View Full Version : Rod advice for tog/offshore bottom

12-15-2015, 04:24 PM
Im looking to pick up a multi purpose conventional rod for toggin and an occasional offshore bottom trip. I have borrowed a few rods while on boats this season to test and the one that I liked was a Lami not sure the rod # but was like 25-40 or maybe even a bit stiffer a 7footer. Doing some reading alot of guys reccomend the BL7040 as a great tog rod with enough backbone for the heavier weights and jigs used deep bottom. I know everybody has their favorites but alot of the custom rods are heavier old school glass and Im lookin for something on the lighter side. Gonna prob put an MXJ or MXL avet on it and I think I can use it for night eeling stripers and some snagdropping or heavier jiggin. Looking to spend 150-250 range on the rod anyone have any feedback or other reccomends. Also does anyone carry a good selection in Belmar or north area you know of? hate to order it online...thanks in advance

12-15-2015, 06:14 PM
Im looking to pick up a multi purpose conventional rod for toggin and an occasional offshore bottom trip. I have borrowed a few rods while on boats this season to test and the one that I liked was a Lami not sure the rod # but was like 25-40 or maybe even a bit stiffer a 7footer. Doing some reading alot of guys reccomend the BL7040 as a great tog rod with enough backbone for the heavier weights and jigs used deep bottom. I know everybody has their favorites but alot of the custom rods are heavier old school glass and Im lookin for something on the lighter side. Gonna prob put an MXJ or MXL avet on it and I think I can use it for night eeling stripers and some snagdropping or heavier jiggin. Looking to spend 150-250 range on the rod anyone have any feedback or other reccomends. Also does anyone carry a good selection in Belmar or north area you know of? hate to order it online...thanks in advance

I have a custom Seeker Hercules GTS cut exactly what your looking for. Spiral wrapped. If interested I can send pix to your phone or email.

12-16-2015, 11:23 AM

I recently picked up a Black Demon from Jigging World and finally got a chance to try it out this past Sunday. It's a great rod. Spiral wrapped, good for up to 12 oz (probably handle more, but Yong says 12 oz). I have the 7.5' version.

Ran it with a Avet SX , probably would put my MXL if I was doing offshore bottom.

12-16-2015, 05:15 PM
You saw my JW custom in action. I think the JW Black Demon is a click lighter and everyone loves them.


12-21-2015, 01:35 PM
If you want to consider going custom, take a ride to JW and ask to see the Slow Pitch 300 blank. I think you might like it... ;):D;)
They don't sell it on their website and can custom make it to your liking and within your budget.

http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p279/mrac6969/Mobile%20Uploads/20151116_215546.jpg (http://s130.photobucket.com/user/mrac6969/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20151116_215546.jpg.html)

05-12-2016, 09:13 AM
You should take a took at the Shimano Teramar West Coast Series inshore conventional rods.
They are very light and very powerful.
I would recommend either the MEDIUM HEAVY or HEAVY action in 7'6" for party boat use.
I have the TMC-76XHB and it is a beast. I used it codfishing the other day, and plan to use it as my blueline tilefish rod (that is if my trips ever get out!).
Please visit one of the site sponsors and check these rods out.

05-12-2016, 09:52 PM
I have a Lamiglaas that I love but my favorite Tog rod is my fish poison. Have an MXL with 50# braid on it and my biggest fish it's caught was a 13.6 blackish offshore. Lots of little ones too of course!

05-13-2016, 09:53 PM
I have the Jigging World 200C and i love it. Also have a Black Hole Challenger medium which i just got but really like it. Also cant go wrong with the Bogan i have

NJ Dave
05-15-2016, 10:03 AM
If it was a lami it was probably the tri flex.
Bf guys swear by this model lami
I fished on and it's nice
I have a Bogan which I enjoy but mostly fish a Rogue for bf
Good luck