View Full Version : FISH STIX - 11/29 Blackfish Boat Limit to 10lbs

Fish Stix
11-29-2015, 07:03 PM
Sunday 11/29 we had Jay Hsu's charter with the boys. Always a good time with these guys. Well, we started off super slow, in fact probably the slowest start we've had recently. Caught some shorts and very occasionally, a keeper. I just couldn't figure out why we weren't getting bites......... Then bam, it was an absolute slay job. Wow. I mean, one of the fastest bites I've ever seen. Once it hit the bottom. The guys got over 35 keepers in the boat in an honest 15 minutes. Had our boat limit of 48 solid fish in the box. Hung out for a bit and the guys kept the beating going on another 30 jumbos. Most fish release were 5-8lbs. Silly I tell ya. Danny and Jay were high hooks, they completely lost count. Danny took the biggest at 10lbs. Congrats on a nice fish! Guys ended up catching over 75 keepers and only keeping our 8 man limit of 48.

Very good day. Nice job. See you guys next month.

Capt Kris

Jays big one... Released...
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/20213F3A-E672-4F17-899F-B18F729FFC27_zps8an0dk7w.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/20213F3A-E672-4F17-899F-B18F729FFC27_zps8an0dk7w.jpg.html)
Danny's 10#
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/4CE8E3FE-F772-4958-B13C-73808864E7A2_zpsz24wb2uf.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/4CE8E3FE-F772-4958-B13C-73808864E7A2_zpsz24wb2uf.jpg.html)
Jay with another big one
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/349C44A7-C039-448B-B37F-B56E2A6173F5_zpszxdrtuoi.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/349C44A7-C039-448B-B37F-B56E2A6173F5_zpszxdrtuoi.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/4839CC14-DE23-42CB-8AC8-3B36783B3A62_zpstr4ztfqw.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/4839CC14-DE23-42CB-8AC8-3B36783B3A62_zpstr4ztfqw.jpg.html)

11-30-2015, 09:38 AM
Impressive fishing. Way to put your customers on the meat.