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View Full Version : Fishermen Monday Night 10/19

10-20-2015, 07:36 AM
Good fishing last night Capt.Dan put us on the fish what he does best and last night they were hungry. Matt had 3 kept only the pool fish some guys with 2 some 1 and couple guys none.Everyone went home with dinner.Can't wait to do it again tonight. Don't wait guys!!!!

10-20-2015, 07:43 AM
Pictures or it didn't happen Harry.


Wait what ......Matt got the pool fish ....how did that happen.

Managed to slide his eel under yours?

Will do my best to make it out tonight buddy.


10-20-2015, 08:01 AM
Pictures or it didn't happen Harry.


Wait what ......Matt got the pool fish ....how did that happen.

Managed to slide his eel under yours?

Will do my best to make it out tonight buddy.

I'll show you the pictures tonight Andre.I tried one time couldn't do it and I gave up.