View Full Version : PUOSU VIII - 12/12 and 12/19

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Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 08:33 AM

Once again NJFishing.com brings to you the LAB Memorial PUOSU VIII. Alex (MVP) and I will be hosting it and we will have Wilson on hand photographing it. Proceeds with be donated to the Wells family.

If there are any sponsors or individuals out there who would like to donate a door prize, please post it here. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

Everyone is on their own for food and drink but if you’d like to bring something for the crowd, post it here so everyone knows who is bringing what.

The Rules:
1) If you have to ask what PUOSU or LAB is, you have either been living under a rock or you’re not a true NJFer.. Stay home you ain’t coming on this trip. If you ask on this thread you are out.

2) If you ask questions already covered in this thread you are out too, SO READ THIS CAREFULLY.

3) Format this year is same as last. If you don’t like it tough! If you have any suggestions keep them to yourself or feel free to run your own trip.

4) Fare for each trip is $125. That includes fair, tip, bait (greens / whiteleggars) and pool. Pay Pal is preferred for the Ocean Explorer trip but if you have to be a pain in the a$$ and can’t figure out Pay Pal, go ahead and write and mail a check..Paypal address is njfishing@aol.com send it as a gift not payment for services. Make sure to include your screen name in the comments section. Mailing address if you want to send a check is NJfishing.com 17 Montview Road Edison NJ 08837. Make sure and put your screen name on the check.

5) 1st trip is on the Ocean Explorer in Belmar on Saturday 12/12/15 and will be limited to 45 people. This is first come first served so it’s whoever responds to this post first. No wining if you get shut out. We will keep a short waiting list in case someone who reserves a spot drops out or does not pay… When you reply to this thread to reserve a spot please indicate how you intend to make payment.

For those of you who might have rode the short bus to school, this is how your reply might go… “I’m in and will send Pay Pal” (or check)

6) Payment is due to me for the Ocean Explorer trip by 12/7/15 . If it's not paid by then, you are out and your spot will be turned over to the alternate list hacks. Hence the name Put Up Or Shut Up (PUOSU)... We ain’t tawkin post marked here... It's got to be in my hand.

7) Only one registration per person and that person must be a member of this site with a least 25 posts. Don’t even ask if you can register someone else PERIOD!

8) All past PUOSU winners , DROD, JLRotary, Scotty, Rob B, River Rat, Loudsprtfsh1 are automatically granted a spot on the Ocean Explorer. If they want in they must sign up here and make payment by 12/7/15.

9) 2nd trip will be for the people with the 20 heaviest Blackfish on the Ocean Explorer to fish the following Saturday, 12/19/15 on the MIMI and compete for the 2015 PUOSU VIII crown. We will also keep a short waiting list in case a few of the hen pecked winners wives won’t let them fish 2 weekends in a row. So make sure and weigh your fish even if you think you don’t have a shot at the final 20.

10) Boarding order for the Ocean Explorer trip will be the past PUOSU winners first, followed by remaining members in order of their sign ups.

11) Boarding for the MIMI will be by heaviest to lightest fish from the Ocean Explorer trip. Payment for Mimi trip is $125 and will be made at the boat. If you say you’re coming, you better be there.

This ain’t no flag football game, its full contact. You can pick your spot but when we board but while we are fishing, it’s every man for himself. Mugging, skating, bullying are encouraged and to be expected.

All updates with boarding order and payments will be made on this thread so be sure and stay tuned here.

Cancellations for weather will be made at the captain’s discretion and refunds will be issued if we don’t sail. Check back on this post the night before or morning of to get cancellation updates.

Looking for volunteers to assist with
- Getting White Leggers - Hooset Making arrangements
- Weighing in the fish - Alex and Cadishackfishing
- Door prize raffles and selling 50/50s - Dales

OK Buoys…….Who’s in ??

Food and Drink and Drink List
Joey Dah Fish Chillie
PABeerGuy 2 cases of PA finest beer
Quanman 4 L of PUOSU hand crafted vino
Jmurr Philly pretzels
Snafu7 Keg'o JJ Bittings Hand Crafted Beer www.njbrewpubs.com (burp :))
Cadishackfishing donuts
Blackfish Bobby Kielbasi and Kraut

Door Prize Donations
DRod will hand over Lab Memorial tog rod and reel set up to new crowned king.
Gerry bringing NJF Shirts
One Open Boat pass Fish Stix $130 value www.fishstixnj.com
25 Pounds of flat 6, 8 and 10 Sinkers ( these will be available for sale on the boat)
3 Cases of locally brewed in Belmar Beach Haus Beer (seems like we have a theme going here)
Steve the White Crab Fisherman from Staten Island sent a check for $125 which will go to the family

Sign Ups and Boarding Order Boarding for Ocean Explorer will start at 6:30. You can put your other stuff on board before then, but no rods in any rod holders until your name is called to board. We will leave as soon as we have everyone on board. Boat leaves no later then 7.

Scotty - Former PUSOSU Winner - Paid Pay Pal
River Rat - Former PUOSU Winner Paid Check
Rob B - Former PUOSU winner - Paid Pay Pal
JLRotary - Former PUOSU winner - Paid Check
Alex MVP
Hartattack - Paid Pay Pal
Lefty Reeler - Paid Pay Pal
Joey Dah Fish - Sending check
CadiShackFishing - Paid Pay Pal
Dales - Paid Check
HDMarc - Paid Pay Pal
KurtisB - Paid Pay Pal
Joetheplumber - Paid Check
SaltLife - Paid Pay Pal
Stelios - Paid Pay Pal
Blackfish Bobby - Sending Check
Reel Ron - Paid Pay Pal
Dupes - Paid Pay Pal
Sven of the hook - Sending Check
Taxman - Paid Pay Pal
Thing1 - Sending Check
DFish - Paid Pay Pal
King of the knoll - Sending Check
AWD3 - Paid Cash
Gbgeorge - Paid Cash
Bacala - Paid Check
Hookset - Paid Pay Pal
Islander II - Paid Pay Pal
Foul Hook - Paid Pay Pal
Small Fry - Sending Check
Snafu777 - Sending Check
SportfishingUSA - Awaiting payment method
PABeerGuy - Paid Pay Pal
JMurr - Awaiting payment method
Quanman - Paid Pay Pal
Lingking20 - Paid Pay Pal with Taxman
Broken Bobber - Paid Pay Pal
Fat Fish Stick - Paid Check
Two Guys Rod - Sending Check
Fish Finder - Bringing Cash
Bertramboy - Bringing Cash

42 so we still have room for 3 more

So here is the drill for Saturday for those of you not familiar with how this trip is run:

- Boarding for Ocean Explorer will start at 6:30. You can put your other stuff on board before then, but no rods in any rod holders until your name is called at the dock to board. We will leave as soon as we have everyone on board. Boat leaves no later then 7 no matter who is missing. If you've RSVP to this trip as being in, there will be no refunds if we leave without you.
- Please try and be early so we get can leave and beat the crowds to the grounds.
- When we announce your name you will be permitted to board and put one rod in a pole holder to reserve your spot. Please store your other rods on the upper deck so they don't take up room or interfere at the rail when we are fishing.
- As you are boarding you will be given a tag with a number on it on a zip tie... Don't loose this tag like of lot of knuckle heads have in the past.
- When we are heading back in, choose one fish, wrap your zip tie tag around the base of your fishes tail so it will not fall off and walk your fish back of the boat to be weighed.
- Alex and Cadishackfishing will be officiating the weigh ins and recording the weights.
- Top 20 weights are invited to the final on the Mimi.

One important note here.... If you have a keeper, even if you don't think you are in the top 20, weigh it in... Often times someone who qualifies in the top 20 can't make it for the final on the Mimi, so we work down the list in order of weight.

Please be sure to bring some extra money for 50/50 and a door prize raffles. See Dales on the boat to purchase tickets.

Looking forward to seeing everyone, good luck and thanks for coming out and supporting a great cause and lets have some fun.

