Capt Sal
10-19-2015, 05:12 PM
If you can do this play thje lottery. You have to be there when it happens not read about it. The more trips you make the better your odds are of hitting na great day. Not all of us have unlimited time or funds. The fall comes and goes fast and quite a few days are lost to the weather. Go when you can and go loaded for bear. When bass fishing do not let a 20 mph nw wind scare you away.It will be calm on the ocean near shore and we can only fish 3 miles off.
Real time reports will not help you unless you have a helicopter to bring you out to the boat.No captain knows what exactly tomorrow will bring they wish they could.Hero to zero is quite common even with the old time skippers.Been there done that! The best a capt. can offer is to do his best to put you on the fish and the rest is up to you. Can not catch them from the key board.
Real time reports will not help you unless you have a helicopter to bring you out to the boat.No captain knows what exactly tomorrow will bring they wish they could.Hero to zero is quite common even with the old time skippers.Been there done that! The best a capt. can offer is to do his best to put you on the fish and the rest is up to you. Can not catch them from the key board.