View Full Version : Calling all rods, calling all rods

Kevin Bogan
11-06-2015, 04:59 PM
:)Hey skipper, the ocean is alive with stripers, blues, Sea bass, Porgies, and tuna!
:cool: what? well we better put a stop to that right away. :mad: sound the alarms, put out a red alert!!!!
:confused: But skipper, isn't it great news that all the fisheries are in full gear?
:cool: yeah, but we have to make sure they don't take over the ocean. I want all anglers with Fish Poison rods to leave the dock at once and catch as many fish as possible. Those that don't have Fish Poison rods better get some soon, so you can help purge the high seas of this problem!
:D OK skip, "calling all rods", "calling all rods"
:rolleyes: I knew I could talk some sense into that guy, he just doesn't understand, that too many fish is a problem, and Fish Poison rods will fix the problem.
Fish Poison, it's not the disease, it's the cure!!!!!:eek:

bunker dunker
11-18-2015, 11:51 AM
had one of the fish poison blackfish rods up in rhode island for a few days.these are great rods with plenty of feel and back bone.they are made to take it that is for sure.Thanks again kevin.

Kevin Bogan
11-20-2015, 01:21 PM
had one of the fish poison blackfish rods up in rhode island for a few days.these are great rods with plenty of feel and back bone.they are made to take it that is for sure.Thanks again kevin.

You use sharper hooks than the other guys!;) that's why you catch so many