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 08:34 AM
Will send check

I will help wherever needed.

11-06-2015, 08:34 AM
In - I PAID it PAL :cool:

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 08:38 AM
OK - the 2 above must have rode the short bus to school

See above: this is how your reply might go… “I’m in and will send Pay Pal” (or check) :rolleyes:

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 08:45 AM

You fuged up already. Go back and read the directions before Gerry kicks you off:D

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 08:49 AM
You fuged up already. Go back and read the directions before Gerry kicks you off:D

I see you also had to edit your post Shrimpy ;)

An no I will not accept a check that is post dated 12/12 :D

11-06-2015, 08:55 AM
In pay pal en route

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 08:56 AM

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 08:57 AM
In send check

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 09:03 AM

I actually saw Mom drop you on your head :rolleyes:

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 09:10 AM
NJFishing.com Blackfishing Slang

I rolled him - You had a good bite, got a few cranks on the fish but lost it
Roller Skating - Moving around the boat from spot to spot looking for other people's fish
Mugging - The act of stealing, pushing or bullying someone out of their spot when they catch a fish
Puller - An older and wiser Blackfisherman. Opposite of Young Blood
Snafu Rig – A rig consisting of 2 hooks some that some purists regaurd as cheating
Slide Rig – See Snafu rig except with a hook that slides up and down the leader
Stelly – A famous skating, mugging puller that sangs fish using Snafu and Slider rigs
Piece – A specifc spot on a rough rocky or snaggy bottom where you donate your tackle
Pool Fish – The largest fish that takes all the money in the pool
Yo Dolla – The first keeper fish caught where everyone (even cheap skates when forced to) pays you a dollar

Putting Slang into the Proper Context

Said in Brooklyn Accent:
I was fishin wit Stelly and dat SOB is skatin around the dah whole boat. I'm fishin on a good piece wit some otha Pullahs and I roll a fish. I go to bait up and outa no weah Stelly comes in and mugs me. He drops down a slidah, snags dah yo dolla fish in dah chin and he wins dah friggin pool... Fogetaboutit!

11-06-2015, 09:29 AM
I’m in and will send Pay Pal

11-06-2015, 09:31 AM
I am IN and will send check.

11-06-2015, 09:43 AM
I'm in, will send payment via PayPal

11-06-2015, 09:44 AM
I'm in. Paypal.

11-06-2015, 09:59 AM
I'm in! Will send checks!

11-06-2015, 10:10 AM
Im In! Will send paypal

11-06-2015, 10:33 AM
In, paypal. Thank you.

11-06-2015, 10:44 AM
I'm in! Will send checks!

Blackfish Bobby
11-06-2015, 10:47 AM
IN !!!!! Will send check.

11-06-2015, 10:48 AM
I'm in. Noted the paypal payment as for the Wells Family, from Reelron.

Hope that works for you!

11-06-2015, 10:53 AM
I'm In!

11-06-2015, 10:55 AM
I'm in. Will send paypal.

11-06-2015, 11:02 AM
I'm in! I don't know chit about blackfishing, but I'm in, will send Paypal!

bunker dunker
11-06-2015, 11:11 AM
in for 2 if there is room.will send check

11-06-2015, 11:12 AM
Been blackfishing out of Sheepshead Bay lately. Doing good. Because t can't wait for the Jersey to open!!

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 11:18 AM
in for 2 if there is room.will send check

Hey lover boy you can only sign up for one !!!! What am u ignant? :D

11-06-2015, 11:18 AM
From sheepshead bay😃

11-06-2015, 11:22 AM
Good luck Lady's. You are going to need it

11-06-2015, 11:26 AM
Hey lover boy you can only sign up for one !!!! What am u ignant? :D

Hahaha...let the games begin! :D

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 11:31 AM
From sheepshead bay😃

Hey Joey it's a sign up page !!!!!!! And it's not what you have caught it's about how you perform that day. So put up or shut up !!!!!!!!!! Hence the name !!!!! :eek: :D oh also I shit bigger than those fish !!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::p

Dollar Bill
11-06-2015, 12:07 PM
I'm in and will send a check.

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 12:47 PM
.......and there off!!!!!
Let the games begin.

Number one, I want all you non captains to start calling me captain shrimpy:eek::D

Number two, see number one.

Except for Joey dah fish. I would like him to call me admiral

Sven of the hook
11-06-2015, 12:51 PM
Sven of the hook will send check

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 01:13 PM
.......and there off!!!!!
Let the games begin.

Number one, I want all you non captains to start calling me captain shrimpy:eek::D

Number two, see number one.

Except for Joey dah fish. I would like him to call me admiral

Ok Shrimp Toast

11-06-2015, 01:22 PM
Im in, will paypal if i can remember my info :)

River Rat
11-06-2015, 02:25 PM
I'm in... Check:cool:

bunker dunker
11-06-2015, 02:31 PM
sorry,i meant both trips but one is good.either orr

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 02:38 PM
sorry,i meant both trips but one is good.either orr

Got your down for the first trip but you will need to qualify to make it on the 2nd one Dunk...

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 02:41 PM
Got your down for the first trip but you will need to qualify to make it on the 2nd one Dunk...

You might as well make other plans for the championship round:p:D

bunker dunker
11-06-2015, 02:46 PM
would be great if I did though.let me ask ya one question Steve.do you like using the hermit crabs or just busting the shells{lol}

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 02:53 PM
Just bustin:)

11-06-2015, 03:01 PM
Thing 1....... IN...... keep an eye out for the check. Dupes needs some schoolin. :eek:

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 03:04 PM
Let the ball busting begin.....

King of the knoll
11-06-2015, 03:12 PM
Count the King in, check is in the mail :)

11-06-2015, 03:19 PM
Count the King in, check is in the mail :)

Great to see 'ya back here Larry. With you and River Rat Jim I might just be having a flashback :cool:

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 03:21 PM
PUOSU Trivia

Q:River Rat, DRod, JLRotary, Scotty, Rob B, and Loudsprtfsh1 makes 6 former winners. Who is the 7th and not listed here??

Q: Who was banned from one of the PUOSU trips for leaving a banana in the Charter Masters duffle bag??

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 03:21 PM
Just bustin:)

If I'm not mistaking Admiral Shrimp Toast you didn't qualify for round 2 last year :eek::eek::eek:

11-06-2015, 03:24 PM
Thing 1....... IN...... keep an eye out for the check. Dupes needs some schoolin. :eek:

I try to learn something new each and every day, Master Obi-Wan!

River Rat
11-06-2015, 03:24 PM
LAB won & Shrimpy got banned for hiding his banana in a guy's zip up... what did I win?

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 03:26 PM
I know the answer to Both

1) LAB

I'll let someone else take a shot at the second question

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 03:32 PM
Gerry please check last years records. I think I made the cut. But your brother may be right and I may be mentally in denial :rolleyes:

bunker dunker
11-06-2015, 03:41 PM
denile,isn't that a river???

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 04:03 PM
Gerry please check last years records. I think I made the cut. But your brother may be right and I may be mentally in denial :rolleyes:

In typical Ehrimpman fashion he's delegating the work to someone else to do the leg work for him. If you want to prove me wrong do it your damn self!!!!! If we don't see a post from you we will all know JFF was right :)

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 04:10 PM
Gerry please check last years records. I think I made the cut. But your brother may be right and I may be mentally in denial :rolleyes:

See message board below for last years top 20 Admiral oh did I mention you suck !!!!! And this will never change until I break the white rod in half :) LMFAO you got owned !!!!! I'm sure it will be my turn this year :)

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 04:16 PM
See message board below for last years top 20 Admiral oh did I mention you suck !!!!! And this will never change until I break the white rod in half :) LMFAO you got owned !!!!! I'm sure it will be my turn this year :)

From now on we will refer to you as Capt Hermit Crad instead of Shrimpman Steve

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 04:22 PM
I did make the list last year. I was right.

