View Full Version : PUOSU VIII - 12/12 and 12/19

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12-01-2015, 05:35 PM
just ordered 2 of these,
1 so i can fish next to Jmurr, and for 1 for Walleye,
better safe then sorry my friend
me & vin are pennypack for life wearing one of dems is like taking a shower with ur socks on

12-01-2015, 10:41 PM
Spoken like a man who went to college way to many years ago, or didn't have enough fun! However, for the PUOSU I'll stick with the slicker and face the fierce whitelegger, in hopes of the slovenly snaggle toothed beauty to ride to round 2!

That's called blackfish poetry

12-01-2015, 10:47 PM
Spoken like a man who went to college way to many years ago, or didn't have enough fun! However, for the PUOSU I'll stick with the slicker and face the fierce whitelegger, in hopes of the slovenly snaggle toothed beauty to ride to round 2!

That's called blackfish poetry

college was best decade of my life

12-01-2015, 11:14 PM
As long as you got more then a certificate

12-01-2015, 11:20 PM
As long as you got more then a certificate

i got lots of stuff most i got rid of with special shampoo or antibiotics..........

Dollar Bill
12-02-2015, 10:01 AM
Gerry - I have to back out of PUOSU VIII on the 12th :mad: ...and also the 19th. Something came up which unfortunately I can't get out of. Have a great time!!

Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2015, 12:15 PM
Gerry - I have to back out of PUOSU VIII on the 12th :mad: ...and also the 19th. Something came up which unfortunately I can't get out of. Have a great time!!

Thanks for the heads up Bill.

12-02-2015, 12:22 PM
Thanks for the heads up Bill.

still waiting for my payment type Mr.Z but i will bring pretzels

Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2015, 12:38 PM
still waiting for my payment type Mr.Z but i will bring pretzels

Gotcha and thanks for the Pretzels Murr

12-02-2015, 03:31 PM
still waiting for my payment type Mr.Z but i will bring pretzels

your payment has been handled, big z knows about it.

Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2015, 03:35 PM
your payment has been handled, big z knows about it.

Yes Murr.... The Great and Powerful Ragu Has Spoken. We have a special spot reserved for for you right in the middle of the all the Jiggers :eek:

bunker dunker
12-02-2015, 04:42 PM
what jmurr is doing a jig on this trip!!!!!

Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2015, 06:59 PM
Don't worry Dunker.... We will be sure to have Wilson youtube Murr doing the Jig.

12-02-2015, 07:21 PM
Two Guys Rod Mike (yes that's where he bought his one rod) is posting up a storm to get in:eek: Joey / Gerry you know who I mean from our Obsession Trip! Could be a ringer with that rod and holiday rig

Joey Dah Fish
12-02-2015, 07:47 PM
Two Guys Rod Mike (yes that's where he bought his one rod) is posting up a storm to get in:eek: Joey / Gerry you know who I mean from our Obsession Trip! Could be a ringer with that rod and holiday rig

Tell him to bring his tackle box lmao :D

Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2015, 08:48 PM
Two Guys Rod Mike (yes that's where he bought his one rod) is posting up a storm to get in:eek: Joey / Gerry you know who I mean from our Obsession Trip! Could be a ringer with that rod and holiday rig

I can see him now fishing the 2 Guys spinner upside down using the rail as leverage bailing Doggies right next to
Murr and he says "Did anyone bring any clams... I'm out" :eek::D

12-03-2015, 06:11 AM
I can see him now fishing the 2 Guys spinner upside down using the rail as leverage bailing Doggies right next to
Murr and he says "Did anyone bring any clams... I'm out" :eek::D

I will bring extra clams! :D

two guys rod
12-03-2015, 02:16 PM
Joey, if I don't make it I'll send my tackle box with dales. You can use the Christmas tree rig for luck

12-03-2015, 11:17 PM
11 keepers today in a TOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH BITE................. i'm out for blood.....................BITCHES

12-04-2015, 08:31 AM
With tomorrows forecast looking so beautiful, I've already purchased 2 extra pairs of long johns and tire chains for my SUV because next Saturday is bound to be the opposite :eek::eek::eek:

12-04-2015, 10:12 AM
Extended forecast, rain 50 degrees 3 foot seas! Not bad considering prev years

12-04-2015, 11:10 AM
Sorry guys but for the first time in 7 years Im gonna miss the puosu, sucks because I look foward to this every year more than my kids look foward to Christmas . Wish you all good luck!!!

12-04-2015, 12:47 PM
sorry guys but for the first time in 7 years im gonna miss the puosu, sucks because i look foward to this every year more than my kids look foward to christmas . Wish you all good luck!!!

whhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt ttttttt

12-04-2015, 04:13 PM
That Sucks
Going to miss you Bro:(. Hopefully your schedule will change and allow you to get out. If not i will catch a DD and dedicated to last years Champ.

12-04-2015, 06:51 PM
That Sucks
Going to miss you Bro:(. Hopefully your schedule will change and allow you to get out. If not i will catch a DD and dedicated to last years Champ.
Looks your odds just changed:D

two guys rod
12-04-2015, 07:37 PM
Two Guys Rod is IN sending check
Thanks Gerry

shrimpman steve
12-04-2015, 08:36 PM
Gerry, I am very sad to ask to be taken off the list. The only PUOSU (besides my one year LAB ban for sticking a banana in his bag) that I must bail on. I must take a CPR/first aid coarse for my captains license next week.

Someone please step up and take my spot. This is THE trip of the year to be on!

12-04-2015, 08:40 PM
I'll step up and fish for you in spirit Admiral! Gerry I will gladly pay a premium for the move -up:D

12-04-2015, 08:45 PM
On the other hand, I hope the dummy is decommissioned after Capt. Shrimpy gets his mouth on it;)

I hope that post was a joke and your just "joshing" Steve...

shrimpman steve
12-05-2015, 12:42 AM
No joke. I'm out. Sorry

12-05-2015, 07:59 AM
Gerry, I am very sad to ask to be taken off the list. The only PUOSU (besides my one year LAB ban for sticking a banana in his bag) that I must bail on. I must take a CPR/first aid coarse for my captains license next week.

Someone please step up and take my spot. This is THE trip of the year to be on!

You can't reschedule that:confused:
C'mon what's the real reason... finally got a nail appointment with Robear:D

shrimpman steve
12-05-2015, 03:52 PM
You can't reschedule that:confused:
C'mon what's the real reason... finally got a nail appointment with Robear:D

Next class in town not given til March. Hope to be interviewing by then. I love you guys but I must put my responsibilities first in this situation. I've come to far in the license process to put it off at all. I will very much miss not being there, however for a change I am getting my priorities straight.

12-05-2015, 04:53 PM
Next class in town not given til March. Hope to be interviewing by then. I love you guys but I must put my responsibilities first in this situation. I've come to far in the license process to put it off at all. I will very much miss not being there, however for a change I am getting my priorities straight.

Best of Luck Capt / Admiral (Cant believe I have to say that but its sincere) One of the very few reasons I can possibly comprehend to even consider going on a Dec trip is YOUR presence and what all your "friends" do to you. Now what I have to maybe / possibly catch something. WTF

Gerry Zagorski
12-06-2015, 05:14 PM
Sorry Shrimpy and David that you can't join us. I know you both enjoy this trip and it won't be the same with out you.

12-07-2015, 12:47 PM
Gerry, I am very sad to ask to be taken off the list. The only PUOSU (besides my one year LAB ban for sticking a banana in his bag) that I must bail on. I must take a CPR/first aid coarse for my captains license next week.

Someone please step up and take my spot. This is THE trip of the year to be on!

Good riddance don't gotta deal with that flarking hammer all day! :(

12-07-2015, 03:09 PM
Gerry, I can help Alex with the weighing since the Admiral is backing out. Also I will bring some Dunkin Donuts for the trip (for the record I did not take them home last year Larry LOL) Also my odds need to be changed to more like 10,000 to 1.

Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2015, 03:27 PM
Boarding for Ocean Explorer will start at 6:30. You can put your other stuff on board before then, but no rods in any rod holders until your name is called at the dock to board. We will leave as soon as we have everyone on board. Boat leaves no later then 7 no matter who is missing. If you've RSVP to this trip as being in there will be no refunds if we leave without you.

Please try and be early so we get can leave and beat the crowds to the grounds.

For those of you not familiar with how this we run this trip:
- When we announce your name you will be permitted to board and put one rod in a pole holder to reserve your spot. Please store you other rods on the upper deck so they don't take up room or interfere at the rail when we are fishing.
- As you are boarding you will be given a tag with a number on it... Don't loose this tag like of lot of knuckle heads have in the past.
- When we are heading back in, choose one fish, put your tag on it so it will not fall off and walk your fish back of the boat.
- Alex and Cadishackfishing will be officiating the weigh ins and recording the weights.
- Top 20 weights are invited to the final on the Mimi.

One important note here.... If you have a keeper, even if you don't think you are in the top 20, weigh it in... Often times someone who qualifies in the top 20 can't make it for the final on the Mimi, so we work down the list in order of weight.

Please be sure to bring some extra money for 50/50 and a door prize raffles. See Dales on the boat to purchase tickets.

Looking forward to seeing everyone, good luck and thanks for coming out and supporting a great cause.

Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2015, 04:05 PM
Gerry, I can help Alex with the weighing since the Admiral is backing out. Also I will bring some Dunkin Donuts for the trip (for the record I did not take them home last year Larry LOL) Also my odds need to be changed to more like 10,000 to 1.

Thanks Cadi.. I appreciate you helping out here and the donuts.

Blackfish Bobby
12-07-2015, 05:13 PM
Sorry to say the BBTT (Blackfish Bobby Tog Team).... lost its MVP and #1 pullah Thing 2 (Andrew):mad:. Wrestling schedule came out Sat and he has a scrimmage he must attend. So Thing 1 (RJ) , Dupes and I will represent. $$$ in the mail.

