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View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Sundays Fishing Report...

12-13-2015, 03:41 PM
The Weather was perfect, Ocean was perfect, nice gang of customers, perfect....The Fishing, well less than perfect today!

Had life right off the bat, nice area of birds and fish working. Had a couple shots at the Bass and Blues once we got the customers acclimated to turning the handles... Then, it went to reading them and Not catching. The Bite completely shut down for the rest of the day. Searched some deeper water and found plenty of bait but no bite.

Checked a couple other area's hoping things would turn back on toward the end of the tide, NG. Called it a beautiful day on the water and came home.

Not sailing Monday but will be back at it on Tuesday. Weather looks good for the rest of the week after that, let's hope the fish know it and stick around!!

Capt. Ron