View Full Version : Upcoming blackfish season... Please keep in mind...
11-11-2015, 08:06 AM
I usually do not bring much of this up, but just wanted to stress this to people this season.. I know that open boat trips, charter trips, and head boat trips are all different...
But when you get on a boat and they go the extra mile to provide you with premium bait, there is NO reason why we should not be throwing these captains a few extra. The bait situation last year with crabs both white and green was tough, not always the easiest, these guys pay premiums for these baits, ESPECIALLY WHITES..
When you get on a boat with white crabs, throw the captain a few extra bucks a man. These guys may pay upwards of 90 bucks a bushel if not more on some trips, and we all know we do not think twice about changing bait 14 times every few minutes, and they are just considered part of the fare, but in all reality, this is a captain going above and beyond for his customers to make sure that they have the best day possible with the very past chances of a phenomenal catch.
If you have 6 guys on a boat, and you already paid your fare, whats another 10 bucks a guy? Although it is not required, it is an OUTSTANDING gesture, and something the captain/owner, will definitely remember what kind of charter he really had on the boat.
DON'T TAKE BAIT FOR GRANTED, ESPECIALLY WHITE CRABS, they are not supposed to be provided all the time, they could just as easily take us out with green grab, and sell the whites to us like some boats do, so for the guys that provide them for us, although they consider it a business cost, try to throw them a few bucks and ease that cost!! They are doing us a favor by providing them!!!
shrimpman steve
11-11-2015, 08:09 AM
Surprisingly enough, very well said:)
11-11-2015, 08:13 AM
Surprisingly enough, very well said:)
go eat a hermit
broken bobber
11-11-2015, 10:05 AM
go eat a hermit
photo proof that Shrimpy has been exercising his bait for months now so watch out
broken bobber
11-11-2015, 10:08 AM
I usually do not bring much of this up, but just wanted to stress this to people this season.. I know that open boat trips, charter trips, and head boat trips are all different...
But when you get on a boat and they go the extra mile to provide you with premium bait, there is NO reason why we should not be throwing these captains a few extra. The bait situation last year with crabs both white and green was tough, not always the easiest, these guys pay premiums for these baits, ESPECIALLY WHITES..
When you get on a boat with white crabs, throw the captain a few extra bucks a man. These guys may pay upwards of 90 bucks a bushel if not more on some trips, and we all know we do not think twice about changing bait 14 times every few minutes, and they are just considered part of the fare, but in all reality, this is a captain going above and beyond for his customers to make sure that they have the best day possible with the very past chances of a phenomenal catch.
If you have 6 guys on a boat, and you already paid your fare, whats another 10 bucks a guy? Although it is not required, it is an OUTSTANDING gesture, and something the captain/owner, will definitely remember what kind of charter he really had on the boat.
DON'T TAKE BAIT FOR GRANTED, ESPECIALLY WHITE CRABS, they are not supposed to be provided all the time, they could just as easily take us out with green grab, and sell the whites to us like some boats do, so for the guys that provide them for us, although they consider it a business cost, try to throw them a few bucks and ease that cost!! They are doing us a favor by providing them!!!
yea its called white privilege
11-11-2015, 10:29 AM
Sorry I love the Captains I fish with and respect the BS they go through every week but that is absurd. They set the price, and we agree to it by coming onboard. That's the end of that. If they want more then they can make it their price. Should us fares be discounted 10 dollars or more on fluke trips for bringing and using our own gulp/bucktails exclusively? I fished party/charter boats 60 times the last 2 years for fluke and never once used boat bait. There's plenty more guys just like that too.
11-11-2015, 10:43 AM
Should fares get a discount when Captain's post a pic of our 10+lber on the net that was caught with a white legger? Cause that's going to generate some business, that's worth more than $10.
How about we just stop telling everyone what to do and just fish. Can't keep stripers, throw back you 10lbers, tip more, file down your treble hooks, all albies are inedible, don't post spots, etc.....its getting very old.
