View Full Version : FISHERMEN/ A fond one of the Best!
11-23-2015, 02:06 PM
As with all of us in life, we all reach the point where we have to say "Farewell".
Capt. Dan after 37 seasons has decided to retire.
Capt. Dan for those who know him, was the hardest working Night Striped Bass fishermen on the coast. I've never met a more dedicated person to what he does in my life, I only wish he had started with us sooner.
Dan made his bones early on learning the fishery from Capt. Marty Haines (Sea Pigeon) in Perth Amboy, working deck and all the while taking in all the aspects of becoming a Captain....An Old School guy till the end, Dan still fished numbers, not spots on the plotter. He also learned much about Striper fishing from Capt. Jerry Cerilo who used to run the Freddy C. Taking what he learned and bringing it to another level.
After many years working on the Teal and the Angler, building his business Dan came to work for me in 2012. Many things have changed since the Glory days of Night Striper fishing when 200 fish a night were common!
Dan's no non-cents approach to the business was a plus and earned him much respect among his peers, including me. An amazing Man to watch in the ship yard as he never took a break....Eating a sandwich with one hand and running a sander with the other!
You will be missed Capt. I wish you all the Happiness in the World where ever your life takes you.....Fair winds and smooth sailing my Friend, it was a pleasure working with you.
Capt. Ron
11-23-2015, 02:59 PM
Good luck in your retirement Capt. Dan, going to miss fishing with you. One of the best !!!!! Fair winds and calm seas.
FISH ON !!!!!!:cool:
11-23-2015, 03:12 PM
He is one of the best........we are going to miss you Capt.Dan.I wish you all the best!!!!!!
bunker dunker
11-23-2015, 03:16 PM
can't believe your tying up for good Dan but if its what you want God bless and thanks.its been my pleasure.
11-23-2015, 03:28 PM
Does that mean no more night striper trips? :(
Wishing you the best in your retirement, Capt. Dan. Fair winds and calm seas.
Gerry Zagorski
11-23-2015, 03:42 PM
All the best to you Captain Dan and thanks for your years of service to our fishing community.
11-23-2015, 03:49 PM
Wish you the best Capt Dan. It was a pleasure working with you the last few years. I think I found a new way to piss you off each day, but it didn't take much. Bermuda or bust!
Hunter 2
11-23-2015, 04:21 PM
You will be missed out there. Good Luck Captain..
11-23-2015, 04:31 PM
thank you capt dann for taking the time to teach me how to eel and worm fish, the night trips were absolutly the best wheather we caught fish or not. i will never forget you or the fun with the monday night boys lots of laughs.
although my heart is broken and i will miss you with all my heart, i wish you nothing but the best, it is a honor to know you and call you my friend
most of all, thanks for putting up with me and my big mouth.:D
no frying onions at night june, way to go fella, june's got a big one, yum yum eatem up. thank you danny you are truly a ledgend.
Roman' Round Charters
11-23-2015, 04:52 PM
Nicely stated Ron.
Danny hope you find fair winds and calm seas with all your future endeavors.
Gerry Zagorski
11-23-2015, 05:02 PM
Man this is what I love about our sport and our site... Warms my hear to see posts like this. Great to see all the NJFers come out and support Captain Dan!!
11-23-2015, 05:04 PM
Fished with Capt Dan going back to the Teal days. Always a good time!
Thanks Captain! Good luck to you in retirement.
Take a kid fishing
11-23-2015, 05:07 PM
We all relish the time we can retire. Good Luck to a dedicated captain.
11-23-2015, 05:07 PM
I spent many a night fishing with Captain Dan. I was always in awe at the way he would know to almost the minute when the fish would start biting, based on the conditions and tide. He'd tell us straight up that it was going to suck until about 7pm or whatever time and then it would happen. Then we'd be out on the boat and he'd make an announcement to pay attention because the bite is about to start, and it did. The guy knew his fishery!
One of my favorite times was when he was filling in on a day fluke trip. It was at a time in my life where I was going a couple of times a week. But he doesn't go to where everyone else is. He goes somewhere completely different with noone there. I'm thinking "what does this guy know about fluke fishing. he's not out here every day, but he's going to take us to some place noone goes. c'mon". Needless to say the boat hammered on jumbos all day. I went home and constructed my shrine after that.
Capt Sal
11-23-2015, 05:16 PM
It is not like years ago.What ever you decide to do Dan be happy at your work.You are a great captain and have a good reputation.Things change and we must change with them.In this day and age with with all the high tech bs it is not easy being a capt. of a party or charter boat.We just want to go to work and do the best we can at what we love to do.Good luck Dan and most of all be happy!
Short Cast
11-23-2015, 05:29 PM
Please say it isn't so. He is the best night bass fisherman I ever met. If Dan couldn't catch fish at night no one could. I learned early wit Dan that if you lost a fish to tell him it was a Dogfish that way he wouldn't get upset. He wanted us to catch fish more than we did. When they made Dan they broke the mold because he is truly one of a kind. Good luck in what ever you decide to do.
Down Deep Sportfishing
11-23-2015, 06:57 PM
Had the pleasure of speaking with you on occasion. Dan, you are a true gentleman, old school tough as nails and a great guy. Our best always, enjoy some well deserved kick back time.
All our best,
Capt. Mario & the crews of Down Deep.
