View Full Version : Starting problems 25hp Mercury.

11-09-2015, 01:54 PM
Myself and Mikey Topaz have been putting in some work on my 25hp Mercury and she's still being stubborn. All ignition tests and ohm tests have been done. Bad parts have been replaced, stator and plugs. Gas tank has been cleaned out as well as the hoses and inline fuel filter. It turns, it smokes, it starts to piss a little bit but something is stopping her from performing. Does anyone out there have an answer for this. I'm really starting to get frustrated. We've done everything! Like seriously, EVERYTHING!!!

Any opinions or help is appreciated. Thanx fellaz!!!

linden nj
11-09-2015, 01:59 PM
Did you rebuild the fuel pump ?

11-09-2015, 02:36 PM
Did you rebuild the fuel pump ?

Yes sir! Carb, fuel pump and all gaskets brand new! I just don't get it!

Gerry Zagorski
11-09-2015, 02:44 PM
A lot of the larger outboards have a safe mode...When the engine detects something wrong like overheat or out of oil it goes into safe mode and won't go over a certain RPM... Wondering if this could be your issue...

11-09-2015, 03:19 PM
Do you have any of that gray fuel line in the delivery to the carb, if so ditch it it sucks! The inner liner will collapse on itself, seen it too many times!

11-09-2015, 03:24 PM
Thanx for your input guys. We've got it figured out! When working on the ignition system be sure to put the wires to the coil packs back on the right way. Yea, ummmmmm, we had the wires reversed. Yep, 2 Pollocks don't make good mechanics! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Thanx to JimmytheGreek for stopping by and making me feel like a PUTZ! See you fellas out there..................

shrimpman steve
11-09-2015, 07:54 PM

Capt. Debbie
11-10-2015, 11:58 AM
Lucky you. A mechanic would have charged you $700 in new parts to fix it.

Thanx for your input guys. We've got it figured out! When working on the ignition system be sure to put the wires to the coil packs back on the right way. Yea, ummmmmm, we had the wires reversed. Yep, 2 Pollocks don't make good mechanics! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Thanx to JimmytheGreek for stopping by and making me feel like a PUTZ! See you fellas out there..................

11-12-2015, 02:37 PM
no problem eddie, glad to help u out buddy

01-15-2016, 12:31 PM
Myself and Mikey Topaz have been putting in some work on my 25hp Mercury and she's still being stubborn. All ignition tests and ohm tests have been done. Bad parts have been replaced, stator and plugs. Gas tank has been cleaned out as well as the hoses and inline fuel filter. It turns, it smokes, it starts to piss a little bit but something is stopping her from performing. Does anyone out there have an answer for this. I'm really starting to get frustrated. We've done everything! Like seriously, EVERYTHING!!!

Any opinions or help is appreciated. Thanx fellaz!!!

I went thru this same scenario awhile back-it turned out some wasps had gotten into the carb & tried to make a nest thus plugging up the vent & jets. Also I have seen spiders do the same thing. I wish I had caught this without spending all of that cash on parts I did not need. Bugs & squirrels can be the death of a outboard & boat. If storing outside use mothballs in the boat & engine cover to keep them bastards out.

Had had an issue with squirrels turning my boat into a love shack a few years ago & they chewed wires, seats & made a mess of my boast but never came back after I started using the mothballs.

HAVE YOU CHECKED TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE GETTING A SOLID SPARK ON THE PLUGS? Check the plug wires for a break in the insulation as this may ground out the wire which could become dangerous down the road as well as well as an intermittent starting issue.

If all else fails I have a buddy who is a marine tech who works out of his garage & he is a wizard at trouble shooting...best of all he works cheap. Let me know if I can help you hook up with him.