View Full Version : What to use in the canal??

10-21-2015, 10:45 PM
Ive been getting struck out in the surf, so I am going to try and fish the PP Canal tomorrow for some action hopefully. Don't care if they are big or small or what they are, should be a gorgeous day out. I have never been to the canal before, so I figured I would drive around and try to find a good spot. Any info on what I should use or area I should hit would be very helpful. Not looking to steal any spots being that it takes me more than an hour to get there, won't be fishing there too often. Would like to try and make a productive day out of it thou. Thanks!


Bass Specialist
10-21-2015, 10:57 PM
What are you targeting?bass? If so I've had the best action at night on storm shads or fin-s jigs. You can try by the police station. There has been a lot of bait and bass around. Just make sure you bring plenty of tackle bc the snags can be a pain in the ass. Goodluck

10-21-2015, 10:59 PM
go over to Captain Rich @ jersey hoker utfitters he will hook ya up with all u need.http://www.jerseyhooker.com/

mainly small 10-14inch blackfish in canal. 4-10oz sinkers, size 2-1/0 hooks & green crab. try to get there 2 hours before slack tide

10-22-2015, 10:32 AM
Thanks guys! Yeah just looking to wet some lines in the nice weather. Could care less what hits, just want to play with some fish. I will check out Jersey Hooker for sure, going to head down there in a little bit. Will post a report later and let you know how I did.

10-22-2015, 11:35 AM
I have fished the canal quite a bit in the past- I usually catch them in close.. just a few feet into the canal. Have not caught a keeper in a while but lots of fun with some toy togs. Looking forward to reading your report later.

10-22-2015, 03:11 PM
Togging the canal
· Play the tide. You can find slack water at the north end of the canal about 3 hours from the time posted for tides at Manasquan Inlet. While action at slack, isn’t going to be the best, try to fish through it ¾ of an hour either side.
· Tiny hooks catch tiny tog. Maximize your chance at catching some keepers by using a 3/0 octopus or similar type hook. This will help keep some of the toy togs from self impaling. Use ½ a green as bait and wait for the better bites and ignore toy taps. No shame in getting cleaned off it means you have a greater chance of catching a keeper.
· Use enough weight. Bring a boat rod that can handle 8 to 10 ounces and once your sinker lands and stops moving reel up your slack and try not to move your sinker until you are ready to set the hook.
· If you have a reel setup with straight mono about 40lbs, double line for 12”, slip you sinker on the end and tie in your 3/0 hook snelled on an 8” leader a few inches above the sinker.
Good luck

10-22-2015, 03:21 PM
Hey Dan, stop by Crystal Marine under the Rt 88 Bridge over the canal, and meet George. He has what you need and will point you in the right direction. Catch 'em up..........Papa