It was the alternate list, but it was still a list:p

Talkin about lists, you just made mine!:eek::)

Just kidding my brother. I look forward to the competition

11-06-2015, 04:24 PM
12-09-2013, 10:12 AM

Gerry Zagorski
Owner NJFishing.com

Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Edison, NJ
Posts: 6,398
PUOSU Prelim Trip Results
Decided to cancel the trip and reschedule for Jan 5th. More details to follow.

A quick re cap here and the results.
- DRod won the "Yo Dolla" and donated it back to the family
- DollarBill won the pool with a 6.7
- We had a tie for the Team pool.. Last minute entrants Team Bobbly Lee Blackfish (Blackfish Bobby and JLRotary) tied with Team Scotch in the Rocks (Reel Ron and riverbassfishing)

Here is the list of the top 20 qualifiers that earned their way on to the Mimi this Sunday to compete for the PUOSU crown. If your name is on this list please post here to let us know if you are in out so we can be sure to fill the 20 spots. . All fares for the Mimi trip will be collected on the boat.

1 DollarBill 6.7 in
2 Jlrotary 5.9 in
3 KurtisB 5.7 in
4 Islander II 5.6 in
5 Shrimpman Steve 5.4 in
Riverbassfishing 5.1 scratched
6 Jmurr 5.0 in
Baccalla 4.12 scratched
7 Dtats 4.10 in
8 Reel Ron 4.7 in
9 Blackfish Bobby 4.0
10 D Rod 3.15 in
11 Jersey Boy Jim 3.14
DarrenFlynn 3.13 scratched
12 Dfish28 3.12 in
Stelli 3.8 scratched
13 Thing2 3.8
Rob B 3.7 scratched
14 SportfishingUSA 3.7 in
Hart Attack 3.6 scratched
15 Joey Dah Fish 3.6 in
16 MVP 3.5 in
17 HDMarc 3.3 in
Foul Hook scratched
18 Dales 2.13
Wein 2.11 scratched
19 Scotty
20 Toggy Time
If you want to keep your spot on the above list and you have not confirmed yet, you need to confirm by Thursday at noon, one way or the other.

On Deck Circle
jig smith

Stelli and Baccalla might need to work if it snows so they gave up there spot and might jump on last minute if we are not full

If other spots are needed to fill out 20 it will go by boarding order of the OE trip list so stay tuned.

I stunk up the stern with a skunk so looks like I will be watching you all fish on Sunday

And to Ron, Will, Bobby and JL. I am not worthy to be in your presense oh great ones. I suck
Gerry Zagorski <><
Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
Proud Supporter of SSFFF and RFA
28 Carolina Classic
Sandy Hook Area
Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 12-14-2013 at 10:09 AM..

11-06-2015, 04:34 PM
I'm in : Paypal sent

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 04:59 PM
12-09-2013, 10:12 AM

Gerry Zagorski
Owner NJFishing.com

Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Edison, NJ
Posts: 6,398
PUOSU Prelim Trip Results
Decided to cancel the trip and reschedule for Jan 5th. More details to follow.

A quick re cap here and the results.

- DRod won the "Yo Dolla" and donated it back to the family
- DollarBill won the pool with a 6.7
- We had a tie for the Team pool.. Last minute entrants Team Bobbly Lee Blackfish (Blackfish Bobby and JLRotary) tied with Team Scotch in the Rocks (Reel Ron and riverbassfishing)

Here is the list of the top 20 qualifiers that earned their way on to the Mimi this Sunday to compete for the PUOSU crown. If your name is on this list please post here to let us know if you are in out so we can be sure to fill the 20 spots. . All fares for the Mimi trip will be collected on the boat.

1 DollarBill 6.7 in
2 Jlrotary 5.9 in
3 KurtisB 5.7 in
4 Islander II 5.6 in
5 Shrimpman Steve 5.4 in
Riverbassfishing 5.1 scratched
6 Jmurr 5.0 in
Baccalla 4.12 scratched
7 Dtats 4.10 in
8 Reel Ron 4.7 in
9 Blackfish Bobby 4.0
10 D Rod 3.15 in
11 Jersey Boy Jim 3.14
DarrenFlynn 3.13 scratched
12 Dfish28 3.12 in
Stelli 3.8 scratched
13 Thing2 3.8
Rob B 3.7 scratched
14 SportfishingUSA 3.7 in
Hart Attack 3.6 scratched
15 Joey Dah Fish 3.6 in
16 MVP 3.5 in
17 HDMarc 3.3 in
Foul Hook scratched
18 Dales 2.13
Wein 2.11 scratched
19 Scotty
20 Toggy Time
If you want to keep your spot on the above list and you have not confirmed yet, you need to confirm by Thursday at noon, one way or the other.

On Deck Circle
jig smith

Stelli and Baccalla might need to work if it snows so they gave up there spot and might jump on last minute if we are not full

If other spots are needed to fill out 20 it will go by boarding order of the OE trip list so stay tuned.

I stunk up the stern with a skunk so looks like I will be watching you all fish on Sunday

And to Ron, Will, Bobby and JL. I am not worthy to be in your presense oh great ones. I suck
Gerry Zagorski <><
Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
Proud Supporter of SSFFF and RFA
28 Carolina Classic
Sandy Hook Area
Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 12-14-2013 at 10:09 AM..
That was 2 years Shor Eddie

11-06-2015, 05:12 PM
In if there is still room !!!

11-06-2015, 05:19 PM
AWD3 is in and sending check :D

11-06-2015, 05:19 PM
I'm in Jerry ... Need a new hat !!!

11-06-2015, 05:25 PM
I'm in Pay by check

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 05:28 PM
LAB won & Shrimpy got banned for hiding his banana in a guy's zip up... what did I win?

We have a winner !!

You get to board first :D

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 05:30 PM
Gerry please check last years records. I think I made the cut. But your brother may be right and I may be mentally in denial :rolleyes:

Do your own fact checking "CAPTAIN"

I can neither confirm or deny.... PMP :D

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 05:33 PM
I'm in! I don't know chit about blackfishing, but I'm in, will send Paypal!

No problem Admiral Shrimpman doesn't either

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 05:35 PM
In if there is still room !!!

OK another short bus guy is in.... What is your payment method :rolleyes:

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 05:36 PM
I'm in Jerry ... Need a new hat !!!

Hard to believe a former PUOSU winner is also on the short bus...

Payment method please :rolleyes:

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 05:38 PM
Count the King in, check is in the mail :)

King of the Knoll ? 1 post? Sounds like king of nothing lmao

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 05:48 PM
King of the Knoll ? 1 post? Sounds like king of nothing lmao

King of the knoll in is based on his posts on the prior board which was before you even knew what the Internet was..... My Brotha.


bunker dunker
11-06-2015, 05:55 PM
you guys get the paint mixing going as I am heading up to rhode island to practice on their tog for a few days.

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 05:59 PM
"Looking for volunteers to assist with"
- Getting White Leggers
- Weighing in the fish
- Door prize raffles and selling 50/50s

"If you’d like to bring something for the crowd, post it here so everyone knows who is bringing what"

Don't all jump at once :rolleyes:

I'll start it off with some NJF Shirts and a Keg O' JJ Bitting's Finest Hand Crafted Beer

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 06:09 PM
King of the knoll in is based on his posts on the prior board which was before you even knew what the Internet was..... My Brotha.


