View Full Version : First fishing report in a LONG time

shrimpman steve
11-04-2015, 09:59 PM
Got a last minute invite from JDF to fish a non sponsor out of seawaren. With the red hot striper bite and the fact that I haven't fished in two months I jumped on. Took a very short ride and found tons of bunker along with a late afternoon fleet.

Snag and drop was the name of the game. We didn't do great but managed a few fish for the boat. Capt tried reel hard they just weren't biting for us. Had a great time anyway. It's been way to long since I tied a fishing knot. Will be at it again soon.

11-04-2015, 10:37 PM
Steve, glad you got out to wet a line. Hope to see you on the PUOSU. :)

shrimpman steve
11-04-2015, 10:58 PM
Wouldn't miss it for the world