View Full Version : Monger Fishing Report Saturday, 11/14

Capt. JJ
11-15-2015, 08:52 AM
After getting a call from Capt. Jerry to "come down to the Point for some strippers", I immediately grabbed a handful of singles (Hey...Im a generous guy. I dont mind throwing a hot, gyrating, stripper a couple bucks for a flash or two) and headed down to his boat yesterday morning at zero dark thirty to meet up with the strippers. Personally, I was hoping for Paula Plumbs, or Lisa Lipps, but I really didnt care what their names were. Just show me the damned strippers!

Needless to say I was a bit upset when I Pulled up by Jerrys home-away-from-home at his dock and found Brad "Is-that-a-tog-in-your-pants-or-are-you-just-happy-to-see-me", Evan "Hah-not-buying-the-boat-lobster-rolls-today!", George "If-it-isnt-spelled-B-L-A-C-K-F-I-S-H-count-me-out", and a few newbies to our universe, all standing around with their poles in their hands, (and by poles, I DO mean fishing rods!) This upset me, so I yelled over to Capt. Ahab and said, "hey....what gives with this motley crew here? I thought we were grabbing some strippers!" To which he replied, "Strippers? No, idiot. I said, "STRIPERS!"

Needless to say, this was just a tad embarrassing.

Anyways..................the real report now:

Left dock at zero-dark-"why-the-hell-am-I-here-this-early" hour....

Turned left at the inlet and ran a hundred, no: maybe, two hundred feet before Capt. Bligh yelled, "ok guys, snag and drop em here".

(Let it NEVER be said that Jerry isnt ready to put the miles on for a charter, and run all over the Atlantic to find those fish for his crew!)

So...while we quickly caught our limit within speaking distance to the crusty, old, dude fishing off the end of the inlet, Jerry made the call to forego any attempts to anchor for tog because, in his mate Johns own words, "I'm tired. Cant we just troll a bit and go home? Theres a $20 sit and go with my name on it!"

I'll say this about Jerry: he does NOT accept that type of insubordination from his mates. He quickly shot that idea down.

"No trolling gear, or soup, FOR YOU!"

We "runned and gunned" for the rest of the day trying to fill our "over" slots but only managed 1 more uber slob.

Fun facts:

1. I humbly accept my banishment from the Monger for questioning Jerrys judgement about fishing in gale force winds and 6 foot seas. The winds were puffy for sure, but the waves amounted to about 6 inches.

2. GDubs humbly accepts his banishment from the Monger for questioning Jerrys judgement about fishing in gale force winds and 6 foot seas. He also agrees to stop complaining about 30 pound carp, and placing green crabs on his snagging hook.

3. A big welcome to Connor, who celebrated his 14th birthday by catching his first stripers, to the Monger nation. (Message to Connor: enjoy these days now. In about 4 years you'll be chasing other types of fish tails, that will compete for your time.)

4. (Super-secret message to Rubberband Pete: "Cape May, with the wives, eh? You blew off this for THAT? For shame, young man. For SHAME!)

Tight lines, kiddies!

(Jerry, Nate, and John were amazing as usualness.)


Joey Dah Fish
11-15-2015, 01:36 PM
Awesome report. Whether it's strippers or stripers you still come home smelling like fish :eek: it's Tog time !!!!!!!

11-15-2015, 02:46 PM
George "If-it-isnt-spelled-B-L-A-C-K-F-I-S-H-count-me-out",

2. GDubs humbly accepts his banishment from the Monger for questioning Jerrys judgement about fishing in gale force winds and 6 foot seas. He also agrees to stop complaining about 30 pound carp, and placing green crabs on his snagging hook.


Who said I humbly except it??? I just dont have a choice but technically I was correct, here is how it goes

I texted sir Captain of our humble voyage about my concerns with 20-30 NW winds because I was under the impression this was a combo Tog/ Sea Bass trip . I was told stop being such a wuss , put your skirt down ,man up , shut up , thats it you are fired. But I said Capt. Jell-Lee ??? How will we anchor or drift in these condtions , he said " Dont worry about it , your banned from the boat ".

Capt JJ/Joe says get there at O Dark 20 and we will sneak you on the boat, I am always late but I made it on this day - :D

Well it worked and by the time we got underway it was too late, but I was threatened several times throughout the day that I would be thrown overboard and made to swim back to shore / home if I complained.

I am not a a stryped carp guy and do not target them but not on this day my friend. I had a really good day landing 4.5719 of them and only keeping 1 for the table . They were pretty big and how did I catch that number , I was reeling the fish in and the reel , started coming un-seated from the seat and just NFG. So I get the fish to the boat , it decides to take another run , I go nope,I was already fired and banned within the last 24 hours and if I lose the reel/rod I am a gonner,so I hand the Mongolian Cluster Muck to Nate the mate and he finished reeling it in , so I get some the of the credit hence the .5719 of a fish. I had fun and enjoyed myself with captain and crew and technically I was right that we couldnt go blackfishing and I lobbied hard all day even throughout the Point pleasant canal light tackle option - :D - 1 taker only , but the captain was right and correct with the stryped carp and the seas being a mighty 6-1 inches.

I fought hard all day to go togging but it would not even have been possible with the wind

Thanks to Captain Jerry - How was your day Stank? John and Nate the mate

And btw - thanks to Nate the mate - I made the stryped carp with - and used vary little of all the ingredients and if I used more it would have been that much better - took mayo and placed all over stryped carp - italian bread crumbs and parmesean chesse / baked 20-30 minutes/450- thick pieces - wow oh so good

See you all for Toggin and btw - Fired and banned till 2016 from the Monger - at least it is only 1 month and a half this time


Cant upload pictures for some reason ???