Blah blah he will be fishing that 20 year old line anyone will bust off any qualifier he may possibly hook by mistake :) :eek:

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 06:10 PM
"Looking for volunteers to assist with"
- Getting White Leggers
- Weighing in the fish
- Door prize raffles and selling 50/50s

"If you’d like to bring something for the crowd, post it here so everyone knows who is bringing what"

Don't all jump at once :rolleyes:

I'll start it off with some NJF Shirts and a Keg O' JJ Bitting's Finest Hand Crafted Beer

Trip one Chilie

11-06-2015, 06:45 PM
"Looking for volunteers to assist with"
- Getting White Leggers
- Weighing in the fish
- Door prize raffles and selling 50/50s

"If you’d like to bring something for the crowd, post it here so everyone knows who is bringing what"

Don't all jump at once :rolleyes:

I'll start it off with some NJF Shirts and a Keg O' JJ Bitting's Finest Hand Crafted Beer

As usual I will be your raffle / 50/50 bitch. I own that shyte
PS: Dales made the cut at #18 and a certain crustacean was on the undercard. How about them apples! I don't even know the difference between a Tog and a Blackfish:eek:

11-06-2015, 07:00 PM
That was 2 years Shor Eddie

SH!T, I forgot what year it was again! Sorry Joey, fellaz! Too many Lattes for lunch today, oh boy! I gotta learn to stay away from the salty section. Oooops!!! Good luck to all you ugly old salts!

P.S. Who da he!! Fishes when it's cold outside? Your all NUTZ!!! Complete MANIACS...........

11-06-2015, 07:03 PM
"Looking for volunteers to assist with"
- Getting White Leggers
- Weighing in the fish
- Door prize raffles and selling 50/50s

"If you’d like to bring something for the crowd, post it here so everyone knows who is bringing what"

Don't all jump at once :rolleyes:

I'll start it off with some NJF Shirts and a Keg O' JJ Bitting's Finest Hand Crafted Beer

I'll bring about 25 lbs of freshly smoked pulled pork (and buns & BBQ sauce) if the OE has some sort of facility to warm it up...microwave or a place to plug in a crockpot.

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 07:05 PM
I'll bring about 25 lbs of freshly smoked pulled pork (and buns & BBQ sauce) if the OE has some sort of facility to warm it up...microwave or a place to plug in a crockpot.

Has boof

11-06-2015, 07:08 PM
Has boof

Excellent, I'll trade sammiches for blackfishing lessons.

11-06-2015, 07:19 PM
Well I was going to say I got the dogs n kraut, but it doesn't look like I'm in yet ?:(

11-06-2015, 07:20 PM
In please
Pay pal on way

11-06-2015, 07:20 PM
I'm in : Paypal sent

I thought I was clear... Lol:rolleyes:

Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2015, 07:39 PM
I thought I was clear... Lol:rolleyes:

My ******* brother is out to dinner ADAM he will catch up

shrimpman steve
11-06-2015, 08:04 PM
As usual I will be your raffle / 50/50 bitch. I own that shyte
PS: Dales made the cut at #18 and a certain crustacean was on the undercard. How about them apples! I don't even know the difference between a Tog and a Blackfish:eek:

I got nothin!!! You win

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2015, 09:57 PM
Well I was going to say I got the dogs n kraut, but it doesn't look like I'm in yet ?:(

Sorry D got you now. Got sidined by trash talk.

11-06-2015, 11:27 PM
Gerry how many bushel of white leggers you looking for this year? If I make the list I will prob be able to obtain from same guy as last year

11-07-2015, 01:11 AM
IN !!!!! Payment in the BBTT check...

Fish Stix
11-07-2015, 04:57 AM
I wish I could make it like the old days...

Will donate an open boat spot, value of $130.

Miss ya Mike!

Islander II
11-07-2015, 08:49 AM
In. Pay pal sent.

Foul Hook
11-07-2015, 10:02 AM
Im in, pay pal as soon as i remember my password. PAYPAL sent! 11/8 Thanks

11-07-2015, 10:27 AM

I will be the offficial weigh Master as well as help Dale with the raffle just like in past years. Will bring a metal detector to make sure Shrimpy does not stuff his 15" blackfish with sinkers to try to make the cut.:D

11-07-2015, 10:43 AM
I'm in Jerry ... Need a new hat !!!

I'll send PayPal soon✔️

11-07-2015, 12:21 PM
didn't think the first one took! LOL. Joey!

11-07-2015, 12:22 PM
smallfry in sending check

11-07-2015, 12:24 PM
Snafu777 in sending check

11-07-2015, 12:27 PM
Gerry how many bushel of white leggers you looking for this year? If I make the list I will prob be able to obtain from same guy as last year

Probably 4 if you can them, just let me know how much and I will pay you for them.

Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2015, 12:32 PM
Gerry how many bushel of white leggers you looking for this year? If I make the list I will prob be able to obtain from same guy as last year

I'd say 4... Please confirm you can get them and let me know how much and I will pay you at the boat.

11-07-2015, 07:55 PM
Scotty's in. Will PayPal ~ 11/20 - next payday - been fishing a lot $$$

11-08-2015, 08:54 AM
Scotty's in. Will PayPal ~ 11/20 - next payday - been fishing a lot $$$

I think you should keep practicing😁

11-08-2015, 04:55 PM
I'm in as always

Gerry Zagorski
11-08-2015, 05:43 PM
I'm in as always
Short bus guy here too... Payment method please.

And how about your pretty boy sidekick from Philly, Jmurr, Vinn ??

11-08-2015, 06:46 PM
Short bus guy here too... Payment method please.

And how about your pretty boy sidekick from Philly, Jmurr, Vinn ??

He is in but I can't sign him up. He doesn't have a choice. And payment method? Catch me if you can hahahha

shrimpman steve
11-08-2015, 10:19 PM
Now it's a party:D

11-09-2015, 02:41 PM
PaBeerGuy booked too many seabass trips near that date, but I'll send a donation this year and be more careful next year to keep some time open around that same date.:(

Gerry Zagorski
11-09-2015, 02:53 PM
PaBeerGuy booked too many seabass trips near that date, but I'll send a donation this year and be more careful next year to keep some time open around that same date.:(

Thanks for your donation to the Wells family Dan!!

Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2015, 02:55 PM
PaBeerGuy booked too many seabass trips near that date, but I'll send a donation this year and be more careful next year to keep some time open around that same date.:(

How do you favor sea bass fishing over togging? Not to mention the awesome people on this trip? Sorry to miss you. Good luck sea bassing but under my breathe I'm giggling at you :eek: :D:D

11-09-2015, 03:26 PM
How do you favor sea bass fishing over togging? Not to mention the awesome people on this trip? Sorry to miss you. Good luck sea bassing but under my breathe I'm giggling at you :eek: :D:D
My trips were booked more than a month ago, didn't realize then that I'd be smack in the middle of this trip.

11-09-2015, 03:30 PM
Screw it, the more I think about Joey snickering, the more I realize I need to come. Put me down as #41 Gerry. And count on 2 cases of Pa's Finest to share.:):):)

shrimpman steve
11-09-2015, 04:06 PM
I knew you get your priorities straight. And it's not hearing Joey snicker it's about snickering AT Joey :D

PS. I know I have no right to trash talk, but this is "The season of Steve!"
(Said like George from Seinfeld):D:D

Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2015, 04:40 PM
I knew you get your priorities straight. And it's not hearing Joey snicker it's about snickering AT Joey :D

PS. I know I have no right to trash talk, but this is "The season of Steve!"
(Said like George from Seinfeld):D:D

The season of the bitch !!!!

Gerry Zagorski
11-09-2015, 04:52 PM
Screw it, the more I think about Joey snickering, the more I realize I need to come. Put me down as #41 Gerry. And count on 2 cases of Pa's Finest to share.:):):)

You are in Dan.... Got your other Pay Pal so you are all set.

Hey - If you want to gang up on Joey on the trip, the line forms behind me and Shrimpy :D

11-09-2015, 05:02 PM
Sending chk!

Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2015, 05:04 PM
You are in Dan.... Got your other Pay Pal so you are all set.

Hey - If you want to gang up on Joey on the trip, the line forms behind me and Shrimpy :D

You two girls are gonna need plenty of help. If you want to take on JDF !!!!! Done forget to iron your skirts ladies.

11-09-2015, 05:05 PM
I just realized, this is my 25th post!!!:D

Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2015, 05:06 PM
You are in Dan.... Got your other Pay Pal so you are all set.