Blackfish Bobby
12-07-2015, 05:18 PM
Boarding for Ocean Explorer will start at 6:30. You can put your other stuff on board before then, but no rods in any rod holders until your name is called at the dock to board. We will leave as soon as we have everyone on board. Boat leaves no later then 7 no matter who is missing. If you've RSVP to this trip as being in there will be no refunds if we leave without you.

Please try and be early so we get can leave and beat the crowds to the grounds.

For those of you not familiar with how this we run this trip:
- When we announce your name you will be permitted to board and put one rod in a pole holder to reserve your spot. Please store you other rods on the upper deck so they don't take up room or interfere at the rail when we are fishing.
- As you are boarding you will be given a tag with a number on it... Don't loose this tag like of lot of knuckle heads have in the past.
- When we are heading back in, choose one fish, put your tag on it so it will not fall off and walk your fish back of the boat.
- Alex and Cadishackfishing will be officiating the weigh ins and recording the weights.
- Top 20 weights are invited to the final on the Mimi.

One important note here.... If you have a keeper, even if you don't think you are in the top 20, weigh it in... Often times someone who qualifies in the top 20 can't make it for the final on the Mimi, so we work down the list in order of weight.

Please be sure to bring some extra money for 50/50 and a door prize raffles. See Dales on the boat to purchase tickets.

Looking forward to seeing everyone, good luck and thanks for coming out and supporting a great cause.

Gerry....the last two years we ran the teams side bet competition. 2 man teams....$50 a team. Is this allowed again this year ?

Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2015, 05:59 PM
Sorry to say the BBTT (Blackfish Bobby Tog Team).... lost its MVP and #1 pullah Thing 2 (Andrew):mad:. Wrestling schedule came out Sat and he has a scrimmage he must attend. So Thing 1 (RJ) , Dupes and I will represent. $$$ in the mail.

OK substituted Dupes for Thing2

FYI - Still have not received your check...

Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2015, 06:03 PM
Gerry....the last two years we ran the teams side bet competition. 2 man teams....$50 a team. Is this allowed again this year ?

Sure is Bobby!! Just let everyone know if its one fish takes all, total keepers between the team etc...

So everyone.... Pick a team mate and see Blackfish Bobby on the boat if you want in on this side bet. $50 per team, winners take all.

I have one Rule.... Joey Dah Fish and Sven of the hook have to be separated ;)

Just kidding because you "no" the only way to separate these 2 is with a crowbar :D

12-07-2015, 06:07 PM
... (for the record I did not take them home last year Larry LOL) ...

When you finish the day with zero keeper Tog, I call that going home with a Donut :p

Joey Dah Fish
12-07-2015, 06:21 PM
Sure is Bobby!! Just let everyone know if its one fish takes all, total keepers between the team etc...

So everyone.... Pick a team mate and see Blackfish Bobby on the boat if you want in on this side bet. $50 per team, winners take all.

I have one Rule.... Joey Dah Fish and Sven of the hook have to be separated ;)

Just kidding because you "no" the only way to separate these 2 is with a crowbar :D

I would be happy to enter a team but if it's total amount of keepers against Black fish Bobby on the OE I wil just watch the man Is just to good !!!!!!

Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2015, 06:43 PM
Quick LAB story for the newcomers to PUOSU...

This one year LAB was riding me on the PUOSU thread like a broken bike calling me out..... Zagorski this and Zagorski that..... I let him go on and figured I'd get him to PUOSU and make a little side bet with him.

The bet was who ever had the fewest keepers on the first trip had to write a very specific reply on the message board when someone asked anything related to blackfishing the entire year until the next PUOSU.

It went something like

" If you want to know anything about Blackfishing you will have to ask (insert winners name here) because I know nothing about blackfish and (insert winners name) is a better blackfishermen then me, I suck"

Well.... You "no" if he's called out, he's not going to back down and as luck would have it, blabber mouth LAB was forced to PUOSU and lost the bet..... Everyone went out of their way for the next year asking questions on the board about Blackfishing. If he missed a post we all made sure to PM him to let him "no" there was another blackfish post up on the board.

I "no" how much it pained the little devil to write those words but as a man of his word he did.

Funny thing was when the year was over, he went up on the board and deleted every one of those posts.

RIP Mike Wells..... Miss you lots. An equal opportunity offender who took the time to know everything about everyone, never missed a trick or to bring you and unexpected cup of "cawfee" and behind the scenes, he always gave more then he got.

broken bobber
12-07-2015, 07:59 PM
RIP Mike Wells..... Miss you lots. An equal opportunity offender who took the time to know everything about everyone, never missed a trick or to bring you and unexpected cup of "cawfee" and behind the scenes, he always gave more then he got.

ALWAYS GAVE MORE........ Good or bad...he was AND IS a TRUE NJF LEDGEND

Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2015, 08:24 PM
ALWAYS GAVE MORE........ Good or bad...he was AND IS a TRUE NJF LEDGEND
True that!!

shrimpman steve
12-07-2015, 08:40 PM
That was a great side bet. Mike lived up to his obligation. It was funny as hell. Especially being Gerrys proficiency, or lack thereof, of toggin:D

Gotta respect a man that lives up to his word. I did that once in a bikini:eek:

Will miss this trip and the peeps as well. Sorry dales :(

12-07-2015, 08:46 PM
Team #ORL is ready & enough of the blackfish bobby ass kissing!

12-07-2015, 09:29 PM
Hi everyone!!!

Joey Dah Fish
12-07-2015, 10:06 PM
Hi everyone!!!

Hi ADAM !!!!!!

12-07-2015, 10:40 PM
team #orl is ready & enough of the blackfish bobby ass kissing!


12-08-2015, 07:30 AM
If the boat does exceptionally well this year versus past years, I think it's safe to say that all Steve's hammering at the back of the boat was the cause....perhaps a ban on construction tools on future trips is in order? :confused:

Blackfish Bobby
12-08-2015, 07:53 AM
Steve's new handle..... NURSE Shrimpy !!!!

12-08-2015, 07:59 AM

Joey Dah Fish
12-08-2015, 09:23 AM
If the boat does exceptionally well this year versus past years, I think it's safe to say that all Steve's hammering at the back of the boat was the cause....perhaps a ban on construction tools on future trips is in order? :confused:

#banshrimpy #banhermits #banjigs

12-08-2015, 10:58 AM
The crap keeps rolling.

I'm out. The wife has to work Saturday and the babysitter isn't available. So instead of fishing, I get to spend time with the 4-year-old....not a bad thing in itself, not complaining about that, but I really wanted to go fishing.

oh well.....sorry boys, no pulled pork.

12-08-2015, 11:10 AM
The crap keeps rolling.

I'm out. The wife has to work Saturday and the babysitter isn't available. So instead of fishing, I get to spend time with the 4-year-old....not a bad thing in itself, not complaining about that, but I really wanted to go fishing.

oh well.....sorry boys, no pulled pork.

WTF? :mad:Everyone's dropping out.:( My odds gotta go up now.:rolleyes:

12-08-2015, 11:16 AM
blame my wife's work....they're being unreasonable.

Gerry Zagorski
12-08-2015, 11:26 AM
The crap keeps rolling.

I'm out. The wife has to work Saturday and the babysitter isn't available. So instead of fishing, I get to spend time with the 4-year-old....not a bad thing in itself, not complaining about that, but I really wanted to go fishing.

oh well.....sorry boys, no pulled pork.

Sorry you cant make it Wisherman and thanks for the heads up. Hopefully next time. Check your PMs

Blackfish Bobby
12-08-2015, 11:45 AM
AHHHH...No pulled Pork... my mouth was watering.
OK....Plan B.......

The Tog Team will bring the Kielbasa and Kraut with a bunch of rye bread and good mustard. Can someone bring a LARGE crockpot. If we have two we can keep a lot warm.

12-08-2015, 11:53 AM
late in the game.. any odds ladies?

12-08-2015, 12:08 PM
AHHHH...No pulled Pork... my mouth was watering.
OK....Plan B.......

The Tog Team will bring the Kielbasa and Kraut with a bunch of rye bread and good mustard. Can someone bring a LARGE crockpot. If we have two we can keep a lot warm.

If someone can pick it up Friday night or early saturday morning, I'd still be happy to smoke it. I live in Allamuchy (Exit 19 off of I-80). All you'd have to do is heat it up in a crock pot.

shrimpman steve
12-08-2015, 03:49 PM
With friends like you guys.....you know the rest.

#i thought bobby was my friend
#i hope you all get crabs (the little ones)
#ill be there the night before to hide a banana on the boat
#the admiral rules��

Gerry Zagorski
12-08-2015, 07:56 PM
With friends like you guys.....you know the rest.

#i thought bobby was my friend
#i hope you all get crabs (the little ones)
#ill be there the night before to hide a banana on the boat
#the admiral rules��

And you're left on land making love to resuscitation Annie :D


shrimpman steve
12-08-2015, 09:12 PM
And you're left on land making love to resuscitation Annie :D


I hope it's not a full body Anne, I may blow in the wrong hole:eek:

12-08-2015, 09:50 PM
late in the game.. any odds ladies?


12-08-2015, 10:55 PM
AHHHH...No pulled Pork... my mouth was watering.
OK....Plan B.......

The Tog Team will bring the Kielbasa and Kraut with a bunch of rye bread and good mustard. Can someone bring a LARGE crockpot. If we have two we can keep a lot warm.

I have one.

12-08-2015, 11:03 PM
OK substituted Dupes for Thing2

FYI - Still have not received your check...

Gerry, just to clarify, you have my paypal. I believe Bobby's check will be for two. I am, however, a charter member of the Tog Team!

