View Full Version : bowfishing for cow nose rays.

12-18-2015, 03:11 PM
Since my thread was locked because guys couldn't debate without getting nasty i wanted to clear a few things as a bowfishing myself who has traveled across the country shooting in 15 different states, as well as being on the bowfishing association of America board of directors.

OK I don't expect everyone to want this to happen and I'll be glad to answer any questions on the subject.

Yes the large explosion of ray population up and down the east coast is believe to caused by the reduced shark population. No one ever said that was a good thing, yet it still leaves the ray populations growing with no natural predators. No we don't want to wipe out the population and as many have said an recreation fishery will never deplete a fishery as long as common sense is used. Especially with the numbers of guys actually practicing bowfishing I don't believe there would be any chance if wiping out the population. It hasn't happened yet in any state south of us down the Atlantic Coast line which every state from Delaware to texas allows saltwater bowfishing.
But I do believe it would either slow the growth of the population or even better stabilize it. It's like white tail deer, was it right we killed off the eastern mountain lion, eastern wolves, and bears, no of course not but without natural predators we now have to control the white tail population through hunting not only for the forests health but also for their own health as uncontrolled would destroy their food sources as the rays are adding to the problem of decreasing shellfish populations

No i highly doubt it opens the door for a commercial fishery of the rays as Maryland and Virginia have tried to open a commercial fishery for several years to help reduce the population but we're unsuccessful. The blind taste test proved to pass yet the visual and sound of cownose stingray ultimately lead to poor sales.

Sure some guys might not see bowfishing as a recreational way to fish. Sure it's not traditional especially here in New Jersey but what is the definition of recreation fishing. Recreation is something you do for fun and fishing is a way to catch a fish. I've done every type of fishing imaginable with all kinds of different types of tackle and techniques, some throughly enjoy others i didn't care for yet as a sportsman I will help fight to all techniques even if it's not one i practice

As far as the current legality of bowfishing currently in marine water it states the only means of recreation fishing is with a rod and reel or a hand line unless specific regulations say otherwise

Then another regulations specifically for spear fishing says one must be fully submerged while spear fishing.

No regulaton states anything about bowfishing leaving it an illegal way to fish in marine waters.

Last in the thread one guy mentions the rays a bottom fish with really no chance of bowfishing being practical for them. Actually cow nose are the diamond shaped rays that swim any where in the water column. On warm sunny days often times they will cruise the surface sun bathing sometimes even lifting their wing tips out of the water. Other times they move into shallow grass flats to feed on crabs. So yes bowfishing for cow nose rays could be very practical here in new jersey if given the chance.

As I said be glad to answer any questions. I don't expect everyone to agree but from sportsman to another I ask guys that believe this makes sense to sign the petetion and help a good cause for open up a recreational fishery

12-18-2015, 03:12 PM

Capt Joe
12-18-2015, 07:17 PM
Gee, didnt know there was an overpopulation of cownose rays anywhere on the planet. Not exactly grinding them up in the propellers in this part of Jersey. When they bend our wheels we will consider supporting bowhunting in the meantime....nah! Leave them be....whats the purpose.

ALS Mako
12-18-2015, 07:55 PM
I for one am for bowfishing of cownose rays. There has been an increase in populations along the jersey shore for sure. As long as the rays are utilized for food and not just for sport I'm all for it.

12-18-2015, 07:56 PM
Gee, didnt know there was an overpopulation of cownose rays anywhere on the planet. Not exactly grinding them up in the propellers in this part of Jersey. When they bend our wheels we will consider supporting bowhunting in the meantime....nah! Leave them be....whats the purpose.

HMMM can say that about every fish we fish for now cant we ?? Not much of an over population of any species anymore. should we leave them all alone too ??

we had more cownose rays hit our fluke baits than ever this year.
on one of the reefs, they actually were a PIA.

if guys want to bowfish for them and can be successful doing it more power to them.
too bad they cant target dog fish too

http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy12/reelmusic/fishing%202015/COWNOSE919_zps4la4rbew.jpg (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/reelmusic/media/fishing%202015/COWNOSE919_zps4la4rbew.jpg.html)

12-19-2015, 02:34 PM
Gee, didnt know there was an overpopulation of cownose rays anywhere on the planet. Not exactly grinding them up in the propellers in this part of Jersey. When they bend our wheels we will consider supporting bowhunting in the meantime....nah! Leave them be....whats the purpose.

Depends where you look,http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae342/delawareriver/Mobile%20Uploads/sting.jpg (http://s986.photobucket.com/user/delawareriver/media/Mobile%20Uploads/sting.jpg.html)http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae342/delawareriver/Mobile%20Uploads/ray1.jpg (http://s986.photobucket.com/user/delawareriver/media/Mobile%20Uploads/ray1.jpg.html)

The purpose Is open up a new recreational fishery while stabilizing a population that is having a negative impact on our local shellfish. As mentioned not sure any game fish species is over populated yet there are recreational fisheries for

Capt Joe
12-19-2015, 02:40 PM
...still waiting for the purpose?

btw, those pics are Gulf of Mexico...not quite NJ

Depends on where you look???????

12-19-2015, 03:34 PM
If I remember correctly, the ray that you show is a blunt nose ray, not a cow nose ray. The mouth is totally different since the blunt nose has a large mouth and eats fish whole and cow nose are bottom feeders, I caught a 30 lb blunt nose in the surf and did some research since I had never seem one like it, totally different from cow nose rays.

