11-29-2015, 10:58 AM
We had very good trip for our Black Friday Cod & Sea Bass Special.
We boated over 2 dozen cod, a boat limit of jumbo sea bass, and a few jumbo porgies.
The Pool winners were:
Augie, Bellerose, NY 15 lb cod with limit seabass and 3 cod
Adam Drechin Duryea, PA 10 lb cod, limit seabass and 3 cod.
A few of the passengers catching their limit were:
Kevin Clark from Trenton NJ, limit of sea bass, 3 cod, and several jumbo porgies.
Ryder Sonday Harper's ferry, WV limit seabass.
Steve Young Yorktown, NY limit seabass 2 cod.
Mike Padilla Virginia Beach, VA limit seabass.
Sloan Gordan Bethlehem, PA limit seabass 1 cod 6 jumbo porgies.
It looks good for upcoming trips. The water temperature is beginning to drop so the offshore migration should only get stronger.
We will be making regular trips the the mid-range and offshore wrecks for Giant Sea Bass, Jumbo porgies, Cod and pollock through the end of December.
There is space available on trips sailing this weekend.
Offshore trips sail 10PM every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. There are also some additional dates.
We have also added more mid-range wreck dates sailing 4am December 3, 10, and 26.
For further information call 732-528-5014
We boated over 2 dozen cod, a boat limit of jumbo sea bass, and a few jumbo porgies.
The Pool winners were:
Augie, Bellerose, NY 15 lb cod with limit seabass and 3 cod
Adam Drechin Duryea, PA 10 lb cod, limit seabass and 3 cod.
A few of the passengers catching their limit were:
Kevin Clark from Trenton NJ, limit of sea bass, 3 cod, and several jumbo porgies.
Ryder Sonday Harper's ferry, WV limit seabass.
Steve Young Yorktown, NY limit seabass 2 cod.
Mike Padilla Virginia Beach, VA limit seabass.
Sloan Gordan Bethlehem, PA limit seabass 1 cod 6 jumbo porgies.
It looks good for upcoming trips. The water temperature is beginning to drop so the offshore migration should only get stronger.
We will be making regular trips the the mid-range and offshore wrecks for Giant Sea Bass, Jumbo porgies, Cod and pollock through the end of December.
There is space available on trips sailing this weekend.
Offshore trips sail 10PM every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. There are also some additional dates.
We have also added more mid-range wreck dates sailing 4am December 3, 10, and 26.
For further information call 732-528-5014