Oh and Blackfish season is not upcoming...been open for a while now :) (unless your BobbyKojack)
11-11-2015, 10:49 AM
white legger surcharge $100 for blackfish charters solves the issue. if you do not want to pay it do not sail with that boat & go somewhere else.
11-11-2015, 01:17 PM
Should fares get a discount when Captain's post a pic of our 10+lber on the net that was caught with a white legger? Cause that's going to generate some business, that's worth more than $10.
How about we just stop telling everyone what to do and just fish. Can't keep stripers, throw back you 10lbers, tip more, file down your treble hooks, all albies are inedible, don't post spots, etc.....its getting very old.
Oh and Blackfish season is not upcoming...been open for a while now :) (unless your BobbyKojack)
Do not like it? Do not read it... I was not jamming anything down anyones throat, i was making a simple statement for the people who actually give a shit about the people they fish with. People abuse bait and waste the shit out of it, i saw a charter of 6 hacks go through 3 bushels of whites in a 10 hour trip and catch crap.. Then you see 6 other guys on the boat use a bushel or less and catch a boat limit...
If people had to pay for what they WASTE it would make people think twice about it.
I simply stated, it would be a nice gesture to people to do, whether you want to do it on your 60 trips to the cockola canyon a year, does not matter, did not say you have to..
11-11-2015, 01:31 PM
harpoon & sportfishingusa you both better play nice or else i will force both of you to fish next to directa all next year. If Hank wanted to charge us extra for whites not like we aint payin it
11-11-2015, 02:05 PM
Dont know anyone paying 90 bucks for whites. Matter of fact no where near that.
And 3 bushells for 6 guys. Come on
What were they doing ,dumping them over the side .
I think someone been doing too much day dreaming.
Maybe you need to get out fishing instead of telling the guys that are how to do it.
11-11-2015, 02:08 PM
Dont know anyone paying 90 bucks for whites. Matter of fact no where near that.
And 3 bushells for 6 guys. Come on
What were they doing ,dumping them over the side .
I think someone been doing too much day dreaming.
Maybe you need to get out fishing instead of telling the guys that are how to do it.
you'd be surprised man. guys go through looking for coaches take em out cut em all in advance then never use em & go right into a new bushel. i take a dozen put em in my pockets & clip em as needed but if the crabs are out for the taking people start hoarding & they go to waste
11-11-2015, 02:15 PM
you'd be surprised man. guys go through looking for coaches take em out cut em all in advance then never use em & go right into a new bushel. i take a dozen put em in my pockets & clip em as needed but if the crabs are out for the taking people start hoarding & they go to waste
I agree guys can def waste them, but 3 bushells is a half per guy.
If guys used a half bushell and didnt catch they werent on fish, with that much bait enough fish would hook themselves gorging.
And if guys are paying 90 bucks for whites i will quit my day job :)
11-11-2015, 02:21 PM
[QUOTE=hammer4reel;426620]I agree guys can def waste them, but 3 bushells is a half per guy.
If guys used a half bushell and didnt catch they werent on fish, with that much bait enough fish would hook themselves gorging.
And if guys are paying 90 bucks for whites i will quit my day job :)[/QUOTE
i've seen $95 at certain ns bait shops in jersey when they were tough to get last year. itsnuts how crazy toggings gotten
11-11-2015, 02:28 PM
harpoon & sportfishingusa you both better play nice or else i will force both of you to fish next to directa all next year. If Hank wanted to charge us extra for whites not like we aint payin it
I'll fish next to anyone except UP. Catches all the damn fish (without paying extra :)
11-11-2015, 02:29 PM
yeah whites are cheap, a dollar a bushel right? i know guys who get 100s of bushels a year wholesale, i know what they pay, i know what everyone else is paying, i know what they were like to get last year.
I can not wait until these charter guys raise their prices and/or just starts giving everyone greens.. See what everyone thinks of my opinion
And dan, i was not telling anyone how to do it, i was strictly saying i would keep in mind the rising costs of goods.. But when guys charter and guys waste captains bait for no reason, it becomes a problem. Any business has a bottom line, unfortunately in the charter business, some guys who have enough to get them through the season, they think they make money..
