up to sun down (they would only bite after sun up).

12-23-2015, 09:13 AM
With all due respect,the stocks are a fraction of what they were.. They have virtually disappeared from huge swaths of their historic range, especially in the northern parts of the western Atlantic, and most of Europe. I posted the tonnage landed over the years, and its about 10% of what it used to be..
Western LI Sound used to have them every spring, and small boaters had great fishing right in close to the harbors.. they haven't had them in years out there.. I have been hearing the "they migrate offshore these days" for years now, but personally, I don't buy it.. Like Whiting, I think too many were netted for too long.. they are prolific breeders, and we could have a strong year class before long, and I hope we do... bob

The latest assessment of the Northwest Atlantic mackerel stock concluded that they are not overfished and overfishing is not occurring. I agree with previous posters that it may be a change in distribution. With climate change, water temps have been increasing and that may have an effect on how far south the bulk of the stock travels and how long they stay. Data has shown the bulk of the whiting have been moving northward over the years. Overfishing is not always the reason when you see changes in abundance.

12-23-2015, 09:19 AM
Palace II--- Now There's a Blast from the Past !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I grew up fishing with my brother for whiting and ling on the Palace II. My father would take us and we would fish and he would play poker;) I think sometimes more guys played cards than fished:D

bunker dunker
12-23-2015, 09:48 AM
In those days there was a poker game every trip.there were so many whiting,ling and mackerel around that the guys would fish for 1 hour and play poker for 6.my father would take us every Christmas eve day out on the old wooden dauntless.

Capt. Debbie
12-23-2015, 10:02 AM
Recent years most migration reports are WAY offshore.

I haven't seen good fishing for big Bostons in a long time.. They have become a highly regarded species for sashemi from what I have read, and when a fish species is desirable eaten raw, especially overseas in Asian markets, it tends to disappear.. Wiki says their preferred temperature is 52-57, so I am not sure its too warm for them. Could be I guess. In summertime they are caught from docks in bays and coastal rivers in Maine, and the water is in the 50's-60-s up there mid summer.. Personally, I think too many have been netted and eaten.. I hope time proves me wrong... bob

Capt. Debbie
12-23-2015, 10:05 AM
I never had macks mixed in with ling and whiting. Different targeting.

The rigs are different with clams or plain baitless teasers and a big jig on the bottom.

One resides the winter. The other is migratory ( BOSTON mackerel) just passing through. Mackerel had distinct "runs" Fall and spring , but really never lasted more that a few weeks.

Scotland was a hotspot. And occasionally the old Ambrose tower back in the day.

In those days there was a poker game every trip.there were so many whiting,ling and mackerel around that the guys would fish for 1 hour and play poker for 6.my father would take us every Christmas eve day out on the old wooden dauntless.

12-23-2015, 10:18 AM
I never had macks mixed in with ling and whiting. Different targeting.

The rigs are different with clams or plain baitless teasers and a big jig on the bottom.

One resides the winter. The other is migratory ( BOSTON mackerel) just passing through. Mackerel had distinct "runs" Fall and spring , but really never lasted more that a few weeks.

Scotland was a hotspot. And occasionally the old Ambrose tower back in the day.

I agree... There was some mixing of course, but rarely did we see mackerel in huge numbers during whiting/ling fishing... We used to see macs in mid April up until early May. 3 week season really most years, Maybe a month if we were lucky. Once the vanguard of the bluefish hordes showed, the macs disappeared FAST, and weren't seen again until the following winter, again for a short time, with a few stragglers caught here and there by Whiting fishermen.. If I caught a Mackerel while Whiting fishing years ago, it was usually a Tinker... Personally never saw a lot of big Bostons with Whiting, but I am very sure many members here have.. bob

12-23-2015, 10:30 AM
Mackeral are not eaten raw, at least not at sushi bars. And all sushi is not raw btw. They are marinated. Many sushi places marinate them too long and the result is a leathery texture and sour taste. But done right they are some of the best eating fish on the menu.

bunker dunker
12-23-2015, 11:09 AM
we would catch herring,mackerel,whiting and ling on the same trips in December on the same rig.two silver teasers and a 4oz or 6oz bridgeport.

12-23-2015, 02:48 PM
Are the Boston Macks a different species than the Altantic Mack? I only ask because the last two summers there were Boston Macks in with the smaller blues mid-summer. Caught them on the PP head boats. Pretty much all you can catch as well when chumming..

12-23-2015, 03:24 PM
Here is a clip from 2001. My son Jeremy before he discovered the NFL, when he would still fish with me. Cold Day on a virtually empty Dauntless. As many Macks as you wanted.


12-23-2015, 04:10 PM
If you don't think Mackerel are eaten raw go on the Miss Belmar some time in the winter when they are catching mackerel I sure some of the Koreans on board will offer you some.

12-23-2015, 04:11 PM
Are the Boston Macks a different species than the Altantic Mack? I only ask because the last two summers there were Boston Macks in with the smaller blues mid-summer. Caught them on the PP head boats. Pretty much all you can catch as well when chumming..

Those were goggle eyed macks which were really effing annoying when trying to get blues & albies. I guess some people found them appetizing but no comparison to the Bostons. Like they were a different species. Now if they were Bostons, man, we'd still be talking about that run.

12-23-2015, 05:44 PM
Mackeral are not eaten raw, at least not at sushi bars. And all sushi is not raw btw. They are marinated. Many sushi places marinate them too long and the result is a leathery texture and sour taste. But done right they are some of the best eating fish on the menu.

They can be eaten raw, but only when freshly caught... In sushi bars they are salted down for 3-4 hours, washed in rice vinegar, and then served,,, Yes technically they are not raw, but a 3 hour salt pack doesn't qualify as cooked to me, however, I defer, most Mackerel in sushi bars are not eaten raw.. Problem is they are still being depleted from here to canada, and throughout their vast range in the eastern Atlantic, mostly in the name of sushi..

Shime Saba is what its called, its extremely popular in Japan, Europe and the states in sushi bars, and sadly many of our Mackerel are ending up there, right alongside the once very abundant Bluefin tuna...

Captain Rich
12-24-2015, 01:59 AM
I grew up fishing with my brother for whiting and ling on the Palace II. My father would take us and we would fish and he would play poker;) I think sometimes more guys played cards than fished:D

I remember seeing that too, it was an eye opener for a kid peeking in! Everybody smoking down in the cabin, poker playing, bottle of strong stuff being passed around. The regulars all knew me, wouldn't let me down there.:D Cut my teeth on Bingle Banana's and Bluefish.

12-24-2015, 11:23 AM
Wasn't anybody fluking this summer. We were catching them on fluke rigs on the J2 in july and august. I saw one guy with 10 macks on a half day.

12-24-2015, 12:35 PM
Wasn't anybody fluking this summer. We were catching them on fluke rigs on the J2 in july and august. I saw one guy with 10 macks on a half day.

I remember questioning that while it was happening this past summer.. Guys bluefishing and fluking were catching macs... I asked what they were, knowing that Atlantic [Boston] Mackeral spend summers up in Maine and Canada, not off NY/NJ.. One of the charter or party boat captains replied that they were Chub Mackerel.. Never caught one, but IMHO, they should be a welcome addition to the summer fishery if they keep coming back...bob

12-24-2015, 01:53 PM
I remember seeing that too, it was an eye opener for a kid peeking in! Everybody smoking down in the cabin, poker playing, bottle of strong stuff being passed around. The regulars all knew me, wouldn't let me down there.:D Cut my teeth on Bingle Banana's and Bluefish.

sorry to hijack the original topic again....:D

PalaceII brings back many memories, especially the mack trips.

wonder how many of us probably fished together on that boat 30 some years ago!

anyone remember the mates beagle walking around deck on every trip? that dog was tough as nails. didnt matter the weather he would stroll around like he was at the park!

Captain Rich
12-24-2015, 06:51 PM
sorry to hijack the original topic again....:D

PalaceII brings back many memories, especially the mack trips.

wonder how many of us probably fished together on that boat 30 some years ago!

anyone remember the mates beagle walking around deck on every trip? that dog was tough as nails. didnt matter the weather he would stroll around like he was at the park!

The dog(s) would make a den in the busted up concrete before the dock and have pups there. I'm going back further than 30 years though, I'm thinking more like the mid- 60's into the 70's. Hijack the post, it wasn't going anywhere anyhow ...:D:D:D:D

12-24-2015, 06:56 PM
I remember questioning that while it was happening this past summer.. Guys bluefishing and fluking were catching macs... I asked what they were, knowing that Atlantic [Boston] Mackeral spend summers up in Maine and Canada, not off NY/NJ.. One of the charter or party boat captains replied that they were Chub Mackerel.. Never caught one, but IMHO, they should be a welcome addition to the summer fishery if they keep coming back...bob

Ugh! They were one step above dog fish imo in that they are edible, sort of, but you couldn't get past the swarms to target the blues, albies & bones. They were a Godsend to the party boats on slow days though, one throw of the ladle kept the tourists & their kids happy. Frustrating little bastards, put a spearing on a small hook for an albie and boom! Get hit like a freight train and then.....nothing. LOL, fooled again. I did send a few back out live for black tipped sharks, that was fun.

No Fluke
12-28-2015, 05:06 PM
Here is a clip from 2001. My son Jeremy before he discovered the NFL, when he would still fish with me. Cold Day on a virtually empty Dauntless. As many Macks as you wanted.


Brings back great memories. Even trying to even snag a snapper on a Kastmaster to use for Fluking late this summer was an adventure.

Even the annoying sea robin are gone. Is fishing in NJ on life support?