Rob B
12-09-2015, 07:18 AM
Jerry I am having trouble getting off of work. If someone is waiting for a spot they can have mine. I'm not going to know till last minute m

12-09-2015, 09:33 AM
While waiting for Jmur to post the official odds, here is my take

There is a reson “Former” is in the name, all make cut, none repeat
River Rat - Former PUOSU Winner
Scotty - Former PUSOSU Winner -
Rob B - Former PUOSU winner
JLRotary - Former PUOSU winner

Gerry – Those who can, win, those that can’t create a web site about it Makes next trip based on site owners exemption
Alex MVP – top 5 in talent, will he be too busy being a good guy to win?
Hartattack – puts in the time, makes cut, maybe Shrimpy can resuscitate his winning chances
Lefty Reeler – fished next to him a couple PUOSU’s ago, will catch, will have a really good time, will not win
Joey Dah Fish – read once or twice on site he was dropped on his head as a child. Too busy telling everybody about some fluke he once caught
CadiShackFishing – gets no respect
Dales – another guy that is too good at being a good guy to actually fish enough to win
HDMarc – uses a blackfish as a prop in his picture, question is did he catch it or borrow it
KurtisB – my odds on favorite to win
Joetheplumber – we are not fishing in Brooklyn
SaltLife – poses with a fluke, will be a fluke if he makes the cut
Stelios – If Kurtis doesn’t win, the big guy is overdue
Blackfish Bobby – Home boat, named himself after the target and still has never won. Maybe always the bridesmaid, never the bride
Reel Ron – having a good season so far, makes the cut but doesn’t crack top 5
Dupes – see a post where he outfished Blackfish Bobby, BB will cut his line if he sees a big one coming
Sven of the hook – Seems to fish a lot with Gerry and JdF, you are judged by the company you keep. Misses the cut
Taxman – forgets that tax you strive for zero, fishing you try for max. might catch a keeper this year which would be one better than last. No chance unless I snag one
Thing1 – Only wins if dad hooks it and passes pole to him like he did when he was young. Will make the cut due to good genes
DFish – see a lot of recent posts, none with blackfish, no chance
King of the knoll – This ain’t stripers and it is many, many years since that competition. Good to see you join for oldtimes sake, no need to keep next Saturday free
AWD3 – only 22 posts? Nice whale picture
Gbgeorge – Owns a fishing systems company, almost as good as owning a website
Bacala – another ringer that never rises to the top, makes cut, cheers winner
Hookset - will be too busy jigging near and harassing JMur to win
Dupes – he ain’t no thing 2
Islander II – Selling boats, does this mean the fish won?
Foul Hook – name describes only way he makes cut
Small Fry – 1 post total, does name describe catch?
Snafu777 – Is your name for the rig or the number of screwed up trips?
SportfishingUSA – wins funniest guy award, top 5 in beer consumption, makes cut, barely
PABeerGuy – Can’t be mean to the beer guy  makes cut just for the brew
JMurr – side kick to the funny guy, same results
Quanman – will arrive with wine, will leave with a whine of didn’t make the cut
Lingking20 – this isn’t ling, I am getting 5 extra rigs just for you when you run out,
Broken Bobber – this isn’t the TNT where you can avoid the crowd but does have the intangibles on his side. Emotional odds on favorite, top 3 finish
Fat Fish Stick – is name your bait or what you will be having for dinner after missing the cut?
Two Guys Rod – should have no chance, but just like the little girl with a Barbie pole, sometimes the unexpected happens

12-09-2015, 09:34 AM
I will help wherever needed.

You helped us out by bailing on us! Just kidding Steve, you know you'll be missed....just be really careful with Resusci Anne, I hear she's really fertile :D

12-09-2015, 10:59 AM
Woke up this morning from a surreal Dream. You would not believe who visited me last night. Our very own beloved LAB. Kind of freaked me out at first but thought it was important to share with you all based on his parting words to me. This is the cleaned up version of how the conversation went.

Lab- Tap on the Shoulder. What's up MVP, I see you have been doing allot of fishing lately. What the F_ck is going on, do you not work anymore.

Alex- Holy shit, what are you doing here. Is this for Real.

Lab- You better believe it Brother I Just thought i would pay you a visit and see how things are going.

Alex- Things are going pretty well. My company is going through a transition which has opened up my schedule. I am kind of a workaholic so i have decided to take this time to committing to putting my time in this year in search of that elusive 20 lb. Tog i have been dreaming about. I will probably not have opportunity like this in the future so i am all in this year.

Lab- I see from your log book that you have been killing it this year?

Alex- What else have you been seeing:eek:. You know what i do not even want to know the answer to that one:eek:. The year is starting out with a bang as have done 12 trips so far and have caught 116 Keepers. 3 fish have gone over 10 lbs with biggest going 12.7 lbs. All 3 fish were released but the last one did not make it as we tried to revive it but fish came up from deep water and did not survive so it was put to good use in my Tog Chowder.

Lab- Whats with letting all the big fish Go.

Alex- It is my way of paying it forward as i have well over 30 double digits under my belt and i know what a thrill it gives me when i catch a trophy like that. By letting it go it gives anaother angler one day to have opportunity to feel that thrill. For selfish reason i hope the Tog Gods are looking down upon me and will bless me with that 20+ pounder this year for my good deed.

What do you think my chances are this year?

Lab- You have just as much chance as anyone else on the boat that Day. You have put up the big fish 2 of the last 3 years on the OE and seemed to be dialed in this year except for a few clunker days of 3-4 keepers. But guess what MVP what you have done in the past does not mean Shit come saturday. That is why it is called PUOSU. As for your chances this sat it is not happening as you no what they say. Nice guys finish last.

Oh by the way thanks for building me the Grandpa Rod as I would have put allot of fluke to sleep with that beauty. Good luck this Saturday as you are going to need it. Tell Gerry and the guys that i appreciate all they have done for my family.

Alex- With those parting words he was gone and my eyes opened.
I have prayed to god many times to give me a sign and opportunity to speak to a few of my friends or family members that have passed but never expected Lab to be the one to show up. I guess it was his way to let us know that he is looking down upon us whatching are every move.

12-09-2015, 12:02 PM
Taxman - pure poetry, thanks for giving it some thought and wording it so well

MVP - see what happens when you fish more often?, LAB shows up & you vividly remember your dreams.

Can't wait for Saturday !

12-09-2015, 03:14 PM
Dupes is on twice?

12-09-2015, 03:31 PM
Dupes is on twice?

Yes I pm'd Gerry

12-09-2015, 03:49 PM
1.River Rat- former Champion…..has he caught a tog since? 20-1 qualify

2.Scotty- one of my good pals hell I am his emergency contact. Scotty as always finished prematurely & caught a 14lb pig with the Monger last week but he will do enough to get to the mimi. 5-1 to qualify, 2-1 burn his line with a cigar, 3-1 get mustard in his ear, 4-1 eat pasta with chopsticks,5-1 drop a rod over.

3.Rob B- another former champion that I have not sen a report from in ages unless its trying to find a good deal on gas. Blind squirrel found a nut a few years ago this year that squirrels getting run over. 50-1 qualify

4.JLRotary- to busy pouring lead to afford diapers to fish anymore. He will get a bite though. 3-1 qualify

5.Gerry Z-fearless leader, absent minded togger. Got a bigun with Jersey Hooker last week must thought it was puosu but at your age I guess you confused the dates. 40-1 to qualify

6.MVP- can catch tog from Va to Maine but I hear he is dialed in on dogfish in NJ. He will qualify. 10-1

7.Hartattack- what a nice guy, I am sure Santa will be nice to him but the tog gonna make him look silly. 25-1

8.LeftyReeler- my homie & a great dude to party with but couldn’t catch the flu sharing a drink with Charlie Sheen. 50-1

9.Joey Dah Fish- oh boy………according to Captain Hank on the Monger he is gonna win. He has been putting in his time apparently & really learning. Caught a togasoreass. But this is PUOSU NO CHANCE. He will be licking windows & hugging strangers but he will qualify 5-1 only cause of Hanks influence

10.CadiShackFishing- “I’m alright…don’t nobody worry about me” winning 30-1 qualify

11.Dales- need a fundraiser ran this is the guy, unfortunately tog don’t buy 50/50. 40-1 to qualify

12.HDMarc- haven’t seen a report since opening day & apparently there was a cooler malfunction… I love a good excuse for not catching. Marc will catch 1for the next round but not the 1. 10-1

13.KurtisB- my Va roomate, the most interesting fisherman in the world. If he could use the banjo minnow game over but this is togging.He is due. 3-1 qualify

14.Joetheplumber -cool name……. just like his hero Sarah palin he is gonna lose & vanish into the Alaskan sunset. 25-1

15.SaltLife-a lot of posts but do not see many reports hope he has a cool sicker & hat to match the screen name…… 20-1

16.Stelios- my big brother has had an interesting year going to bed bath & beyond & buying blinds with his beautiful wife. Think he went tuna fishing once & then caught a bergal opening day. He has been way to silent for way to long 3-1

17.Blackfish Bobby- apparently is the greatest togger to ever live & has already been crowned champion by the “special” Zagorski. Look Bobby can fish & can pull 2-5lbs all day but the 1 that matters is gonaa break that 6lb fouro leader. He will prolly #orl & will be on the Mimi. 3-1

18.Reel Ron- my illegitimate father. Been going 8 days a week since tog opened but haven’t seen much in the way of pulling maybe all those pier 1 trips with his son in law got him off his game. He will qualify 4-1

19.Dupes- to busy cutting bobby’s crabs & rubbing his back. 25-1

20.Sven of the hook- Joey Z “partner” (not that there’s anything wrong with that) caught a 10lb with Monger Saturday & won a tournament! WOW WAY TO GO but heres bad news Everyone catches a 10 on the monger I got 5 over 10 in 7 years for lords dsake & I suck. Lets see him do it on a party boat. 25-1 to qualify

21.Taxman- to busy trying to help Gerry Z get a write off for the Christmas party to fish & he had the balls to call me Ragusa sidekick when we all know we have a mutual partnership he just makes more $. 750-1 I will personally make sure he does not qualify for that comment.