Hey - If you want to gang up on Joey on the trip, the line forms behind me and Shrimpy :D

It might be all day fishing for Steve and Gerry to get a lab limit between the two of them. Maybe I will start call Steve Admiral Lab Limit.

Gerry Zagorski
11-09-2015, 08:51 PM
It might be all day fishing for Steve and Gerry to get a lab limit between the two of them. Maybe I will start call Steve Admiral Lab Limit.
Care to make a little side bet???

Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2015, 09:23 PM
Care to make a little side bet???

Always do I ain't afraid of you hacks

shrimpman steve
11-09-2015, 09:29 PM
The season of Steve, THE SEASON OF STEVE!!!!!

11-09-2015, 09:51 PM
Lingking20 tried to post right after me but forgot his password

He clicked to have it sent but it did not work

I will send his paypal

Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2015, 09:54 PM
The season of Steve, THE SEASON OF STEVE!!!!!

It must be the season of the bitch!!!

11-09-2015, 10:49 PM
in.....awaiting sportfishingusa payment method...............bitches is toast

11-09-2015, 10:55 PM
Captain Bitch to you Joe.

You are overdue shrimp.

Give up the exotic bait and fish like a real man.

11-09-2015, 10:57 PM
in.....awaiting sportfishingusa payment method...............bitches is toast

Wouldn't be a party without you two! :)

Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2015, 10:58 PM
Captain Bitch to you Joe.

You are overdue shrimp.

Give up the exotic bait and fish like a real man.

I believe he wants me to call him Admiral Bitch :D I be telling him that for 2 years Kurtis. I hope he listens. If he doesn't I'm sure he will have success. Plus getting rid of that white POS Rod I watch him drop fish on consistently

11-09-2015, 11:08 PM
I believe he wants me to call him Admiral Bitch :D I be telling him that for 2 years Kurtis. I hope he listens. If he doesn't I'm sure he will have success. Plus getting rid of that white POS Rod I watch him drop fish on consistently

Yeah, he needs to try the 3/4 oz Tidal Tails jig on a trout rod like we have been killing them on Joe.

11-10-2015, 12:55 AM
I believe he wants me to call him Admiral Bitch :D I be telling him that for 2 years Kurtis. I hope he listens. If he doesn't I'm sure he will have success. Plus getting rid of that white POS Rod I watch him drop fish on consistently


That white rod in the right hands should be putting allot of tog to sleep for a long time without any chance of waking up. Soft tip and moderate bend takes some time to get use too especially if you are use to fishing fast action graphite rods. Give me a week with Shrimpy and that White Rod and no soft baits and i will turn him into a tog catching machine that will strike fear into those who dare to mug him after he catches his limit and is throwing back 6 pounders.

11-10-2015, 11:47 AM
I'm in. Wow missed a day on the site and look what happened. PayPal

11-10-2015, 12:29 PM
KB you are safe from our wrath your my Virginia roomie. Me & Vinnie are out for blood this year so the rest of you fools best watch yourselfs

Joey Dah Fish
11-10-2015, 02:31 PM

That white rod in the right hands should be putting allot of tog to sleep for a long time without any chance of waking up. Soft tip and moderate bend takes some time to get use too especially if you are use to fishing fast action graphite rods. Give me a week with Shrimpy and that White Rod and no soft baits and i will turn him into a tog catching machine that will strike fear into those who dare to mug him after he catches his limit and is throwing back 6 pounders.

Shrimpy can shut down a bite by just talking about going fishing. Never under estimate the powe of the Shrimpman to shut down a bite!!!!

11-10-2015, 02:39 PM

My father will pay for me with his ;):D

shrimpman steve
11-10-2015, 03:11 PM

That white rod in the right hands should be putting allot of tog to sleep for a long time without any chance of waking up. Soft tip and moderate bend takes some time to get use too especially if you are use to fishing fast action graphite rods. Give me a week with Shrimpy and that White Rod and no soft baits and i will turn him into a tog catching machine that will strike fear into those who dare to mug him after he catches his limit and is throwing back 6 pounders.

If that's an offer some lessons, You got it Alex. I am always willing to listen (except to Joey :D

Kurtis, I'm thinkin of skipping the hermits this year.

11-10-2015, 03:20 PM
Can not wait to crack all shrimpmans hermits and throw them over the side.

11-10-2015, 03:35 PM
Can not wait to crack all shrimpmans hermits and throw them over the side.
best bergall bait on the coast

broken bobber
11-10-2015, 06:34 PM

Will be jumping on the Big Ragu / Jmurr Ho-Train....

11-10-2015, 07:39 PM
I'll be bringing 4L of the PUOSU vintage. Same label different date.

Rob B
11-10-2015, 07:59 PM
Im in. will be paying paypal

11-10-2015, 08:14 PM

Will be jumping on the Big Ragu / Jmurr Ho-Train....


looking at those pics made me tear up i miss that little bastard so much

11-10-2015, 08:41 PM
Where do I send the check?

broken bobber
11-10-2015, 08:43 PM

looking at those pics made me tear up i miss that little bastard so much

he is in my thoughts ALWAYS,,,, this trip wouldn't even be a thought with out his hard work in the past.... though i support his family as much as i can i would never attend this event when he was running it and he would beg me too... he recently talked to me one night and its time i see what the PUOSU is all about.....

Joey Dah Fish
11-10-2015, 08:44 PM
Where do I send the check?

Did you fall off the short bus? Read the original post

11-10-2015, 08:53 PM
he is in my thoughts ALWAYS,,,, this trip wouldn't even be a thought with out his hard work in the past.... though i support his family as much as i can i would never attend this event when he was running it and he would beg me too... he recently talked to me one night and its time i see what the PUOSU is all about.....

no doubt brother. he did so much for so many people me & ragu got you we will build the life & ridicule everyone around us

11-10-2015, 08:55 PM
Where do I send the check?

I would definitely read 1st post, that question is grounds for dismissal :D

11-10-2015, 08:59 PM
Where do I send the check?

You better go back and read the first post in this thread.

broken bobber
11-10-2015, 09:03 PM
no doubt brother. he did so much for so many people me & ragu got you we will build the life & ridicule everyone around us

well I'm bringing bucktails just incase..... :D

11-10-2015, 09:37 PM
Everybody pay attention. Here's the plan from PaBeerGuy. Nobody starts fishing before they finish 1 of my Pa's Finest before first horn. Rule #1. Unless you have an excuse from Mommy.

11-10-2015, 10:04 PM
Glad to see Bobber as part of this event. Will make Mike Happy to see him on board. Never been blackfishing with him but being he is so good with the bucktail he has to have some great feel in those hands which should make him a strong contender to take the crown.

11-10-2015, 10:10 PM
Glad to see Bobber as part of this event. Will make Mike Happy to see him on board. Never been blackfishing with him but being he is so good with the bucktail he has to have some great feel in those hands which should make him a strong contender to take the crown.

See my Rule #1.;)

shrimpman steve
11-10-2015, 10:37 PM

Will be jumping on the Big Ragu / Jmurr Ho-Train....

Welcome aboard!

It will be nice to have you

11-10-2015, 10:45 PM
Everybody pay attention. Here's the plan from PaBeerGuy. Nobody starts fishing before they finish 1 of my Pa's Finest before first horn. Rule #1. Unless you have an excuse from Mommy.

I'm in! (My note from Mommy says I can have 2).

11-10-2015, 10:56 PM
Glad to see Bobber as part of this event. Will make Mike Happy to see him on board. Never been blackfishing with him but being he is so good with the bucktail he has to have some great feel in those hands which should make him a strong contender to take the crown.

I got to blackfish with him once and I was not impressed. I personally had to put enough tog in the box before Jerry would let us go in. Bunch of slackers that day.

Welcome to PUOSU Bobber.

11-10-2015, 11:09 PM
I got to blackfish with him once and I was not impressed. I personally had to put enough tog in the box before Jerry would lets go in. Bunch of slackers that day.

Welcome to PUOSU Bobber.

