View Full Version : striper Weight Chart
11-17-2015, 01:21 AM
When that big head and body of a cow striper come over the side and onto the deck, there is always a lot of hooting and hollering and an obvious sense of pride and accomplishment. Then comes the "guesstimate" of the fish's weight. I've heard many proud captains on the radio raving about catching a fish over forty pounds based on their over enthusiastic bravado. We've all tended to overestimate the size of a striped bass especially during this current run of large fish. I've attached a chart that will help you come to a better estimate of the fish's weight. For the most part, the chart is very accurate so, before bragging about catching a 40 pounder, measure it and use the chart or formula or just tell everyone the fish's overall length and let them decide.
11-17-2015, 07:03 AM
good post. too many add 50% "emotional" weight.
I would argue most internet and radio 40 lb'ers weigh about 26-27 pounds.
11-17-2015, 08:16 AM
That chart is spot on with a 29.7# estimate for a 42" fish
This one caught yesterday was 41 3/4" and weighed 30#
11-17-2015, 08:50 AM
I would argue most internet and radio 40 lb'ers weigh about 26-27 pounds.
shame on the person who calls somebody out on it tho. :)
11-17-2015, 08:51 AM
That chart is spot on with a 29.7# estimate for a 42" fish
This one caught yesterday was 41 3/4" and weighed 30#
yep. but if you hold it out to the camera its 45#!
11-17-2015, 11:33 AM
If you listen to the marine radio 65/68 you have to understand the code. If someone says that they caught a 35 or a 40, it's code for inches and not pounds. The "regulars" speak this code. " A couple in the 20's" means that they caught some 20 inch fish. Don't get your pants in a wad when you hear it and you're catching the same size stripers as they are but you don't know the code and think you're missing something or doing something wrong.
Want to have some yucks? Get on 65/68 on a slow day and say that you just got a 25 and a 26. The radio requests for "Come backs" will be unreal! Then throw the popcorn overboard for the seagulls to find and watch the yahoos speeding your way to check out the commotion.
Capt Sal
11-17-2015, 11:52 AM
I love when guys hold up 43 inch fish and call them 50 pounders.I have caught 48 inch bass that only wieghed 35lbs.50 pound bass only 50 pounds if wieghed on an official scale.
11-17-2015, 12:08 PM
I've just accepted the fact that everyone is a liar when it comes to fish weight haha I've weighed a measured many many fish and this chart is pretty accurate and if anything is very generous in it's estimates. I've caught a 47" stripers that weighed 31lbs and did not look overly skinny or unhealthy at all (below the minimum according to the chart) people still think 40 inch fish weigh 40 lbs and 50 inch fish weigh 50lbs.
that being said people can say whatever they want it doesn't bother me...just know that i don't believe you anyway haha. I know of one very popular captain that yells extremely exaggerated weights as fish come over the side...kind of funny.
11-17-2015, 12:10 PM
I've just accepted the fact that everyone is a liar when it comes to fish weight haha I've weighed a measured many many fish and this chart is pretty accurate and if anything is very generous in it's estimates. I've caught a 47" stripers that weighed 31lbs and did not look overly skinny or unhealthy at all (below the minimum according to the chart) people still think 40 inch fish weigh 40 lbs and 50 inch fish weigh 50lbs.
that being said people can say whatever they want it doesn't bother me...just know that i don't believe you anyway haha. I know of one very popular captain that yells extremely exaggerated weights as fish come over the side...kind of funny.
You calling bullchit on the 350lb bigeye I brought in using my Wally-World Zebco combo?
Capt Sal
11-17-2015, 04:06 PM
You calling bullchit on the 350lb bigeye I brought in using my Wally-World Zebco combo?
The picture wieghed 7lbs lol
11-17-2015, 05:55 PM
Can we get a fisherman weight chart up here too?:D
11-17-2015, 08:10 PM
Nothing is worse than sharks. Deduct 30% immediately :rolleyes:
11-17-2015, 09:53 PM
Can we get a fisherman weight chart up here too?:D
I'm 5' 10"...according to my doctor's chart I only weigh 170lbs.
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