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View Full Version : GAMBLER 11/17 Canyon Report (and one more trip?)

11-17-2015, 09:03 PM
It was a tough call: Big J reported that they had a decent shot of tuna at the Hudson on Sunday. But we saw a nice temp break at the southern canyons. We decided to take a gamble and try the warm water at the Spencer Canyon. The ride out was nice but shortly after we anchored, the wind came on from the NE. Not terrible but not comfortable. The temp break was good: 68.8F.

We landed our first fish 30 minutes after anchoring --a 50lb yellowfin. Throughout the dark and into the daylight we managed hold a fish or two on --with very few lulls. All yellowfin, mostly between 40 and 60lbs. The fishermen had to work at it but in the end put a decent catch together. There were a couple tuna caught on jigs. I tried jigging too but I whiffed again :o

The water still looks great and I wanted to see if we could put one more trip together for next Monday night into Tuesday.

If you are interested, call Jill at 732-295-7569. If we get enough names on stand-by, we'll make it a go.

Pennsy Guy
11-17-2015, 10:48 PM
Can't add much more other than a couple of points: to say the wind came on is putting it mildly-at times I'd say it came on up to 30, seas forecast at 3-5; you could double and triple that-the backside of some of the crests we were on looked like holes in the water. All things considered the Gambler's gamble paid off. Much thanks to Captains Mike and Bob for the choice--always the correct one...Accolades to the crew--Todd, Alex and Kevin for their usual excellence in keeping us happy. Strange, but they were all yellows- no birds...Even had a poor lost cocktail blue.

11-17-2015, 11:18 PM
My fat lady hath sung! I'd love to go next week again but I just can't. As always it was great to see you guys and special thanks to Capts. Bob and Mike and Gambler Crew. Only 10 more months 'til next time!

Charlie Tuna
11-18-2015, 05:29 AM
Way to go Guys!

Standing By for the 23/24th