View Full Version : Hutchinson Island Surf Report

Capt Paul
11-12-2015, 07:59 PM
We are getting our first cool front of the season this weekend and our night time temperatures are supposed to dip into the sixties.This will trigger bigger numbers of bluefish,Spanish mackeral ,and pompano to make their way down to our area. Fishing yesterday was diffulcult as the wind blew 15 to 20 knots out of the northeast.One keeper pompano,6 large whiting ,and some jacks and blue runners was the total catch.Today the conditions improved and 5 bluefish,20 large whiting,and numerous jacks and blue runners provided steady action.All of the fish today were caught on Sand Flea flavored Fish Bites and cut shrimp.As the water temperature finally drops into the mid 70s this fishing will only get better.One hour before high tide to two hours after the tide changed provided the best action.