KB said more words in this post than the 25 times we fished together combined

shrimpman steve
11-10-2015, 11:20 PM
KB said more words in this post than the 25 times we fished together combined

That's funny chit right there!

Bobber, slip on your thick skin, this is a brutal group. For the record, I don't condone any of this trash talk. :)

11-10-2015, 11:28 PM
KB said more words in this post than the 25 times we fished together combined

All Star team that day that couldn't catch shit. We did get an Northern Saw-whet Owl that day.

11-11-2015, 06:08 AM
All Star team that day that couldn't catch shit. We did get an Northern Saw-whet Owl that day.

And this thing..... I think it's a Torpedo fish:confused::eek:


11-11-2015, 06:12 AM
I got to blackfish with him once and I was not impressed. I personally had to put enough tog in the box before Jerry would let us go in. Bunch of slackers that day.

Welcome to PUOSU Bobber.

Must of been that light up Christmas rod....


11-11-2015, 07:02 AM
KB said more words in this post than the 25 times we fished together combined

KB does not need to talk smack as he lets his catching do the talking for him

11-11-2015, 08:24 AM
he is in my thoughts ALWAYS,,,, this trip wouldn't even be a thought with out his hard work in the past.... though i support his family as much as i can i would never attend this event when he was running it and he would beg me too... he recently talked to me one night and its time i see what the PUOSU is all about.....

I know the odds postings are still weeks away but with LAB on his side, you might as well give the hat to Bobber now as well as the best door prizes

broken bobber
11-11-2015, 10:40 AM
hahahaha....here we go... I'm honestly just along for the ride and the memories that i am sure will be thick in the air this day... fishing with my Bow Monkey all those years has hardened me to ANY ball busting.....lol.....

And that F'n Owl jinxed the whole trip from the start.... :mad:

11-11-2015, 09:24 PM
Ready to tog

bunker dunker
11-12-2015, 10:20 AM
back from 4 days of togging in rhode island and man did we catch tog.if you ever get the chance to go,go.now for the bad news I will not be able to make
this trip.i am booked for an off shore sea bass trip.hope this does not create a problem.good luck to all.

11-12-2015, 11:28 AM
hahahaha....here we go... I'm honestly just along for the ride and the memories that i am sure will be thick in the air this day... fishing with my Bow Monkey all those years has hardened me to ANY ball busting.....lol.....

And that F'n Owl jinxed the whole trip from the start.... :mad:

I cannot believe i never got to eat that Owl

11-12-2015, 11:49 AM
back from 4 days of togging in rhode island and man did we catch tog.if you ever get the chance to go,go.now for the bad news I will not be able to make
this trip.i am booked for an off shore sea bass trip.hope this does not create a problem.good luck to all.

I caught Major s*@it from Joey for choosing sea bass over this trip. You might get the same.:p

Joey Dah Fish
11-12-2015, 12:06 PM
back from 4 days of togging in rhode island and man did we catch tog.if you ever get the chance to go,go.now for the bad news I will not be able to make
this trip.i am booked for an off shore sea bass trip.hope this does not create a problem.good luck to all.

Friggin sea bass? Sea friggin bass? Obviously. You are not a fisherman. May as well perch fish in the pond by your house. I still can't believe I'm reading this. Sea bass? Really? Over tog fishing? Sea bass? :eek::eek::eek::eek: bunker dunker I thought better of you :( wow sea bass lmao

Joey Dah Fish
11-12-2015, 12:08 PM
Sea bass? Really? Really? Really?

bunker dunker
11-12-2015, 12:47 PM
joey I would love there to see the reel fisher folks in action but have both those dates booked for off shore sea bass.i love togging as much as anyone on this planet.i am sure thru out this tog season I will see most of you on one boat or another.

11-12-2015, 12:49 PM
Friggin sea bass? Sea friggin bass? Obviously. You are not a fisherman. May as well perch fish in the pond by your house. I still can't believe I'm reading this. Sea bass? Really? Over tog fishing? Sea bass? :eek::eek::eek::eek: bunker dunker I thought better of you :( wow sea bass lmao

Not that Joe is judging you, Ed!:D

Joey Dah Fish
11-12-2015, 12:52 PM
Not that Joe is judging you, Ed!:D

It's a ball busting session. So once again I say " Friggin Sea Bass."

Joey Dah Fish
11-12-2015, 12:53 PM
joey I would love there to see the reel fisher folks in action but have both those dates booked for off shore sea bass.i love togging as much as anyone on this planet.i am sure thru out this tog season I will see most of you on one boat or another.

I got nuttin but love for you brother!!!! But friggin sea bass? Lmao. Obviously it's about a previous commitment not the sea bass. But I gotta bust your balls you know :D

11-12-2015, 12:57 PM
i can not believe what i am reading. Sea bass over blackfish

11-12-2015, 01:09 PM
I cannot believe i never got to eat that Owl

They are protected. We had to release it. The seagulls didn't even want it.

Joey Dah Fish
11-12-2015, 01:58 PM
They are protected. We had to release it. The seagulls didn't even want it.

I believe Jmurrs digestive track is far more developed than sea gulls :)

bunker dunker
11-12-2015, 02:25 PM
its all good!!!!!! I am sure it will be a great trip with tons of laughs and busting
as mike would have wanted.just get some good shrimp and joey pics for those of us who will not be there.

shrimpman steve
11-12-2015, 09:55 PM

We are talkin toggin here! Let's go ED

Joey Dah Fish
11-12-2015, 10:03 PM

We are talkin toggin here! Let's go ED


bunker dunker
11-13-2015, 08:48 AM
that's it that's it,i can't take it.........so I called the captain up in rh and I am hopefully going back up tonight.says the west wind won't bother us were we were fishing.

11-13-2015, 10:29 AM
that's it that's it,i can't take it.........so I called the captain up in rh and I am hopefully going back up tonight.says the west wind won't bother us were we were fishing.

Wish you luck on your trip tomorrow. The Capt i fish with for the past 20 years out of the same Port Cancelled his trips with me for this Friday and Sat do to the weather forecast. He could get me out on Sat but would have to fish inshore where you guys are going to go an most likely will not be able to give me the type of trip so he decided to cancel rather than take me on a boat ride. He calls it FU_ _ ING the Duck. That is what good captains do that you have developed a relationship with.

Bottom will be all turned up and with from today and w/ Sat forecast ( NW WINDS 20 TO 25 KT WITH GUSTS UP TO 35 KT. SEAS AROUND 8 FT...SUBSIDING TO 6 FT IN THE AFTERNOON.) Even though fishing for blacks in RI is almost like shooting fish in a barrel i am glad Capt had my best interest in mind rather than the old mighty dollar. on the other hand you just never no as you can not catch them on your couch. Let us know how you make out.

bunker dunker
11-13-2015, 10:52 AM
will see,as long as I don't have to here joey and steve it will be a good trip{lol!!}.

11-13-2015, 11:53 AM
Just loaded up my reel with 40lb braid....how many bobbers should I bring?


11-13-2015, 12:02 PM
Just loaded up my reel with 40lb braid....how many bobbers should I bring?


braid???? what are we doing tilefishing #MONO4LIFE! My frozen rods better

11-13-2015, 12:11 PM
braid???? what are we doing tilefishing #MONO4LIFE! My frozen rods better

Frozen reels suck. the drags are sticky and They have no line capacity....you'll get spooled by a peanut bunker. You need to upgrade to the Barbie, or at minimum, the Dora the Explorer combo.

11-13-2015, 12:35 PM
I landed a Bigeye with this

11-13-2015, 12:42 PM
I landed a Bigeye with this

Bit of overkill for tog, don't ya think? We're supposed to be catching fish, not beating them to death.

11-13-2015, 12:44 PM
Bit of overkill for tog, don't ya think? We're supposed to be catching fish, not beating them to death.

Nope geting them into the boat all that matters do not underestimate them. with your screen name I am expecting lindy rigs & nightcrawlers......