11-23-2015, 07:36 PM
Capt Dan was truly the best night striper captain! No one could eel or worm like him...hell if you tell the average fisherman to worm for these things they look at you like you had three heads. Those of us who have had the pleasure to fish and work with him as i have...have been the few lucky fishermen out there to experience this fishery the way he teaches you. His no BS attitude and knowledge can be matched by only a few. Thanks for many years of awesome fishing! You will be missed Dan! Best of luck to wherever life takes you!
11-23-2015, 08:08 PM
Capt Dan,
Fished with you a few times many years ago but never really had an opportunity to get to know you. My son caught his first striper on one of your night trips, he'll never forget it. I can tell just by the many compliments many people have to say about you that you were not just great at your craft but an even greater person. People like you enrich others lives in more ways than you can imagine so now it's time for your life to be enriched in retirement. Very well deserved. The saying "If you enjoy your job, you'll never work a day in your life!", sounds like it is very much applicable to you.
Best of luck in retirement and thanks for the many memories you made possible for people fishing on your trips.
11-23-2015, 08:10 PM
It is not like years ago.What ever you decide to do Dan be happy at your work.You are a great captain and have a good reputation.Things change and we must change with them.In this day and age with with all the high tech bs it is not easy being a capt. of a party or charter boat.We just want to go to work and do the best we can at what we love to do.Good luck Dan and most of all be happy!
Capt Sal.....very well said! In this day and age with high tech bs NOTHING is easy.
11-23-2015, 09:29 PM
Serious loss to the fishing community. Good luck and god bless. Sorry to see you go.
11-23-2015, 10:00 PM
I dont even know what to say its a dam shame but everybody needs some relaxing i assume hope you enjoy some dan time go catch a few fish for yourself or sit on the couch and do nothing all your time now capt dan hopefully we see a few surprise comebacks here and there!!!
11-24-2015, 05:04 AM
Had the pleasure of speaking with you on occasion. Dan, you are a true gentleman, old school tough as nails and a great guy. Our best always, enjoy some well deserved kick back time.
All our best,
Capt. Mario & the crews of Down Deep.
Thanks Mario, I have also removed my reply........
11-24-2015, 05:31 AM
HOLY SH.T Ive been fishing with Dan over 20 years. As far back as the Teal days. Good luck Dan and enjoy. Richie from North Jersey
11-24-2015, 07:15 AM
When a fishing Captain retires, does he go sit in a cube in an office?
Enjoy retirement Captain
11-24-2015, 07:28 AM
Had to actually take a day off to comprehend what this means and to realize that I wont hear that commanding voice over the loudspeaker again.
Thank you Captain Dan for those memorable nights of striper fishing. While have not the pleasure of knowing you personally, you work spoke for itself. All the stripers ever caught at night of the party boat by me came courtesy of your skills and your knowledge. Smooth sailing to whatever you decided to do next captain, only hope that there is still some salt in those veins to take us out again.
shrimpman steve
11-24-2015, 08:37 AM
Very nice post
Capt. Dan. Enjoy retirement.
11-24-2015, 09:11 AM
I have been fishing with capt dan for over 20 years, he was always the best in the business, we sure will miss you captain, good luck and safe sailing.
Capt. Debbie
11-24-2015, 09:56 AM
Captain Dan the night man. Was the only one my former father-in-law and I would go out at night with for Stripers. Last was back in the Angler days.
Good luck! Our loss too. :(
11-24-2015, 10:07 AM
It was a delight going out with Capt. Dan this summer, my first trip out I was with my wife and 4 yr daughter and he went out his way, gave them a tour of the boat. Every time i go fishing my daughter always tell me to say "hi" to the capt. and she meant him. May retirement treat you as good as you treated us all those nights. Best of wishes
11-24-2015, 10:16 AM
From one Capt Gerry Cerelo deciple to another...Happy retirement. The sea is full of some happy striped bass with this announcement.
I only ever spoke with Dan on one or two occasions. But all you had to know about this guy is the impressive list of boats he ran. All among the top boats of their day right up to his last ride. Happy retirement.
On behalf of my son Scott Jr. and myself Scott sr would like to thank you for the many memories of nite fishing and great conversations on the dock you will be sadly missed good luck with what every you decide to do your retirement it is well deserved enjoy!!
He is one of the best........we are going to miss you Capt.Dan.I wish you all the best!!!!!!
When is Danny's last trip
11-24-2015, 12:35 PM
When is Danny's last trip
Last Saturday was his last trip.
11-24-2015, 12:43 PM
Got me hooked for life after a few trips with Dan on all the boats he captained- Very professional and hell of a good time- thanks Dan
11-24-2015, 04:16 PM
When a fishing Captain retires, does he go sit in a cube in an office?
Enjoy retirement Captain
No way in Hell! He enjoys his Grand-kids, tends to his garden, fly's his homemade kites (in Bermuda) and shed's a tear because his life has gone bye way too fast!
11-24-2015, 07:19 PM
Gonna be tough to fill those shoes, and captains hat, good luck dan and god bless
11-24-2015, 09:36 PM
I start fishing with capital Danny in 1983 he was not just a Capitan he was a friend and mentor in a teacher no matter what he was fishing fluke bass or black fish he always give you 100% I remember one of his famous phrases when the fish star biting his say yelling kill them all kill em all Thank You Capitan.
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