22.Thing1- quiet kid, fishing 10lb flouro with his pop will catch a 3lb & qualify but if ya wanna learn about life come to the stern with me & Uncle Sportfishingusa.8-1

23.DFish- another one of my homeboys & can fish I have a feeling he will make some noise. 3-1

24.King of the knoll- 2 posts, quite the contributor to the site…….maybe he is to busy fishing but until I see him or her in action he goes down the list. 100-1

25.AWD3- cool picture of a whale a couple weeks ago maybe you can go help Wilson with the photography & leave the fishing to us. 500-1

26.Gbgeorge- apparently a site sponsor so I am not allowed to say anything bad & better give him good odds or Mr.Z will ban me. 20-1

27.Bacala- my big brothers good buddy….i’ve seen him tog….stick to tuna. 15-1

28.Hookset- getting us crabs so I am being nice to him. He will qualify. 3-1

29.Islander II- been putting up reports & won $ on the gaffer the other day. Seems like he has been doing well so I got to give him a shot. 8-1

30.Foul Hook- oh boy……don’t even bring a rod just bring a cup & designated driver. 5,000-1

31.Small Fry- who? 1 post…….. 200-1

32.Snafu777- cool name that’s a blackfish rig! That gets ya nothing here. 100-1

33.SportfishingUSA- my bff & partner in crime as well as Team#ORL. I have watched Vinnie limit out with ease in 2 states. He will qualify with his PB 5lb fish Saturday.3-1

34.PABeerGuy- bringing beer so he is ok in my book. 20-1

35.JMurr- 15 in april, 5 in an hour November 8th, 8 on opening day, 13 the next trip, 11 the next & 12 yesterday ORL on every trip. SO I am better looking than all of yas, smarter than all of yas, funnier than all of yas & now a better togger than all of us! But this is PUOSU & it’s all about the memory OF LAB sooooo 1,000,000,000-1

36.Quanman- bringing wine…I don’t drink wine stay in Nappa & Sonoma. 100-1

37.Lingking20- no doubt I love ling sh!t I swam in a pile of 500 in July & got hate mail but this is togging & if you use ling skills ur fudged. 500-1

38.Broken Bobber- Mikeys #1 henchman, I am pulling for him hopefully he can feed off me & Ragusas 2-4lb life & get the 1. The Bow Monkey in the sky be looking down on ya & I am sure ridiculing. 5-1

39.Fat Fish Stick- you like fish sticks……. Seen him catch some fish with his son or his pop I dunno who’s who & that’s awesome I love the sentimentality…. This is 40 people togging not a private boat on the reef. Punchers chance 25-1

40.Two Guys Rod- I see a lot of “good job guys” posts but do not see squat about him catching. Until I see him in action 100-1

These are the early lines they will be finalized Friday in case of any dropouts or new arrivals. Good luck…………………………………………..bitches

12-09-2015, 04:06 PM
I have the prize safe in my home

12-09-2015, 04:19 PM
I have the prize safe in my home

Joe, why on earth were you naked when you took this picture.:confused: Just glad the floor was not reflective.:eek:

12-09-2015, 04:24 PM
Joe, why on earth were you naked when you took this picture.:confused: Just glad the floor was not reflective.:eek:

why would I wear clothes at home doesn't everybody walk around naked?

12-09-2015, 04:44 PM
Nice work sidekick :D

Most people would have posted this in the sticky thread but solid handicapping never the less

12-09-2015, 04:48 PM
Joe, why on earth were you naked when you took this picture.:confused: Just glad the floor was not reflective.:eek:

I had the exact same thought lmao :eek::eek:

12-09-2015, 04:50 PM
I had the exact same thought lmao :eek::eek:

it is so nice to know you are all thinking about me naked

broken bobber
12-09-2015, 04:57 PM
Funny Sh*t as usual..... cant wait....

Joey Dah Fish
12-09-2015, 05:18 PM
I let Capt Hank down today :( only 4 in the box so hopefully I got my dhitty day out of the way . Great job Murr still giggling like a girl ;)

12-09-2015, 05:26 PM
i let capt hank down today :( only 4 in the box so hopefully i got my dhitty day out of the way . Great job murr still giggling like a girl ;)

woooooooooowwwwwwwww you suck! Directa caught 4

Joey Dah Fish
12-09-2015, 06:29 PM
woooooooooowwwwwwwww you suck! Directa caught 4

Yeah but I suck better :o

12-09-2015, 06:43 PM
Yeah but I suck better :o

That's what Shrimpman and Sven tell everyone! :eek:
Bet you saw that coming after you posted:D

Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2015, 06:44 PM
So are we going to get the official odds Murr??

12-09-2015, 06:53 PM
So are we going to get the official odds Murr??

He posted in a new thread.

Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2015, 07:11 PM
Great job as usual Murr!!

12-09-2015, 07:23 PM
4-1 to qualify? Thanks for the very kind odds! Like everyone else I started the season with knock out counts & even a dbl limit, 10 fish avg. after 3 trips, now down to half that after 8 trips?????? Got one more day to practice, on Tagged Fish tomorrow, but I still suck when it comes to togging on a big boat! Maybe I can sneak in one of my son-in-law's fish?

shrimpman steve
12-09-2015, 07:25 PM
That's what Shrimpman and Sven tell everyone! :eek:
Bet you saw that coming after you posted:D

Once again, how do I get dragged into this:)

12-09-2015, 07:43 PM
My skates have ball bearings close to the edge, so everyone knows, I apologize for not posting here what's been going on, it's a mojo thing at this point...:D I will do my best to keep up to y'all, for real though, JMurr if you bring your own crabs again, I may still steal from you and laugh as I get my bingo, love ya bro ;) it's on my friends , still remember to this day you callin me out... Yo bro! That's our crabs... And I laughed like it was a joke... My bad... So ya bringing more this time:rolleyes:

12-09-2015, 07:52 PM
And btw awesome work my brother! I wait for this stuff as much as catching! You da man! Taxman... Not so much, I feel I have to come and rape your ass! No hard feelings! I'll just wait till I hear you have some life, sorry don't know ya, but it's on !;)

Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2015, 07:55 PM
Some additional odds:

- Scotty figures out which is the sunny side of the boat.. He has a 50/50 chance so even odds.
- Kurtis wins best dressed - 2 to 1
- Blackfish Bobby stays in 1 spot the hole day - 100 to 1
- Someone yells this spot sucks within a minute of the first drop - even odds
- SportfishingUSA is in PAbeerguys cooler more then PAbeerguy is - 10 to 1
- The only fish Dales catches is foul hooked in the ass - even odds
- Joey Dah Fish barks at someone for bouncing their sinker - Even odds
- Right after Joey barks captain says you have to move around to find the good stuff so he starts moving his sinker - even odds
- Jmurr stands quietly in the stern quarter and says nothing all day - 100 to 1
- Someone get locked in the men's room from the outside - 2 to 1
- Wilson has a flask with him - 2 to 1
- Saltlife is actually wearing a Saltlife hat or shirt - 10 to 1
- Lefty Reeler has more empty Miller Lates then he does keepers - even odds
- Stelli actually makes a post on NJF after the trip - 100 to 1
- ReelRon has some tog pound stickers for sale - even odds
- Sven of the hook purchases an 11 pound sticker - even odds
- Someone on this trip has an opportunity to purchase a 15 pound sticker - 20 -1
- Joey the Plumber has the oldest tog rod and reel on the boat - even odds
- Joey the Plumber caught in mens room caressing the Life's a Beach Grandma rod - even odds
- Dfish cracks a beer before 8 AM - Even odds
- King of the Knoll joins him - 2 to 1
- Avet George has his photo taken caught red handed fishing a Shimano reel 100 to 1

Fish Stix
12-09-2015, 08:20 PM
Nice job on the odds jmurr!

12-09-2015, 08:32 PM
Great job as always jmurr. Only Lab could have done it better
Not sure who you are hearing from but have only Had 3 dogfish in 12 trips
And called each one of them before even swinging on bite. Very entertaining as always. Looking forward to some philly pretzels

12-09-2015, 08:42 PM
So are we going to get the official odds Murr??

i figured post em on main board so more lurkers & everyon else can read

12-09-2015, 08:42 PM
Gonna be like a feeling catching LGBT convention.

Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2015, 08:45 PM
i figured post em on main board so more lurkers & everyon else can read

Ok Murr thanks... We will let that post play out on its own and then merge it with the original post.

12-09-2015, 10:16 PM
Still cannot believe no harvey shrimpstein i gotta get directa to go

12-09-2015, 10:43 PM
HAHA, nice post Murray. You don't fish party boats brother...your odds need to be readjusted to 5,000,000:1 to make the next round.