11-13-2015, 12:49 PM
Nope geting them into the boat all that matters do not underestimate them. with your screen name I am expecting lindy rigs & nightcrawlers......

And Erie Dearies and Michigan Stingers

11-13-2015, 12:57 PM
And Erie Dearies and Michigan Stingers

what you do in the bedroom none of my business

11-13-2015, 01:01 PM
what you do in the bedroom none of my business

I'll bring some extras and show you how to use them....it will change your life.

Fat fish stick
11-13-2015, 09:13 PM
Im in check sent..

11-14-2015, 09:51 AM
Well... with Fat fish stick that should be a full trip, as long as the other 2 previous champs come out from under their rocks and join up... good to see a full trip, pay no mind to me as I come around to say hello to everyone while fishing, I just like to meet as many good fisherman as I can, It may just happen to be when you, may have gotten a bite, or fish, so the truth comes out...!:D

Reference: Rule 11 , Paragraph 2

11-15-2015, 08:56 AM
[QUOTE=dfish28;426964]Well... with Fat fish stick that should be a full trip, as long as the other 2 previous champs come out from under their rocks and join up... good to see a full trip, pay no mind to me as I come around to say hello to everyone while fishing, I just like to meet as many good fisherman as I can, It may just happen to be when you, may have gotten a bite, or fish, so the truth comes out...!:D

Reference: Rule 11 , Paragraph 2[/QUOTE

I know you already and no what you look like so no need to stop by and say Hi while I am building my life and working on my big Bite. We can catch up in the cabin😁

Joey Dah Fish
11-15-2015, 01:28 PM
[QUOTE=dfish28;426964]Well... with Fat fish stick that should be a full trip, as long as the other 2 previous champs come out from under their rocks and join up... good to see a full trip, pay no mind to me as I come around to say hello to everyone while fishing, I just like to meet as many good fisherman as I can, It may just happen to be when you, may have gotten a bite, or fish, so the truth comes out...!:D

Reference: Rule 11 , Paragraph 2[/QUOTE

I know you already and no what you look like so no need to stop by and say Hi while I am building my life and working on my big Bite. We can catch up in the cabin😁
Perhaps I will throw a little extra something in the chili so I can have the whole boat to myself :eek:

11-15-2015, 09:20 PM
Perhaps I will throw a little extra something in the chili so I can have the whole boat to myself :eek:

That is why I bring my own food. I don't trust any of you. ;)

Joey Dah Fish
11-15-2015, 11:25 PM
That is why I bring my own food. I don't trust any of you. ;)

He he he he :p

bunker dunker
11-16-2015, 11:06 AM
mom joey put exlax in the chillie again!!!!!!{lol}

11-17-2015, 03:31 PM
Perhaps I will throw a little extra something in the chili so I can have the whole boat to myself :eek:

White Castle burgers used for the chili ��

Joey Dah Fish
11-17-2015, 04:52 PM
White Castle burgers used for the chili ��

Stop giving away my secrets Jimmy !!!!

11-17-2015, 04:55 PM
White Castle burgers used for the chili ��

That's just evil.

Joey Dah Fish
11-17-2015, 07:27 PM
Stop giving away my secrets Jimmy !!!!

North east winds 15-25 with this recipe I'm a pool winner every time :eek:

11-19-2015, 07:24 PM
I'm in. Sending check in the mail.

11-19-2015, 07:54 PM
I'm in. Sending check in the mail.

About time. Did you sell enough sinkers?

Joey Dah Fish
11-19-2015, 07:57 PM
About time. Did you sell enough sinkers?

You mean the ones that are line up like Marines with starch shirts in full dress uniforms ?

11-19-2015, 08:33 PM
About time. Did you sell enough sinkers?

Never enough Kurtis, can always sell more :)
Glad yours delivered today!

11-19-2015, 08:36 PM
You mean the ones that are line up like Marines with starch shirts in full dress uniforms ?

You funny guy (Asian voice) Joe
I'm pouring more tonight, now that 3 of the 4 kids are in bed

11-19-2015, 09:33 PM
Gerry, I will donate 6,8,10 oz flat bank sinkers. Approximately 25 lbs worth.

11-19-2015, 10:37 PM
Glad you can make the trip.

11-19-2015, 10:39 PM
Glad you can make the trip.

Thanks Alex, looking forward to it. Always a great time with a great crowd.

shrimpman steve
11-20-2015, 12:13 AM
glad your comin jimmy!

11-20-2015, 06:33 AM
glad your comin jimmy!

Thanks CAPTAIN Shrimpy.

Gerry Zagorski
11-20-2015, 08:30 AM
Gerry, I will donate 6,8,10 oz flat bank sinkers. Approximately 25 lbs worth.

Thanks for the donation Jimmy and glad you can make it.

Foul Hook
11-20-2015, 06:20 PM
A friend donated to the trip 4 assorted cases of Beach Haus Beer brewed locally right in the middle of Belmar. He also donated 3 Beach Haus ball caps and 3 Beach Haus knit caps for whatever Gerry and Alex would like to do with them. I will ice the beer and bring it down the morning off the trip for all to enjoy. When I told him what the trip was about they offered to donate some items. Foul Hook.

shrimpman steve
11-20-2015, 06:53 PM
A friend donated to the trip 4 assorted cases of Beach Haus Beer brewed locally right in the middle of Belmar. He also donated 3 Beach Haus ball caps and 3 Beach Haus knit caps for whatever Gerry and Alex would like to do with them. I will ice the beer and bring it down the morning off the trip for all to enjoy. When I told him what the trip was about they offered to donate some items. Foul Hook.

Please thank your friend for all of us. I may even have a beer

Gerry Zagorski
11-20-2015, 07:23 PM
Hmmm - Nice donation Foul, thanks to you and Beach Haus Beer!!

And since you asked, I think Alex and I would like to keep a case to the side (like in my trunk) and the other 3 cases we will make part of the door prize raffle. ;)

Only kidding.. Make that 2 cases in my trunk:D:

We will ice one case for all and raffle the remaining 3 as part of the door prizes.

Thanks for the generous donation.

How bout NJF people... THEY ROCK!!

broken bobber
11-21-2015, 10:29 AM
A friend donated to the trip 4 assorted cases of Beach Haus Beer brewed locally right in the middle of Belmar. He also donated 3 Beach Haus ball caps and 3 Beach Haus knit caps for whatever Gerry and Alex would like to do with them. I will ice the beer and bring it down the morning off the trip for all to enjoy. When I told him what the trip was about they offered to donate some items. Foul Hook.

VERY COOL...... always one of my favorites at beerfest..... will definetly support the brand more

11-22-2015, 09:13 PM
4 bushel of white are in order for 12/13!!! I'll update you when they come, we are getting them from same guy as last year and hope they are same quality, my first bushel this year is pretty good.

Just playing I know it's 12/12

Joey Dah Fish
11-22-2015, 09:47 PM
You got me!!!!!

11-22-2015, 10:21 PM
Joey has crabs??? Again?!

Joey Dah Fish
11-22-2015, 11:20 PM
Joey has crabs??? Again?!

Whites :D

11-23-2015, 01:46 PM
Whites :D

and now he's getting racist. I worry about dat boy.

11-25-2015, 12:44 PM
I thought it would be interesting to see the posted odds for last year's finalists, so I waded thru the archives and found it. Much to my surprise I correctly predicted the PUOSU VII winner: congrats again D-Rod.

