View Full Version : ENGEL coolers WOW >>>>--------------》

11-09-2015, 09:18 AM
ENGEL coolers WOW >>>>--------------》
After looking and reading tons of reveiws I decided on using Engel coolers on the boat.
While I would never get to see the ice last ten days on the boat recently on my illinois hunting trip I did.
And all I can saw is WOW they really work.
Filled a 123 qt about 75% With ice before leaving Nj.
After daily use through 70 degree weather I still had over a third of that ice still in the cooler 11 days later.
I put my deer in the cooler frozen with no ice at all the night before leaving.
24 hours later when i opened the cooler at home it was like opening a freezer as the cold air escaped in a cloud.
The packaged meat was still rock hard frozen without any change in aperance.

They def proved to be a SUPER cooler.

11-09-2015, 11:46 AM
These great coolers are in stock at Atlantic Bait and Tackle.....we have the 35, 65, and 80 in stock ...with the 123 due in this week .....Stop in and check them out ....Pete ..... 732-787-2248

11-09-2015, 06:57 PM
These great coolers are in stock at Atlantic Bait and Tackle.....we have the 35, 65, and 80 in stock ...with the 123 due in this week .....Stop in and check them out ....Pete ..... 732-787-2248

Good to know Pete, these coolers do everything they claim they do and more.


11-10-2015, 10:06 PM
Nice write up Hammer. I have the 30QT drybox that i use as my tackle box and just love the set up