Fat fish stick
12-09-2015, 10:45 PM
great job jmurr i love reading these its finally nice to be part of one thats worth the money right there.(u gave me some shit odds but hopefully after saturday i get some better odds for round 2 cough cough).. btw im the young gun my dad doesnt have an account hes not so good when it comes to computers but im gonna help em out and get em ready for next year. im out for blood tho haha saturday cant come soon enough looking forward to it

12-09-2015, 10:47 PM
Some additional odds:

- Scotty figures out which is the sunny side of the boat.. He has a 50/50 chance so even odds.
- Kurtis wins best dressed - 2 to 1
- Blackfish Bobby stays in 1 spot the hole day - 100 to 1
- Someone yells this spot sucks within a minute of the first drop - even odds
- SportfishingUSA is in PAbeerguys cooler more then PAbeerguy is - 10 to 1
- The only fish Dales catches is foul hooked in the ass - even odds
- Joey Dah Fish barks at someone for bouncing their sinker - Even odds
- Right after Joey barks captain says you have to move around to find the good stuff so he starts moving his sinker - even odds
- Jmurr stands quietly in the stern quarter and says nothing all day - 100 to 1
- Someone get locked in the men's room from the outside - 2 to 1
- Wilson has a flask with him - 2 to 1
- Saltlife is actually wearing a Saltlife hat or shirt - 10 to 1
- Lefty Reeler has more empty Miller Lates then he does keepers - even odds
- Stelli actually makes a post on NJF after the trip - 100 to 1
- ReelRon has some tog pound stickers for sale - even odds
- Sven of the hook purchases an 11 pound sticker - even odds
- Someone on this trip has an opportunity to purchase a 15 pound sticker - 20 -1
- Joey the Plumber has the oldest tog rod and reel on the boat - even odds
- Joey the Plumber caught in mens room caressing the Life's a Beach Grandma rod - even odds
- Dfish cracks a beer before 8 AM - Even odds
- King of the Knoll joins him - 2 to 1
- Avet George has his photo taken caught red handed fishing a Shimano reel 100 to 1

LOL this is pretty damn funny too. However, KB dresses like a starving artist compared to the way Scotty dresses these days

Blackfish Bobby
12-09-2015, 10:53 PM
HARVEY SHRIMPSTEIN !!!!!! I just fell off my chair ..... That's GREAT !!!

12-09-2015, 11:23 PM
This shite is almost better than the fishing:...
Almost...and my silence starts again, best of luck to all!!!

12-09-2015, 11:27 PM
LOL this is pretty damn funny too. However, KB dresses like a starving artist compared to the way Scotty dresses these days
Shall I break out the new black Carhartt? W/ matching hat w/ built in visor, all w/ tags. wish u were going Tats! I'll go ghetto

12-09-2015, 11:29 PM
Much to warm to be decked out in my Stormr finest. Probably just an NJFishing hoodie and Grunden slicker.

12-09-2015, 11:38 PM
Thx for the reintroductions JMURR and Greg! Always a fun time, and this year we have some early fall like weather. Expecting a few surprises, and I'd put $ on a long shot for the Mimi - as they always win!

But for the BELMAR OE, I bet an old timer prevails :rolleyes:

12-09-2015, 11:48 PM
Greg, you own the charter, but since when does the PUOSU #1 winner board second? Highly irregular and I like River Rat, but LAB would never think of having me board second... Unless it's on the Mimi LOL JK

Anyway, Scotty will donate a fine Dominican Stogie to the first 5 guys with a plus 5 lb fish (per my eye). Only one per customer and he must light it up immediately. Big boys club members only need apply ;)

12-10-2015, 12:20 AM
When it all started. I have no idea why this picture was taken, perhaps AFTER Boston Pete tried to mug me and I pulled the PUOSU (there was no PUOSU # at that time) 10# winner from under his nose. Those were some funny ass times

12-10-2015, 12:36 AM
Here is the 12 lob 9 oz male winning tog from the Bandit NJF Trip which was THE pre-PUOSU Competion Event; but with all the heart. With LAB (Charter Captain), "Jerry (Postorino) the Mate", Wayne and brother John, Capt Scott, Mickrazz, Tats, Boston Pete, Stelli and some others from "back in the day". Were you there???

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 09:10 AM
Greg, you own the charter, but since when does the PUOSU #1 winner board second? Highly irregular and I like River Rat, but LAB would never think of having me board second... Unless it's on the Mimi LOL JK

Anyway, Scotty will donate a fine Dominican Stogie to the first 5 guys with a plus 5 lb fish (per my eye). Only one per customer and he must light it up immediately. Big boys club members only need apply ;)

WOW.... First you question the Charter Master's boarding order and then you call me Greg? That is a serious infraction Scotty :eek::eek:

The following penalty flags haven been thrown:
- Personal Foul roughing the site owner resulting in a change in your user name from Scotty to "Snotty"
- False Start trying to jump the boarding order resulting in you boarding last.

Nice gesture on the cigars though :rolleyes:

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 09:14 AM
After further review, the ruling on the field has been over turned.

The boarding order has been revised and the user name Scotty has been restored.

However, all cigars awarded must first be Monica'd by JMurr before they are smoked :D

12-10-2015, 10:27 AM
However, all cigars awarded must first be Monica'd by JMurr before they are smoked :D

Greg, I'm sorry, Gerry....that's not an incentive to catch anything over 4 lbs 15 ounces :D

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 10:33 AM
greg, i'm sorry, gerry....that's not an incentive to catch anything over 4 lbs 15 ounces :d

I hear you Marc but it's not like you or any of the other hacks on this trip have to worry about catching something over 4lbs 15 ounces... :eek::D

Channeling my inner LAB here ;)

12-10-2015, 10:39 AM
Greg, I'm sorry, Gerry....that's not an incentive to catch anything over 4 lbs 15 ounces :D

such a liar you know it be mad hot I will even wear makeup for ya

12-10-2015, 10:40 AM
AHHHH...No pulled Pork... my mouth was watering.
OK....Plan B.......

The Tog Team will bring the Kielbasa and Kraut with a bunch of rye bread and good mustard. Can someone bring a LARGE crockpot. If we have two we can keep a lot warm.

Bobby what size crockpot I got one at home not sure the size but its decent size enough to do roasts & what not I will bring it if it helps

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 10:46 AM
such a liar you know it be mad hot I will even wear makeup for ya

Oh man...... 65 degrees out going into JMurrspohine's sweaty Grunden's, where no man has ever gone before (at least not that we know of) :eek::eek:

12-10-2015, 10:55 AM
Oh man...... 65 degrees out going into JMurrspohine's sweaty Grunden's, where no man has ever gone before (at least not that we know of) :eek::eek:

gonna need to take a ticket like your at the lunch meat line....cold cuts to you people

12-10-2015, 12:21 PM
wow got some intel that the "special" Zagorski & m big bro were stinking it up yesterday....Vegas has been notified

12-10-2015, 01:39 PM
Dupes is on twice?

I posted a couple days ago to let Gerry know.

12-10-2015, 02:53 PM
Thx for the reintroductions JMURR and Greg! Always a fun time, and this year we have some early fall like weather. Expecting a few surprises, and I'd put $ on a long shot for the Mimi - as they always win!

But for the BELMAR OE, I bet an old timer prevails :rolleyes:

DRod won last year, he was no longshot. . Prob had 5:2 odds!

Good luck buddy.

broken bobber
12-10-2015, 04:19 PM
Still cannot believe no harvey shrimpstein i gotta get directa to go



Blackfish Bobby
12-10-2015, 04:22 PM
Bobby what size crockpot I got one at home not sure the size but its decent size enough to do roasts & what not I will bring it if it helps

That would be great .... Thanks!!!

bunker dunker
12-10-2015, 04:39 PM
great job Joe!!!!!!that's so good stuff right there

shrimpman steve
12-10-2015, 05:07 PM
Harvey shrimpstein woke up with Bell's palsy Wednesday morning. Even if I could go if you guys think I'm getting on a boat with a half drooping face you guys are nuts!!!

I now look like quasi Moto. Hopefully it does not las long

12-10-2015, 05:15 PM
such a liar you know it be mad hot I will even wear makeup for ya

Whoa! With the lipstick, eyeliner and beard, you look like my Aunt Isabella from Brooklyn...nicely done!;)

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 05:25 PM
AHHHH...No pulled Pork... my mouth was watering.
OK....Plan B.......

The Tog Team will bring the Kielbasa and Kraut with a bunch of rye bread and good mustard. Can someone bring a LARGE crockpot. If we have two we can keep a lot warm.

Thanks Bobby...

You all might want to stand clear of the area behind me if you see me eating some of this.

12-10-2015, 05:30 PM
how many bushels of crabs we got??

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 05:55 PM
Harvey shrimpstein woke up with Bell's palsy Wednesday morning. Even if I could go if you guys think I'm getting on a boat with a half drooping face you guys are nuts!!!

I now look like quasi Moto. Hopefully it does not las long

Feel better soon but can't resist saying I would pay to see a video of you giving Resusci Anne some "on the side"

Fish Finder
12-10-2015, 06:07 PM
Fish Finder is in. Bringing cash.

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 06:11 PM
Fish Finder is in. Bringing cash.

OK gotcha Fish Finder....

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 06:16 PM
how many bushels of crabs we got??
4 whites and the boat is supplying the greens

12-10-2015, 06:25 PM
Much to warm to be decked out in my Stormr finest. Probably just an NJFishing hoodie and Grunden slicker.

What no Togaholic hoodie?

shrimpman steve
12-10-2015, 06:51 PM
I am not an animal

12-10-2015, 07:02 PM
After further review, the ruling on the field has been over turned.

The boarding order has been revised and the user name Scotty has been restored.

However, all cigars awarded must first be Monica'd by JMurr before they are smoked :DIt is a big boat! I'm sure we'll all be fine. Per JMurr's stogie review, don't put me in jail Joey and Gerry (sorry about the Greg infraction; it was late)

12-10-2015, 07:07 PM
DRod won last year, he was no longshot. . Prob had 5:2 odds!

Good luck buddy.
there's always something off the bell curve Davey. Roger DRod - current champion

12-10-2015, 07:28 PM
What no Togaholic hoodie?

Wore it on the last couple trips. Needs to be washed. I might get around to it tomorrow.

