View Full Version : Celtic Stoirm 52 Pound Bass

Celtic Stoirm
11-01-2015, 08:25 PM
SATURDAY: 10/31 we had the James Scoville charter from Jackson, NJ out for a day of striper bass fishing. We left the dock at 7a.m. headed North. We had good reading right out of the Inlet, so we put out the trolling rods and went to work. We had birds working, which gave us great reading but there was a lot of boat traffic. So we kept working the area and we had a hook up. Mike grabbed the rod and said "it was a good fish!" After a 20 min. battle the fish was gaffed by Capt. Steve Simon. Capt. Steve said it was one for the books!! We didn't catch any more bass for another two hours ,so we finished off the day with inshore sea bass. The big bass was weighed at the fishermen's den, located in the Belmar Marina. She was 46.5" long and the girth was 31" - total weight 52 pounds!

To see pictures, go to: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=545435762273033&id=172862246197055

SUNDAY: 11/1 we had Gary from PSEG and the South Plainfield boys out for a day of stripe bass fishing. We left the dock at 6am, and headed to the Hook. We had great reports from Saturday's trip of bass being caught. We trolled the area, landing 4 bass, but the blue fish ruled the day. We left the Hook, ran south to try to land some more bass - and we were able to put one more in the box, and called it a day.

The fall bass is up and going -- BOOK NOW! DON'T MISS OUT!!

To see pictures, go to: https://www.facebook.com/172862246197055/photos/a.173291516154128.1073741829.172862246197055/545436562272953/?type=3&theater