11-11-2015, 02:30 PM
I'll fish next to anyone except UP. Catches all the damn fish (without paying extra :)
who is worse, frankel or chinni? AAAAAAACHEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW
11-11-2015, 02:32 PM
who is worse, frankel or chinni? AAAAAAACHEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW
2 frankels are worse than 1
Should we tip for extra bergal golf lessons too?
11-11-2015, 02:37 PM
2 frankels are worse than 1
Should we tip for extra bergal golf lessons too?
I should have gotten a ****ing trophy for that homie!
11-11-2015, 06:39 PM
Why would anyone pay more than the posted price of anything?
Sorry I love the Captains I fish with and respect the BS they go through every week but that is absurd. They set the price, and we agree to it by coming onboard. That's the end of that. If they want more then they can make it their price. Should us fares be discounted 10 dollars or more on fluke trips for bringing and using our own gulp/bucktails exclusively? I fished party/charter boats 60 times the last 2 years for fluke and never once used boat bait. There's plenty more guys just like that too.
Should fares get a discount when Captain's post a pic of our 10+lber on the net that was caught with a white legger? Cause that's going to generate some business, that's worth more than $10.
I agree with these. The captains set their rates and we agree, why would you give them more? You don't give the restaurant owner extra money because he has expensive vegetables at the salad bar? Do you give the butcher extra money because he went out of his way to give you a better piece of meat than the one that was in the display? No, of course not. You repay them by going back again and giving them more business. Repeat Business. Same with a fishing boat. If I get good service including bait, I go back. If the captain needs to raise rates, I'll decide if I think the price is fair to determine if I go again.
11-11-2015, 07:22 PM
Seems to me like lower gad prices will more than cover the extra bait cost.
11-12-2015, 10:59 AM
Seems to me like lower gas prices will more than cover the extra bait cost.
I Concur! Dennis
11-12-2015, 12:04 PM
This is the Dumbest post I have ever read ! These Guys rob us bad enough. And You want to pay MORE? Take up another hobby.
11-12-2015, 12:28 PM
Seems to me like lower gad prices will more than cover the extra bait cost.
That goes true for all the businesses that had to raise their prices cause gas went up so much... but I haven't seen one company lower their price since gas prices are 1/2 of what they were...:confused:
11-12-2015, 01:06 PM
That goes true for all the businesses that had to raise their prices cause gas went up so much... but I haven't seen one company lower their price since gas prices are 1/2 of what they were...:confused:
Preach it, brother!
11-12-2015, 02:07 PM
These Guys rob us bad enough.
I would heavily disagree with this, unless you are fishing with the wrong business. Cost of the boat purchase, maintenance, insurance, bait, advertising, gas, fishing equipment (including rigs) is costly.
The next item which people forget about is that we are paying for a guided service. I fish with a few captains who I feel give me the best chance to put me on some fish. These captains are on the grounds daily (weather permitting) and also have a network of other boats to help out. To me..this is where the money is earned.
I speak mainly for non-tuna fishing charters as that's what I frequent which average from $130-$200 before tip. No matter what...its still cheaper for me to pay these guys than own my own boat.
11-12-2015, 02:16 PM
I would heavily disagree with this, unless you are fishing with the wrong business. Cost of the boat purchase, maintenance, insurance, bait, advertising, gas, fishing equipment (including rigs) is costly.
The next item which people forget about is that we are paying for a guided service. I fish with a few captains who I feel give me the best chance to put me on some fish. These captains are on the grounds daily (weather permitting) and also have a network of other boats to help out. To me..this is where the money is earned.
I speak mainly for non-tuna fishing charters as that's what I frequent which average from $130-$200 before tip. No matter what...its still cheaper for me to pay these guys than own my own boat.
I have to agree with Harpoon on this one. There's no theft going on. You don't like the prices, don't get on the boat. Simple enough. No one is forcing you to fish.
