View Full Version : 10-31 Canyon Tuna Report

10-31-2015, 05:28 PM
We have space available on our canyon tuna trip
sailing 5PM Sunday (tomorrow), November 1.

10-31 Canyon Tuna Report

Friday night report
The Friday night canyon trip was a good one.
The water temperature was still close to 69 degrees and the tuna are still there.
It did not take too long to get the first tuna in the boat.
After that we had a few bites over the next hour. We also hooked, but, lost several swordfish.
As the night went on fishing picked up.
We were catching yellowfin from 30 to 75lb on either bait or jigs.
We had good action with as many as 5 hooked up at a time.
Closer to sunrise some large longfin were mixed in.
We had a lull shortly after that when the current shifted.
At sunrise we started to pick slowly at the yellowfin again until it was time to head home.
Some notable catches were :
The Kizmann family from Brick NJ caught 6 yellowfin.
Dale Wonka from Lancaster PA caught 3 yellowfin and 2 longfin.
Jimmy Sakers from Brick NJ caught 2 yellowfin.
Tim Byan from Manopac NY caught 2 yellowfin.
Branton Hines from Brooklyn (formerly from Jamaica) caught 3 yellowfin on his first ever tuna trip.
Erik Bogan was slacking today and caught 1 yellowfin and 1 longfin.

There are still plenty of fish in the canyon.
we read tuna from 90' to 200' down at times.
The water temperature has been holding steady around 69 degrees which is quit warm for this time of year.
(Last year we we doing well in 63.5 degree water at this time)
There is space available on trip sailing 5PM Sunday November 1.
There is also space available on the trips sailing next weekend.
(last year our best trip of the season was on November 9th when we boated 90 tuna)

The big Jamaica is scheduled to sail at 7am every Tuesday and Thursday for 31hr trips. Overnight 22hr trips depart 5pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Our offshore Giant Sea Bass season will kick off soon, and we are booking trips.

There is space available on trips sailing after November 14.


10-31-2015, 09:54 PM
Calm sunny day and lotsa tuna. NICE !!!