This year Broken Bobber is the sentimental favorite, it's great to have Tom join us on PUOSU VIII.
Last year's finalists:
1) MVP -the chalk favorite - kinda like the 2014 Yankees - we know how well that went 25:1
2) Dupes - cannot ride Blackfish Bobby's coattails in the Finals - will be hard-pressing to dupe last week's effort, even though he appears to be an Olympic Skater - got as much chance winning this as Dick Buttons does in the next Olympics 50:1
3) Thing1 - good genes don't count in the Finals - this is the big leagues - 50:1
4) Joey Dah Fish - Fluke-a-sauris ? Try tog-no-more-us 50:1
5) Jmurr - No Vin = No chin = No win 50:1
6) JLRotary - no Will?, no repeat 25:1
7) Dfish - have not had the pleasure of meeting him reports are encouraging though - will introduce myself tomorrow 50:1
8) Kurtisb - the most interesting man in the world is like a Fart: Silent but deadly, he'll be passing wind tomorrow and I'll be upwind for sure 25:1
9) Hookset - Mikey is smiling at 'ya for procuring CHOICE white-leggers and caring for them this week; however even talking about that yellow fruit (not to be named here) is bad karma 35:1
10) Blackfish Bobby - we ain't fishing in your OE living room, warmup on Friday was like fishing in a washing machine, his head will still be spinning tomorrow, especially as it swivels watching the other contenders' Tog 25:1
11) HartAttack - total hack still suffering from effects of Broken right wrist - sets his hook like a Nancy 50:1
12) Drod - will he make Mike proud by being the first 2-time PUOSU champ (which is also a 5 time PUOSU chump) - house favorite 10:1
13) Scotty - this ain't Captain Hank and it ain't Cape May, but Scooter always brings his A game 25:1
14) Capt Yasar - At least he qualified and didn't get in the back-door wil introduce myself tomorrow 50:1
15) Caddy Shack - when I invited you to mug me last week I didn't invite the whole family: bringing donuts and leaving with them too O O O 50:1
16) Reefsquatter - won a Tog tourney on ANOTHER NJ Fishing Site - we won't hold it against you (or for you) 35:1
17) HDMarc - snuck in the back-door, don't let it hit you on the way out 35:1
18) Gerry Zagorski - 'nuff said 50:1
19) SaltLife - better odds than his dad 49:1
20) ???? If this spot goes to PABeerGuy we'll all be happy - BURP 35:1

Let's get 'em boys :

Joey Dah Fish
11-25-2015, 05:16 PM
50:1 for me? I resemble that remark :)

11-25-2015, 08:30 PM
Very well done. Mikey would be proud of you��

11-30-2015, 07:21 PM
I hear crickets when I come to this page...:confused:

Joey Dah Fish
11-30-2015, 07:22 PM
I hear crickets when I come to this page...:confused:

Trash talking coming soon to a theater near you

11-30-2015, 09:09 PM
just a warning. me & Sportfishingusa are about 700lbs of man & are not afraid to use it if a tog jig gets within 100 feet of us.

Joey Dah Fish
11-30-2015, 09:47 PM
just a warning. me & Sportfishingusa are about 700lbs of man & are not afraid to use it if a tog jig gets within 100 feet of us.


11-30-2015, 09:48 PM
And I am over worked. Over weight. Usually drunk and usually angry

11-30-2015, 09:55 PM
just a warning. me & Sportfishingusa are about 700lbs of man & are not afraid to use it if a tog jig gets within 100 feet of us.

Funny you say that!! I just got done making the newest tog sensation rig!!! Tog jig snafu with a slider hook!! Gonna be epic when I break it out

11-30-2015, 11:02 PM
just a warning. me & Sportfishingusa are about 700lbs of man & are not afraid to use it if a tog jig gets within 100 feet of us.

Funny you say that!! I just got done making the newest tog sensation rig!!! Tog jig snafu with a slider hook!! Gonna be epic when I break it out

I'm sure what ever you have created has been tried before and will be a total disaster. but go for it.

I personally will be fishing the latest hot internet rig, the ISD rig.

Thanks Billy V for creating the ultimate tog rig.

11-30-2015, 11:15 PM
anyone shows up with 12lb test & a trout rid for PUOSU should be tarred & feathered, there beer & food confiscated & BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joey Dah Fish
12-01-2015, 09:56 AM
I'm sure what ever you have created has been tried before and will be a total disaster. but go for it.

I personally will be fishing the latest hot internet rig, the ISD rig.

Thanks Billy V for creating the ultimate tog rig.

The new Billy V ISD rig is of the latest technology I'm very surprised Billy hasn't released it to the public yet. I believe Kurtis is fishing one of the three prototypes. Rumor has it the Billy is adding a new center hinged spring loaded arm, red and white striped RWatermelon jig heads and possibly willow leaf blades. I think Kurtis's odds just went up substantially.

Gerry Zagorski
12-01-2015, 10:39 AM
Hmm - some pretty large fish this year caught on jigs... Why all the hating ;)

12-01-2015, 01:37 PM
Hmm - some pretty large fish this year caught on jigs... Why all the hating ;)

no hate at all until that stupid 1 ounce jig is fouling you up as it drifts down current...................................... also if your last name ends in gorski you can use dynamite & get skunked next week

broken bobber
12-01-2015, 02:43 PM
anyone shows up with 12lb test & a trout rid for PUOSU should be tarred & feathered, there beer & food confiscated & BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PMMFP....CAN YOU IMAGINE LAB weighing in on all this JIG talk...OMFG

12-01-2015, 03:01 PM
PMMFP....CAN YOU IMAGINE LAB weighing in on all this JIG talk...OMFG

i do not think i can type his response without the fcc interjecting lol

12-01-2015, 04:01 PM
Will it make you happier if I use a 2oz jig??

You will know who I am when i use you and sport fish to block wind and pitch my jig out between the two of you! Hahahaha

Maybe I should consider a jig donation

12-01-2015, 04:03 PM
Will it make you happier if I use a 2oz jig??

You will know who I am when i use you and sport fish to block wind and pitch my jig out between the two of you! Hahahaha

Maybe I should consider a jig donation

we like young men sandwhiched between us

12-01-2015, 04:11 PM
Ahhh theres a little to much skin in that party for me! I'll be in the other side of the boat hahahaha

12-01-2015, 04:18 PM
Ahhh theres a little to much skin in that party for me! I'll be in the other side of the boat hahahaha


bunker dunker
12-01-2015, 04:21 PM
I am missing this already.love the odds and the busting.

12-01-2015, 04:40 PM
I'm going to come out and admit it....I'm a tog virgin.

I'm going to be trading pulled pork sandwiches for tog lessons.

12-01-2015, 04:42 PM
I'm going to come out and admit it....I'm a tog virgin.

I'm going to be trading pulled pork sandwiches for tog lessons.

you aint leaving a virgin in anyway

12-01-2015, 04:43 PM
I am missing this already.love the odds and the busting.

Ya, where are the odds??

12-01-2015, 04:44 PM
Worst sentence in the world to put out there for Jmurr, is involving pulling, pork, and virgin!!!!

12-01-2015, 04:45 PM
Ya, where are the odds??

in due time its almost 2 weeks away still vegas will prolly release em next wednesday or thursday depending on vegas scheduling to many offenders

12-01-2015, 04:50 PM
Worst sentence in the world to put out there for Jmurr, is involving pulling, pork, and virgin!!!!

yeah...I knew that was a mistake as soon as I hit the submit button.

Joey Dah Fish
12-01-2015, 05:03 PM
Hmm - some pretty large fish this year caught on jigs... Why all the hating ;)

Hey you FF don't disgrace my PB with your crappy photo shop stuff. You wanna impress me go photo shop that Flukasaraus pic you took :eek:;)

12-01-2015, 05:05 PM
Worst sentence in the world to put out there for Jmurr, is involving pulling, pork, and virgin!!!!

sounds like college

Joey Dah Fish
12-01-2015, 05:06 PM
I'm going to come out and admit it....I'm a tog virgin.

I'm going to be trading pulled pork sandwiches for tog lessons.

Never trust a virgin to pull your pork

Gerry Zagorski
12-01-2015, 05:12 PM
Hey you FF don't disgrace my PB with your crappy photo shop stuff. You wanna impress me go photo shop that Flukasaraus pic you took :eek:;)

Here you go FF :rolleyes:

12-01-2015, 05:30 PM
just ordered 2 of these,
1 so i can fish next to Jmurr, and for 1 for Walleye,
better safe then sorry my friend