11-12-2015, 03:20 PM
Dang guy makes a harmless post basically saying to tip for good service and the villagers break out the pitchforks and torches. Believe it or not there are people who appreciate it when someone goes above and beyond what is advertised or expected and show their appreciation for the effort. We are talking about small business owners that work hard to make a living. He's not suggesting you send Exxon extra money because you like their gas. Just that you show your appreciation to the little guys that will give it back to you ten fold next time you fish with them.
If you don't want to, you don't have to. Simple as that. But give the guy a break.
11-12-2015, 04:12 PM
Nay-no, cama cama leepa chai. But Cole me down on the panny sty. Wa Da Tah.
11-12-2015, 04:34 PM
Sorry Sportfishingusa,
I agree with your intentions wholeheartedly but not your methodology. If the price of the bait is included in the trip and the boat tells me they have crabs, I am not giving extra money for bait, white/hermit/etc. However, if the Captain tells me I have to charge extra for the trip because costs went up, whether its fuel/bait/etc., then its on me to decide to take the voyage.
I would certainly advise anyone running a business to charge me for their costs incurred plus extra for profit! :)
And regarding the wastefulness of the crabs, I do see your point. But if I have been charged for them, then I can do whatever I want with my allotted share. If I need to change my bait to have orange gook on da hook every five minutes, I want a new piece of crab. Buy more and charge more, I'll gladly pay and so will others.
In closing, I am the customer and its not my job to care what the Captain thinks of me, but the other way around. Its my job to pay, show up on time and be respectful of the boat rules. So essentially we agree, but the charge needs to be up front and discussed between vendor and client.
11-12-2015, 06:33 PM
Thank God that this "debait" should end November 16th
shrimpman steve
11-12-2015, 10:33 PM
photo proof that Shrimpy has been exercising his bait for months now so watch out
OK. That was funny
11-13-2015, 11:23 AM
Sorry Sportfishingusa,
I agree with your intentions wholeheartedly but not your methodology. If the price of the bait is included in the trip and the boat tells me they have crabs, I am not giving extra money for bait, white/hermit/etc. However, if the Captain tells me I have to charge extra for the trip because costs went up, whether its fuel/bait/etc., then its on me to decide to take the voyage.
I would certainly advise anyone running a business to charge me for their costs incurred plus extra for profit! :)
And regarding the wastefulness of the crabs, I do see your point. But if I have been charged for them, then I can do whatever I want with my allotted share. If I need to change my bait to have orange gook on da hook every five minutes, I want a new piece of crab. Buy more and charge more, I'll gladly pay and so will others.
In closing, I am the customer and its not my job to care what the Captain thinks of me, but the other way around. Its my job to pay, show up on time and be respectful of the boat rules. So essentially we agree, but the charge needs to be up front and discussed between vendor and client.
100 percent understandable.. I am not telling anyone they have to pay more, i know these guys include them and most boats charge for them anyway.. I was just making a nice gesture to the captains out there who are in the service industry. It is nice to have guys on your boat who actually care about your bottom line.
I guess i am the black sheep on this one.. I have friends in the industry, i care about their bottom line..
11-13-2015, 11:32 AM
.... I have friends in the industry, i care about their bottom line....
Guess this explains your bias towards the charter guys..
So, what do your friends say about gas prices dropping?
I am honestly curious about how the gas price drop affected the charter/pb business.
11-13-2015, 12:22 PM
Guess this explains your bias towards the charter guys..
So, what do your friends say about gas prices dropping?
I am honestly curious about how the gas price drop affected the charter/pb business.
The fuel did not drop that much, so i am not sure what you are talking about here? If it went down a dollar a gallon, what does an inshore trip that burns 60 dollars need to be discounted? Your paying for a service...
Back in the day, if you ever tog fished a lot, white crabs where never provided, it was a luxury... now everyone wants everything cheaper and for free.
Most charter guys do build it in to the price, but it does not mean a small gesture if warranted is not acceptable.
11-13-2015, 12:24 PM
oh and the same guys telling me i am out of my mind, are the same guys who if got on a boat to go togging in january and had no whites, they would piss and moan all day and make sure everyone knows how unhappy they are.
