View Full Version : Halloween Bass/Tog

11-01-2015, 08:15 PM
Today was our last day in keyport so we decided to try for some bay bass one more time before moving to our new home in Shark River.
My dad, his friend and I left keyport nice and early to see if we can troll up some bass. Trolled from the 28can in the reach up to 14 with 1 bass around 25 pounds. We pulled in the spoons and ran south to some rough bottom. Anchored up, dropped crabs and it was game on. Kept our limit to 19 inches releasing the rest. We had a couple of real nice fish in the 7-8 pound range along with some shorts but the average fish were solid 3-4 pounders. It was drop and reel fishing until around 1130 when the wind and current decided to shut down. We broke off a couple of hogs that we will be back on the hunt for tomorrow. On a side note, couple guys at the dock had some BIG bass that they were filleting. From the looks of it, fall fishing is in full swing.

Plus, does anyone know where I may be able to purchase a FULL BUSHEL of white or green crabs? Getting annoyed at some bait shops saying they will sell me a bushel over the phone but when i show up at the shop they make up some bullshit story and try to make me buy them by the dozen. Shoot me a PM if you can help.

11-01-2015, 09:29 PM
Congrats on a nice day again with the old Man.
Not sure why Jersey Tackle shops are still charging double the norm for crabs as the guys who are catching crabs are getting them in much better numbers now then previous weeks. Spoke to my NY Blackfisherman friends and Tackle shop in Brooklyn recently got 40 Bushels and charging more reasonable
$50 Bushel for Greens
$60 Bushel for Whites

11-01-2015, 10:47 PM
Congrats on a nice day again with the old Man.
Not sure why Jersey Tackle shops are still charging double the norm for crabs as the guys who are catching crabs are getting them in much better numbers now then previous weeks. Spoke to my NY Blackfisherman friends and Tackle shop in Brooklyn recently got 40 Bushels and charging more reasonable
$50 Bushel for Greens
$60 Bushel for Whites

I cant understand it either. I ran all the way to brooklyn got crabs, was driving back and got stuck in traffic and that was the end of it. A full cooler of dead/cooked crabs. Plus, after the gas and tolls it ends up costing me 100$

11-02-2015, 08:19 AM
Supply and demand. Once NJ opens up hopefully supply will be better otherwise prices will be crazy especially in winter when everyone will be looking for white
Once price is set high and people keep buying price may get set even if supply is not a problem. Similar to cost of charters. When gas prices went up cost of trips followed. Now that gas prices are way down cost of trips have not gone down for most