Joey Dah Fish
12-10-2015, 07:58 PM
Jail house chili goods secured! Bowls and spoons ready as well

Joey Dah Fish
12-10-2015, 08:02 PM
wow got some intel that the "special" Zagorski & m big bro were stinking it up yesterday....Vegas has been notified

I'm saving all my love for you JMurr

Joey Dah Fish
12-10-2015, 08:04 PM
Yeah Havey Hanstein is giving blow jobs ..... On the side ......

12-10-2015, 08:15 PM
I am IN. Bringing cash.

shrimpman steve
12-10-2015, 08:19 PM
So wrong

Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2015, 09:04 PM
I am IN. Bringing cash.

Gotcha Bertram.

12-10-2015, 10:26 PM
Old school PUOSU

12-10-2015, 10:43 PM
looks like a couple new signups......interesting.......vegas have to look into these mystery folk

12-11-2015, 01:00 AM
PaBeerGuy's about ready to roll:D

bunker dunker
12-11-2015, 08:59 AM
wish I was going on this trip.mike would be happy to see this going on but just remember the lesson Mike leaves all of us.you never now when its your last day so fish a little more and bitch a little less and remember that every day is a gift.

Gerry Zagorski
12-11-2015, 09:06 AM
Just a heads up...

As you've seen, we've had a few drops outs over the last several days. Rumor has it, we may have a few new comers to the site that want in on this trip so we can fill the 45 seats.

I've decided to do this for 2 reasons:
1) More money for the Wells family
2) Since we are paying for the boat based on headcount, I want to make sure to fill this trip to be fair to Bobby

Hope everyone is OK with that and please make an effort to make these folks feel welcome.

12-11-2015, 11:02 AM
Tomorrow is Put Up Or Shut Up what once was a group of toggers rounded up by a charismatic Napoleonic leader has turned into so much more. That charismatic leader was taken from us way to soon & now Put Up Or Shut Up has evolved into something much more important than a tog tournament it is to honor the memory of Michael M Wells aka Life's a Beach. I remember meeting Mike on the norma k about 12 years ago & he took me under his wing. Mike helped me immensely throughout the years whether it was "lending" me a rod & reel ( he never would take em back), the LAB payment plan for trips where I just had to carry all of his stuff, get him lunch, tie his hooks & just be his butler lol & even just calling me once in awhile to check on me & bust my balls about Philly sports teams. Tomorrow is not about who catches the most or biggest blackfish its about remembering Mike. I miss you old timer & hope you are looking down on & ridiculing all of us

12-11-2015, 11:21 AM
That was a great memorial you shared Joe, nice job and great picture of Mikey.:D

Gerry Zagorski
12-11-2015, 12:12 PM
Tomorrow is Put Up Or Shut Up what once was a group of toggers rounded up by a charismatic Napoleonic leader has turned into so much more. That charismatic leader was taken from us way to soon & now Put Up Or Shut Up has evolved into something much more important than a tog tournament it is to honor the memory of Michael M Wells aka Life's a Beach. I remember meeting Mike on the norma k about 12 years ago & he took me under his wing. Mike helped me immensely throughout the years whether it was "lending" me a rod & reel ( he never would take em back), the LAB payment plan for trips where I just had to carry all of his stuff, get him lunch, tie his hooks & just be his butler lol & even just calling me once in awhile to check on me & bust my balls about Philly sports teams. Tomorrow is not about who catches the most or biggest blackfish its about remembering Mike. I miss you old timer & hope you are looking down on & ridiculing all of us

Perfectly said Murr.

Pink Avet Girl
12-11-2015, 12:38 PM
Best of luck to you all tomorrow! :o

12-11-2015, 12:44 PM
Tomorrow is Put Up Or Shut Up what once was a group of toggers rounded up by a charismatic Napoleonic leader has turned into so much more. That charismatic leader was taken from us way to soon & now Put Up Or Shut Up has evolved into something much more important than a tog tournament it is to honor the memory of Michael M Wells aka Life's a Beach. I remember meeting Mike on the norma k about 12 years ago & he took me under his wing. Mike helped me immensely throughout the years whether it was "lending" me a rod & reel ( he never would take em back), the LAB payment plan for trips where I just had to carry all of his stuff, get him lunch, tie his hooks & just be his butler lol & even just calling me once in awhile to check on me & bust my balls about Philly sports teams. Tomorrow is not about who catches the most or biggest blackfish its about remembering Mike. I miss you old timer & hope you are looking down on & ridiculing all of us

For a guy who jokes around alot and is sometimes off the wall which i greatly enjoy. I have Mad props and respect for your post. Trust me when i say you will not find a more competitive guy who likes to WIN more than I, but when it comes to days like this it has very little to do with what your cooler looks like at the end of the Day. Your Odds just went up as i have now penciled you in to catch the second biggest Blackfish on the boat tomorrow:D

12-11-2015, 12:46 PM
For a guy who jokes around alot and is sometimes off the wall which i greatly enjoy. I have Mad props and respect for your post. Trust me when i say you will not find a more competitive guy who likes to WIN more than I, but when it comes to days like this it has very little to do with what your cooler looks like at the end of the Day. Your Odds just went up as i have now penciled you in to catch the second biggest Blackfish on the boat tomorrow:D

just speaking the truth Alex & after your catch with TJ the other day & Joey Z hacking vegas is in adjustment..........

12-11-2015, 12:46 PM
Tomorrow is Put Up Or Shut Up what once was a group of toggers rounded up by a charismatic Napoleonic leader has turned into so much more. That charismatic leader was taken from us way to soon & now Put Up Or Shut Up has evolved into something much more important than a tog tournament it is to honor the memory of Michael M Wells aka Life's a Beach. I remember meeting Mike on the norma k about 12 years ago & he took me under his wing. Mike helped me immensely throughout the years whether it was "lending" me a rod & reel ( he never would take em back), the LAB payment plan for trips where I just had to carry all of his stuff, get him lunch, tie his hooks & just be his butler lol & even just calling me once in awhile to check on me & bust my balls about Philly sports teams. Tomorrow is not about who catches the most or biggest blackfish its about remembering Mike. I miss you old timer & hope you are looking down on & ridiculing all of us

I'll be using one of Mike's reels tomorrow. It's a Lefty Avet - "why should I crank with my right hand if it's a conventional ? My left hand works just fine for Spinners". I bought it off of him for $100 NIB. When I asked him if he was taking a loss on it, he laughed and said "I traded $100 worth of Steaks to Bates for it. What I paid is what you paid".

Here's a pic of one of his infamous 'fence shots'. It's from before PUOSU I . .

River Rat
12-11-2015, 02:02 PM
1 hook....

12-11-2015, 02:34 PM
I look forward to reading this thread every year and I don't know what the HE££ a TOG is! The greatest fishermen and people on the east coast are right here on this site. What a brotherhood to be part of! Good luck to all you MANAICS tomorrow! Sharpen those hooks!

Toggin in T-shirts tomorrow? Interesting weather compared to last year, lol!:D

broken bobber
12-11-2015, 03:28 PM
I'll be using one of Mike's reels tomorrow. It's a Lefty Avet - "why should I crank with my right hand if it's a conventional ? My left hand works just fine for Spinners". I bought it off of him for $100 NIB. When I asked him if he was taking a loss on it, he laughed and said "I traded $100 worth of Steaks to Bates for it. What I paid is what you paid".

Here's a pic of one of his infamous 'fence shots'. It's from before PUOSU I . .

Larry that pic was from Cape May.... And boy did we have some crazy trips down there

12-11-2015, 04:50 PM
Is there a Waffle House in Cape May :confused::p:eek:

Gerry Zagorski
12-11-2015, 05:00 PM
Wow... Fence shots I had forgotten about them....

Bobber - Please bring the Chicken for old times sake

12-11-2015, 05:17 PM
1.River Rat- former Champion…..has he caught a tog since? 20-1 qualify

2.Scotty- one of my good pals hell I am his emergency contact. Scotty as always finished prematurely & caught a 14lb pig with the Monger last week but he will do enough to get to the mimi. 5-1 to qualify, 2-1 burn his line with a cigar, 3-1 get mustard in his ear, 4-1 eat pasta with chopsticks,5-1 drop a rod over.

3.Rob B- another former champion that I have not sen a report from in ages unless its trying to find a good deal on gas. Blind squirrel found a nut a few years ago this year that squirrels getting run over. 50-12 qualify

4.JLRotary- to busy pouring lead to afford diapers to fish anymore. He will get a bite though. 3-1 qualify

5.Gerry Z-fearless leader, absent minded togger. Got a bigun with Jersey Hooker last week must thought it was puosu but at your age I guess you confused the dates. 40-1 to qualify

6.MVP- can catch tog from Va to Maine but I hear he is dialed in on dogfish in NJ.caught em good this week odds adjusted He will qualify. 3-1

7.Hartattack- what a nice guy, I am sure Santa will be nice to him but the tog gonna make him look silly. 25-1

8.LeftyReeler- my homie & a great dude to party with but couldn’t catch the flu sharing a drink with Charlie Sheen. 50-1

9.Joey Dah Fish- oh boy………Captain Hank from the Fish Mongers pick to win, but apparently he caught cockolla the other day never a good thing to limp into the playoffs.WE ALL KNOW he Caught a togasoreass. But this is PUOSU NO CHANCE. He will be licking windows & hugging strangers but he will qualify odds up to 10-1 only cause of Hanks influence.

