11-09-2015, 10:19 AM
Pushed off the dock at 6:30am. It was my Dad, myself and Uncle Al, Cousin Nate, and AVI from Maryland. At first we were psyched NOAA was wrong (only to see they would be right on at around 8am with some snotty conditions). Headed out of MI and went south looking for the bass on the jigs, but no action (we all hate trolling!). At 7:30 we decided to head out for some big blues, got out to Mudbouy and not much action, we have 1 and lost 2 :eek:. No one was catching, not even the headboats. Made a couple wiggles, and picked up one or two more. We needed gas badly at that point (damn fuel gage is messed up), so we decided to go head to the Highlands Marina, with the hopes of hitting some fish in the bay (which we had initially not wanted to run that far, but i guess when you need fish and fuel, you'll do what you gotta do). On our way there, by sea girt and the Highlands Bridge we saw tons of birds scattered over what looked like a long football field slick of bait under the surface, and every so often you'd see a burst. We started jigging and BAM!!!, my cousin nate hooked into what was the biggest blue fish i have ever seen, easy 20+ # (look at the belly on this Blue!). We ended up going 9 for 12 on what turned out to be a killer day. Friends, Family, and Fish, it doesn't get any better than that.
Pics Below...
Tight Lines,
Nate D, TFS
Pushed off the dock at 6:30am. It was my Dad, myself and Uncle Al, Cousin Nate, and AVI from Maryland. At first we were psyched NOAA was wrong (only to see they would be right on at around 8am with some snotty conditions). Headed out of MI and went south looking for the bass on the jigs, but no action (we all hate trolling!). At 7:30 we decided to head out for some big blues, got out to Mudbouy and not much action, we have 1 and lost 2 :eek:. No one was catching, not even the headboats. Made a couple wiggles, and picked up one or two more. We needed gas badly at that point (damn fuel gage is messed up), so we decided to go head to the Highlands Marina, with the hopes of hitting some fish in the bay (which we had initially not wanted to run that far, but i guess when you need fish and fuel, you'll do what you gotta do). On our way there, by sea girt and the Highlands Bridge we saw tons of birds scattered over what looked like a long football field slick of bait under the surface, and every so often you'd see a burst. We started jigging and BAM!!!, my cousin nate hooked into what was the biggest blue fish i have ever seen, easy 20+ # (look at the belly on this Blue!). We ended up going 9 for 12 on what turned out to be a killer day. Friends, Family, and Fish, it doesn't get any better than that.
Pics Below...
Tight Lines,
Nate D, TFS