11-13-2015, 12:49 PM
oh and the same guys telling me i am out of my mind, are the same guys who if got on a boat to go togging in january and had no whites, they would piss and moan all day and make sure everyone knows how unhappy they are.
I'd rather pay $10 a head extra on my fare for unlimited whites than have to buy whites $10 a dozen aboard a boat. i am fishing greens Monday anyway waters like 75 degrees still
shrimpman steve
11-13-2015, 01:14 PM
If the water is still 75. You may want to bring some soap, jump in and take your monthly bath:p:D
11-13-2015, 01:32 PM
Guess this explains your bias towards the charter guys..
So, what do your friends say about gas prices dropping?
I am honestly curious about how the gas price drop affected the charter/pb business.
How much did the inshore guys raise their prices over the years? Not much if I remember correctly. Tuna guys are a different story but I can't comment since I'm not targeting those trips. Been paying the same $120-$130 for many years now on bottom fishing trips out of MI and SRI. I look at the open boat page and the rates have not gone up significantly at all.
And sportfishingusa uses a purple reel. Credibility is gone right there.
11-13-2015, 01:36 PM
How much did the inshore guys raise their prices over the years? Not much if I remember correctly. Tuna guys are a different story but I can't comment since I'm not targeting those trips. Been paying the same $120-$130 for many years now on bottom fishing trips out of MI and SRI. I look at the open boat page and the rates have not gone up significantly at all.
And sportfishingusa uses a purple reel. Credibility is gone right there.
roblem is the more people take advantage of great service by pulling no shows, telling the captain the weathers not suitable, not tipping the deckhands the captains gonna get frustrated & raise proces as its not worth the aggravation. Then peeps like me on fixed income gonna be priced right out
11-13-2015, 01:40 PM
roblem is the more people take advantage of great service by pulling no shows, telling the captain the weathers not suitable, not tipping the deckhands the captains gonna get frustrated & raise proces as its not worth the aggravation. Then peeps like me on fixed income gonna be priced right out
We be fine Joe...there are whales on the beach today which opens a whole new fishing front for us!
11-13-2015, 01:45 PM
roblem is the more people take advantage of great service by pulling no shows, telling the captain the weathers not suitable, not tipping the deckhands the captains gonna get frustrated & raise proces as its not worth the aggravation. Then peeps like me on fixed income gonna be priced right out
We have dual income dummy!
shrimpman steve
11-13-2015, 02:07 PM
We have dual income dummy!
Do you guys file together. :)
11-13-2015, 02:23 PM
11-13-2015, 02:24 PM
oh and the same guys telling me i am out of my mind, are the same guys who if got on a boat to go togging in january and had no whites, they would piss and moan all day and make sure everyone knows how unhappy they are.
If a boat says they provide whites, and they don't have it when I get onboard, I'm not coming back. You yourself said it's built into the price, you're supposed to get what you pay for.
11-14-2015, 11:36 AM
Just include it in the price of trip....seems to be an overwhelming desire these days for passengers to impress and be friends with captain and crew. Be respectful, have fun and at the end of the day grab your chit and get off the boat in a timely manor so they can get home to family and loved ones. That is how they will remember you. Here in so cal they load the bait tanks with live sardines, anchovies or squid from the bait barges on they way out of the harbor..No extra cost...part of fare. Have a good season guys.
Capt Sal
11-14-2015, 03:46 PM
roblem is the more people take advantage of great service by pulling no shows, telling the captain the weathers not suitable, not tipping the deckhands the captains gonna get frustrated & raise proces as its not worth the aggravation. Then peeps like me on fixed income gonna be priced right out
That is not a charter.On a charter the price is set including the tip no matter how many people show.Open boat is for Party Boats not charter boats.I have said it before and i will say again-Open boat will ruin the charter industry!If the price was raised anymore no one would go!There are very few charter boats that can make a full time living in this day and age.If your a charter captain and you think your going to make mucho dinero in this short black fish season in fall weather think again even if you supply white leggers!!!!!This will never effect me because i am retired and made mine already chartering not open boat.
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