View Full Version : Tiss the Season

Kevin Bogan
12-03-2015, 10:34 AM
eek:Hey Skip, wait till you here this! Santa Clauss has a special announcement, and it doesn't sound good!
:cool: Oh no, what's wrong? I was hoping to get a new pair of underwear for Christmas. The one I have now only lasted about three months.
;)Let's turn the radio on.

:(Friends, Santa Clauss here. I am sorry to say that I will not be delivering any Fish Poison rods for Christmas. The International board of Retailers has prevented any shipments of Fish Poison rods to me as of Dec 3 2015. In a memo they thanked me for my past efforts, but, they take the position that anyone who believes in Santa Clauss will never adapt to the sport known as fishing. I believe that now, the only thing left for me is politics. So I urge you, for the sake of humanity, if you want your loved ones to have a Merry Christmas you must call the folks at Fish Poison if you need a Christmas rod .The number is 732 892 8822.