View Full Version : Big Jamaica - 11-25 Giant Sea Bass Report

11-26-2015, 08:55 AM
11-25 Giant Sea Bass Report

Wednesday was another good day offshore!
Everyone caught coolers full of fish.
There were many limits of giant sea bass, jumbo porgies, and some cod and bluefish mixed in.
We made several stops and there were plenty on fish on all of them.
The 1st and 2nd place pool winner was:
Jovan Stojkoski fron Wallington NJ with a 15LB cod and a 12lb cod.
Jovan also caught another cod, his limit of giant sea bass and 40 jumbo porgies.
Alex Cohen from Washington DC caught his limit of giant sea bass and 30 Jumbo Porgies.
David Frye from Maryland caught his limit of giant sea bass and 31 jumbo porgies.
John Harris from Bowie MD caught his limit of giant sea bass and 25 jumbo porgies.
It looks good for upcoming trips. The water temperature is beginning to drop so the offshore migration should only get stronger.

We will be making regular trips the the mid-range and offshore wrecks for Giant Sea Bass, Jumbo porgies, Cod and pollock through the end of December.

There is space available on trips sailing this weekend.

Offshore trips sail 10PM every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. There are also some additional dates.
We have also added more mid-range wreck dates sailing 4am December 3, 10, and 26.

For further information call 732-528-5014