10.CadiShackFishing- “I’m alright…don’t nobody worry about me” winning 30-1 qualify

11.Dales- need a fundraiser ran this is the guy, unfortunately tog don’t buy 50/50. 40-1 to qualify

12.HDMarc- haven’t seen a report since opening day & apparently there was a cooler malfunction… I love a good excuse for not catching. Marc will catch 1 for the next round but not the 1. 10-1

13.KurtisB- my Va roomate, the most interesting fisherman in the world. If he could use the banjo minnow game over but this is togging.He is due. 5-1 qualify

14.Joetheplumber -cool name……. just like his hero Sarah palin he is gonna lose & vanish into the Alaskan sunset. 25-1

15.SaltLife-a lot of posts but do not see many reports hope he has a cool sicker & hat to match the screen name…… 20-1

16.Stelios- my big brother has had an interesting year going to bed bath & beyond & buying blinds with his beautiful wife. Think he went tuna fishing once & then caught a bergal opening day.Apparently hacked it again I do not even know who he is anymore. 5-1

17.Blackfish Bobby- apparently is the greatest togger to ever live & has already been crowned champion by the “special” Zagorski. Look Bobby can fish & can pull 2-5lbs all day but the 1 that matters is gonaa break that 6lb fouro leader. He will prolly #orl & will be on the Mimi. 3-1

18.Reel Ron- my illegitimate father. Been going 8 days a week since tog opened but haven’t seen much in the way of pulling maybe all those pier 1 trips with his son in law got him off his game. He will qualify UPDATE- did well this week from what I heard odds up to 3-1

19.Dupes- to busy cutting bobby’s crabs & rubbing his back. 25-1

20.Sven of the hook- Joey Z “partner” (not that there’s anything wrong with that) caught a 10lb with Monger Saturday & won a tournament! WOW WAY TO GO but heres bad news Everyone catches a 10 on the monger I got 5 over 10 in 7 years for lords dsake & I suck. Lets see him do it on a party boat.

25-1 to qualify

21.Taxman- to busy trying to help Gerry Z get a write off for the Christmas party to fish & he had the balls to call me Ragusa sidekick when we all know we have a mutual partnership he just makes more $. 750-1 I will personally make sure he does not qualify for that comment.

22.Thing1- quiet kid, fishing 10lb flouro with his pop will catch a 3lb & qualify but if ya wanna learn about life come to the stern with me & Uncle Sportfishingusa.8-1

23.DFish- another one of my homeboys & can fish I have a feeling he will make some noise. 3-1

24.King of the knoll- 2 posts, quite the contributor to the site…….maybe he is to busy fishing but until I see him or her in action he goes down the list. 100-1

25.AWD3- cool picture of a whale a couple weeks ago maybe you can go help Wilson with the photography & leave the fishing to us. 500-1

26.Gbgeorge- apparently a site sponsor so I am not allowed to say anything bad & better give him good odds or Mr.Z will ban me. 20-1

27.Bacala- my big brothers good buddy….i’ve seen him tog….stick to tuna. 15-1

28.Hookset- getting us crabs so I am being nice to him. He will qualify. 3-1

29.Islander II- been putting up reports & won $ on the gaffer the other day. Seems like he has been doing well so I got to give him a shot. 8-1

30.Foul Hook- oh boy……don’t even bring a rod just bring a cup & designated driver. 5,000-1

31.Small Fry- who? 1 post…….. 200-1

32.Snafu777- cool name that’s a blackfish rig! That gets ya nothing here. 100-1

33.SportfishingUSA- my bff & partner in crime as well as Team#ORL. I have watched Vinnie limit out with ease in 2 states. He will qualify with his PB 5lb fish Saturday.3-1

34.PABeerGuy- bringing beer so he is ok in my book. 20-1

35.JMurr- 15 in april, 5 in an hour November 8th, 8 on opening day, 13 the next trip, 11 the next & 12 yesterday ORL on every trip. SO I am better looking than all of yas, smarter than all of yas, funnier than all of yas & now a better togger than all of us! But this is PUOSU & it’s all about the memory OF LAB sooooo 1,000,000,000-1

36.Quanman- bringing wine…I don’t drink wine stay in Nappa & Sonoma. 100-1

37.Lingking20- no doubt I love ling sh!t I swam in a pile of 500 in July & got hate mail but this is togging & if you use ling skills ur fudged. 500-1

38.Broken Bobber- Mikeys #1 henchman, I am pulling for him hopefully he can feed off me & Ragusas 2-4lb life & get the 1. The Bow Monkey in the sky be looking down on ya & I am sure ridiculing. 5-1

39.Fat Fish Stick- you like fish sticks……. Seen him catch some fish with his son or his pop I dunno who’s who & that’s awesome I love the sentimentality…. This is 40 people togging not a private boat on the reef. Punchers chance 25-1

40.Two Guys Rod- I see a lot of “good job guys” posts but do not see squat about him catching. Until I see him in action 100-1

41.Fish Finder- another cool name hope he brings a side scan. No idea who this is so unless he can show some credentials he goes to 200-1

42. Bertramboy- 26 posts none with any substance other than congratulating other people on their catch. Need to see some credentials 200-1

Good luck…………………………………………..bitches

Foul Hook
12-11-2015, 05:24 PM
30. Foul Hook- oh boy……don’t even bring a rod just bring a cup & designated driver. 5,000-1
Listen up Joseph I'm bringing my "A" game tomorrow so don't even mess around! I've got 95 Belmar brewed Beach Haus beers (Already drank one of the new brews:D) and another 30 miller lites for backup. So watch out!! I'll be in the next round! Guaranteed.

Gerry Zagorski
12-11-2015, 05:34 PM
Listen up Joseph I'm bringing my "A" game tomorrow so don't even mess around! I've got 95 Belmar brewed Beach Haus beers (Already drank one of the new brews:D) and another 30 miller lites for backup. So watch out!! I'll be in the next round! Guaranteed.

You tell'em Tony.... I'm too pissed :D

Going to see my bookie and bet on you and me with those odd :rolleyes:

See you in the stern. (burp ;))

Foul Hook
12-11-2015, 05:55 PM
Right on Gary:p, all the action will be in the stern. Weak winds means those anchor lines will be pull the stern right over the top of the meat. We will be right in the thick of it all day!!

Gerry Zagorski
12-11-2015, 06:23 PM
Right on Gary:p, all the action will be in the stern. Weak winds means those anchor lines will be pull the stern right over the top of the meat. We will be right in the thick of it all day!!

Ixnay on the ernstay Onytay ;)

The fish are going to chew their heads off in the bow:D

12-11-2015, 07:01 PM
Ixnay on the ernstay Onytay ;)

The fish are going to chew their heads off in the bow:D
Bow no good!

Gerry Zagorski
12-11-2015, 07:04 PM
Best of luck to you all tomorrow! :o

Thanks Pinky..

12-11-2015, 07:05 PM
DRod won last year, he was no longshot. . Prob had 5:2 odds!

Good luck buddy.

Even 6 sigma is wrong in 3 of a million samples

12-11-2015, 07:08 PM
Tomorrow is Put Up Or Shut Up what once was a group of toggers rounded up by a charismatic Napoleonic leader has turned into so much more. That charismatic leader was taken from us way to soon & now Put Up Or Shut Up has evolved into something much more important than a tog tournament it is to honor the memory of Michael M Wells aka Life's a Beach. I remember meeting Mike on the norma k about 12 years ago & he took me under his wing. Mike helped me immensely throughout the years whether it was "lending" me a rod & reel ( he never would take em back), the LAB payment plan for trips where I just had to carry all of his stuff, get him lunch, tie his hooks & just be his butler lol & even just calling me once in awhile to check on me & bust my balls about Philly sports teams. Tomorrow is not about who catches the most or biggest blackfish its about remembering Mike. I miss you old timer & hope you are looking down on & ridiculing all of us

Exactly and very well put JMurr. Great social event, evidence of the quality of people this site generates and a tribute to LAB every year which is well deserved for that man. I have posted this before but I first met LAB during my very first year on the site and running my first SSFFF Trip.
He met me by surprise at the dock after my striper charter with cawfee and a donation Rod for my fundraiser trip just to introduce himself. From there we corresponded often about all things fishing and some general family stuff. I once asked him how he filled his trips so fast when I couldn't . A typical LAB quote: " you are too nice to them, you have to insult them and then they will come to prove you wrong" I miss HIM, the debates, the good will he shared always without accepting a thing in return and his passion. That's why you GO on this trip!

Glad to see you and Vinnie are getting out often and killing it with Capt Hank and others. Great job on the odds as well. Cant wait to see the vicious dogfish filleting (never knew a dehooker filleted fish before), and the half bushel of whites or greenies on Ragu's hoodie during his first nap
See you nut jobs in the AM!

12-11-2015, 08:06 PM
See everyone in the AM.. Ill be the one catching all the fish!:D:eek:

12-11-2015, 08:16 PM
it is with a heavy heart i make this announcement...................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........

I WILL NOT BE KEEPING ANY DOGFISH........................................... .....


12-11-2015, 08:17 PM
even 6 sigma is wrong in 3 of a million samples

ladies & gents,


12-11-2015, 08:25 PM
Exactly and very well put JMurr. Great social event, evidence of the quality of people this site generates and a tribute to LAB every year which is well deserved for that man. I have posted this before but I first met LAB during my very first year on the site and running my first SSFFF Trip.
He met me by surprise at the dock after my striper charter with cawfee and a donation Rod for my fundraiser trip just to introduce himself. From there we corresponded often about all things fishing and some general family stuff. I once asked him how he filled his trips so fast when I couldn't . A typical LAB quote: " you are too nice to them, you have to insult them and then they will come to prove you wrong" I miss HIM, the debates, the good will he shared always without accepting a thing in return and his passion. That's why you GO on this trip!

Glad to see you and Vinnie are getting out often and killing it with Capt Hank and others. Great job on the odds as well. Cant wait to see the vicious dogfish filleting (never knew a dehooker filleted fish before), and the half bushel of whites or greenies on Ragu's hoodie during his first nap
See you nut jobs in the AM!