12-19-2015, 04:16 PM
...still waiting for the purpose?

btw, those pics are Gulf of Mexico...not quite NJ

Depends on where you look???????

Exactly they school up in the thousands to migrate. I've seen thousands schooled up like this in the Chesapeake bay. What purpose are you looking for? What's the purpose of any type of fishing?

12-19-2015, 04:21 PM
If I remember correctly, the ray that you show is a blunt nose ray, not a cow nose ray. The mouth is totally different since the blunt nose has a large mouth and eats fish whole and cow nose are bottom feeders, I caught a 30 lb blunt nose in the surf and did some research since I had never seem one like it, totally different from cow nose rays.

Blunt nose stingrays, southern sting rays, Atlantic stingrays all found in nj waters are round shape stingrays that live their entire life on bottom. Cownose rays are the diamond shaped more pelagic that can be found anywhere through the water column. The rays pictured on this thread are all cownose rays

12-19-2015, 05:58 PM
Bowfish?? sure why not?.. Might get 3 , maybe even 4 guys a season to try it in the entire state.. I agree, those cow nose rays are a pain when they are around, and i can only imagine how badly they tear up shellfish beds. The schools they run at times are acres across. bob

Capt Joe
12-20-2015, 02:50 PM
Exactly they school up in the thousands to migrate. I've seen thousands schooled up like this in the Chesapeake bay. What purpose are you looking for? What's the purpose of any type of fishing?

Purpose of fishing
catch, clean, feed the family
catch, release, fun
eat that thing? Turd sandwich! ;)
No purpose of bow hunting that thing. Target practice!
JMHO. Take it or leave it.

12-21-2015, 09:01 AM
Purpose of fishing
catch, clean, feed the family
catch, release, fun
eat that thing? Turd sandwich! ;)
No purpose of bow hunting that thing. Target practice!
JMHO. Take it or leave it.

So because you personally don't wanna eat it, then no one can enjoy the resource? Makes perfect sense. JMHO sounds pretty selfish.

Stingrays make great table fare, maybe not 10/10 but they are worthy of eating if the meat is handled properly. If you never tried it I would be glad to fry some up for you next season.

12-21-2015, 09:39 AM
I did 2 kayak fluking trips near the ammo pier this year. Rays were so thick they were hitting my kayak. Lost tons of tackle and braided line,ran out of bait, and caught 2 throw back flukes. Couldn't get past the rays. Never saw them this thick before. Hope the fluke invade like this next year.

12-21-2015, 07:13 PM
i think just go for it man... also please shoot a few bass as well to save plumetting populations of the majestic NJ bunker

12-21-2015, 09:05 PM
i think just go for it man... also please shoot a few bass as well to save plumetting populations of the majestic NJ bunker

Believe rod and reel guys as well as commercial guys up and down the coast kill enough cow bass that at this time that bowfishing them would make little difference. In Louisiana with a huge bowfishing community and the top destination for out state bowfisherman to go, bowfishing only accounts for 3% of the total recreational harvest. It just might be too late for nj bunker

12-21-2015, 11:38 PM
As others have said.....we are entitled to our own opinion(s). I (MY OWN OPINION) prefer to kill or harvest only game or fish that will be eaten. I choose not to hunt geese, as no one wants to eat them. I often hear the invasive species defense.............rays are not an invasive species! I respect you as a hunter, as long as someone is eating the rays you shoot, not burying them in a garden. If there is such an abundance of them, why not catch them on a rod and reel?? Take care, good luck.

12-22-2015, 06:28 AM
Yep every one is entitled to their opinion. Typically you ask a question to 10 guys at a bar you would get 10 answers. Could ask them what hobbies they enjoy the most and you probably will get 10 answers. Well bowfishing is mine. Right now you could rod and reel fish for them and kill as many as you want yet that hasn't stopped the population from growing. Whats your big fear towards bowfishing? And yes I understand the rays are native, but invasive doesn't only mean a species not native, you can refer a native species that becomes overly populated where they can affect ecosystems ad invasive. Good example Is commorants. In many areas of the country they have become so numerous they were starting to affect the ecosystems. Many states have since opened hunting seasonseason for them.

12-22-2015, 06:42 AM
I hear ya was only joking around anyway. good luck w the quest !

12-22-2015, 03:39 PM
wow you guys can argue about anything. you win for "Dumbest thread this week". My question is... what taste better Bergalls or Sea Robins ?

12-22-2015, 04:54 PM
wow you guys can argue about anything. you win for "Dumbest thread this week". My question is... what taste better Bergalls or Sea Robins ?

With 29 posts I'm glad you really contribute to the forum.

Might mean nothing to you yet it is a way of life for others. Bowfished in 15 different states already with two new ones planned already for next year so yeah its kinda a big deal to myself who puts 3 or 4 nights a week on the water some times more from April to november

12-22-2015, 05:19 PM
Bowfishing looks pretty good to me...


Who wouldn't want to attract this crowd?

12-24-2015, 02:33 PM
Ttt have a meeting coming up, would love to have as many signatures as possible

shrimpman steve
12-24-2015, 03:01 PM
Just watched the video. I'm a convert:D (and a pervert):eek:

ALS Mako
12-24-2015, 09:43 PM
Just watched the video. I'm a convert:D (and a pervert):eek:

you were always a pervert...just glad that you can admit it now:cool: