View Full Version : FISH STIX - 12/18 Blackfish Report

Fish Stix
12-19-2015, 08:47 AM
Friday 12/18 had Tim Smith and gang out for their second blackfish trip ever. After last years tough bite for them, boxing around 20 fish, they were dealing with the same issues again! Tough conditions. Just not 10* out!

Went to where we have been fishing and catching, we didn't even get a bite! Went deep thinking maybe cuz of the swell, and it was the dog pound. The guys did pick just a handful of keepers and shorts here. Last stop was pretty good. Fish were biting, but it didn't last long enough to fill the cooler. Despite the odds against them, they boxed 20 keepers and a real lot of shorts for the 5 of them. Not bad considering. The fish were much smaller today....

Took the day off today, 40 knot winds, I'm good....

Capt Kris

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/811C58E4-8202-43A6-B434-817460B1371C_zpslezxteif.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/811C58E4-8202-43A6-B434-817460B1371C_zpslezxteif.jpg.html)