Ok here s a shameless grub, if anyone can spare a fillet or two so I can keep my wife happy I would appreciate it. And before you can say it....Yeah she's cheap to keep


Ninja fillet'er


shrimpman steve
12-11-2015, 08:27 PM
Had a 10+ On the OE today. Will miss ALL of you. Good luck and have fun

12-11-2015, 08:33 PM
i'm sure someone will Wilson so long as you take about 500 pics of me

12-11-2015, 08:34 PM
Ok here s a shameless grub, if anyone can spare a fillet or two so I can keep my wife happy I would appreciate it. And before you can say it....Yeah she's cheap to keep

Wilson, you can have what ever I catch. Hope I get one.

12-11-2015, 08:36 PM
Had a 10+ On the OE today. Will miss ALL of you. Good luck and have fun

Jig or hermit?

shrimpman steve
12-11-2015, 08:37 PM
Jig or hermit?

Plain old white legger

12-11-2015, 09:01 PM
Good luck to all you mofos.
See you all in the AM.
Going to go TRY and get some sleep before the drive east.

12-11-2015, 09:13 PM
Plain old white legger

About time! Told you so as many have done. Ditch the exotic bait and get your mojo back. Proud of ya!

12-11-2015, 10:48 PM
ladies & gents,

scooooooooooooootttttttttteeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr joe murrrrrr! Damn them engineers lol huh

12-11-2015, 11:35 PM
I got the keg of Avenel Amber Gerard!!! Bring the cups and ice....and change the list of who's bringing what to Snafu777 bringing keg o beer!

shrimpman steve
12-12-2015, 12:05 AM
About time! Told you so as many have done. Ditch the exotic bait and get your mojo back. Proud of ya!

I can't argue

Go get EM tomorrow. Wear something nice

12-12-2015, 05:45 AM
Good luck today boys, regretfully going to miss this year but wishing everyone a happy n healthy holiday season. To my molly popping, Tiesto rocking, fat boy slim comrades in the stern make a brother proud today and bring home the gold. Mr Wells u always could make a room light up RIP. To a great cause and even better people that keep this tradition alive all the best today folks. To the flying Zagorski brothers, the reef will flurish today with all the lead I'm sure you two will donate. Your in good hands with Capt Bobby at the helm looking fwd to seeing some slobs hit the deck.

Merry Christmas - Lefty

shrimpman steve
12-12-2015, 03:48 PM
what? No live remote reports?????

Here is my report, I am now CPR and first aid certified. One more box checked for my license.

Come on guys, we're dyin to know what's going on:

Did joe kill anyone yet

Is Kevin gettin jiggy wit it

How long did the beer last

Did the big ragu take a nap

Has jmur eaten anything that would kill a Sasquatch

Is our leader wearing a propeller beani

Were LAB stories thrown around like ripe bananas

And so many other things we want to know

PS: if the bite sucks you CANT BLAME ME:D:D

Any dd's like this beuti from yesterday:p

PPS: Kevin, please give Joey my frickin dehooker:eek:

PPPS: when can I tell you guys where I hid the bananas yesterday

12-12-2015, 07:39 PM
Tough bite for me. One short. At least I wasn't the only one😐

12-12-2015, 07:45 PM
what? No live remote reports?????

Here is my report, I am now CPR and first aid certified. One more box checked for my license.

Come on guys, we're dyin to know what's going on:

Did joe kill anyone yet

Is Kevin gettin jiggy wit it

How long did the beer last

Did the big ragu take a nap

Has jmur eaten anything that would kill a Sasquatch

Is our leader wearing a propeller beani

Were LAB stories thrown around like ripe bananas

And so many other things we want to know

PS: if the bite sucks you CANT BLAME ME:D:D

Any dd's like this beuti from yesterday:p

PPS: Kevin, please give Joey my frickin dehooker:eek:

PPPS: when can I tell you guys where I hid the bananas yesterday

The bite sucked and everyone blamed you.

Ragu did take a nap.

The only thing I saw JMurr eat was the banana someone put in his crab cooler. He caught the yo dolla fish with a banana crab.

Keg was gone before the first drop.

Couple guys tried the jig, not sure if they were on the boat when we got back.

Gerry Zagorski
12-12-2015, 07:58 PM
Well fishing was tough... I think only 1 or 2 people got their limit and Blackfish Bobby was one of them and his team also won the side bet partner pool.

Snafu777 took the honors with the pool fish which was 6.10 and he also won the 50/50 so his lucky day.

Some had a few and many had none but 24 people wieghed in fish.
1) snafu777 6.10
2) HDMarc 5.10
3) JMurr 4.13
4) Thing1 4.13
5) Frank Krupa 4.10
6) Stelly 4.8
7) Hookset 4.7
8) RobB 4.7
9) JLrotary 4.6
10) MVP 4.5
11) Joey dad fish
12) Beatrice 3.13
13) AWD 3.12
14)Hart Attack 3.11
15)Blackfish Bobby 3.10
16) Sportfishusa 3.9
17) Fish Finder 3.9
18) dupes 3.7
19) PAbeerguy 3.6
20) Broken Bobber 3.5
21) Reel Ron 3.4
22)Joe The Plumber 3.3
23) Gerry Z
24) Kurtis 2.12

Bobby and crew were great and even kept us out late to try and get it going but anchoring conditions were tough with very light wind and hardly any current.

Thanks everyone for coming out and see some of you next week on the Mimi for the final.

I will create a separate post for that trip.

12-12-2015, 08:15 PM
First drop, drop down & get slammed bring up a keeper! Wow, gonna be a good day! Nah, I should have cuddled with my bunk mate, Ragusa!

21) Reel Ron 3.4 Couldn't even make the cut! Probably a good thing as I can't fish Saturday anyway.

Thanks again to all involved in putting this together and keeping it going.

PS. Gerry was right, I did sell some weight decals. Sold them to Joe 'cause he wanted to take care of his buddies! Thank you Joe!

Joey Dah Fish
12-12-2015, 10:12 PM
I find it very appropriate that a lot of us ended up with a Lab limit :D

12-12-2015, 10:21 PM
I find it very appropriate that a lot of us ended up with a Lab limit :D

Yes, a lot of us and a bunch with less. An awesome day dedicated to LAB.

12-13-2015, 07:29 AM
Well another PUOSU is in the books. This was my third year taking photos.
They never disappoint in the entertainment factor and the food and drink was good and plentiful.
It was good seeing the regulars again.

In the tradition and style of LAB but hardly as witty, here's what I learned today...

You need about $ 2000.00 worth of lead, leader, rods, reels and scissors to Blackfish.
There is nothing J. Murray won't put in his mouth and bite down on.
The stern crowd are the partyers the bow is for the serious fishermen.
There was more beer than Crabs on the boat.
Because of the extra warm weather there were a few cracks a popping:eek:
The only thing that pulls out in Philadelphia is a couch.
20 lb. leader is the only way to get a bite but you lose every fish that does bite.
Ragu drinks like a fish, takes nap and then continues drinking.
Jigs do not work...Right Bobbie?
Glad I'm not the guy that has to clean the boat after this crew gets done fishing!

Special thanks to Stellie, Reel Ron and KB for the fillets, I cooked them using the killer blackfish recipe that was posted on the board and they were damn good.

Click on the link below to see some pixs.


12-13-2015, 10:59 AM
As a rookie blackfisherman and first time PUOSU participant, I am thrilled that I made the cut for round 2. Pulled my fish on the first drop then swung and missed like an American League pitcher for the next 6 hours. Glad for the unseasonable weather. 65 degrees and sunshine made rail time easy. The weather also made the cold beer the drink of choice. Thanks to the following: SNAFU for the Avenel Amber... it makes a fine breakfast beverage!, PAbeerguy for the Victory beers (the Dirt Wolf was perfect to wash down Jopey's chili), JoeyDahFish for the aforementioned chile... good job bruddah, Capt. Bobby and crew for giving their best (as always), and our fearless leader, Gerry, for the invite and fishing advice. My hands look like I just rebuilt a diesel motor (gotta get some spray 9, thanks for the tip Joe). All in all, a beauty of a day spent with a fine group of anglers. I'll see some of you Thursday at the Christmas party and some others Saturday for Round 2 of PUOSU. :D

Foul Hook
12-13-2015, 11:38 AM
Great time yesterday, wishin the fishin was better. I really only had two legit bites all the other were scratchy nibbles at best, one small hit and then they were gone. Thanks to Gerry and Alex, Capt Bob and mates Mike and John. You are welcome to Murr and Vinny for your banana fish which got both of you into the finals, you couldn't have done it without me. Personally I sucked.!! Blackfish Bobby really does know how to blackfish and makes some killer kielbasa and krout, Great chili from Joe DaFish had just enough bite in it. We all ate and drank like kings (and Queen). Murray and ragu should be in the WWF, Thanks to Kurtis for dropping the dime on me. Thanks to Wilson for getting me and my designated driver beers all day. Thanks to my driver for being drunker than me. Good to see some old faces and meet some new. Keep em tight boys!! LAB forever!!

12-13-2015, 11:55 AM
Great time yesterday, wishin the fishin was better. I really only had two legit bites all the other were scratchy nibbles at best, one small hit and then they were gone. Thanks to Gerry and Alex, Capt Bob and mates Mike and John. You are welcome to Murr and Vinny for your banana fish which got both of you into the finals, you couldn't have done it without me. Personally I sucked.!! Blackfish Bobby really does know how to blackfish and makes some killer kielbasa and krout, Great chili from Joe DaFish had just enough bite in it. We all ate and drank like kings (and Queen). Murray and ragu should be in the WWF, Thanks to Kurtis for dropping the dime on me. Thanks to Wilson for getting me and my designated driver beers all day. Thanks to my driver for being drunker than me. Good to see some old faces and meet some new. Keep em tight boys!! LAB forever!!


Foul Hook
12-13-2015, 06:21 PM
Who took home the barrel of dogfish:rolleyes: