View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Fridays Report......

10-16-2015, 03:34 PM
The past couple of days have been tough for us on the Morning trip. Capt. Dan has been finding some fish that want to bite at night on eels. Monday night they had close to 20 nice keepers in the boat. These are local fish and not the migratory fish we see come November. Several fish have been in the 20 plus pound range.

The NW flow from now through the weekend should start to drop the water temps and get things moving. Plenty of bait around also, Rain fish, Bunker and yesterday we found a load of herring down the beach. We haven't had any jig fish yet, but that will change.

Over the weekend we will be looking at some new area's that normally start to produce this time of year. Bring a Heavier Rod for eeling and a nice jigging stick, just in case. Ava 47's, Croc's, Jigs with tubes, some Bunker snags (always a must) in your tackle box and don't forget the Shads!!!

Any one of the Tackle shops in New Jersey would be more than happy to help you with the equipment you may need.

Don't forget to get your Bonus tag, even though you are only allowed ONE, it's always nice to have in the box. It cost you 2 stamps and is worth the price for a nice dinner on a 24 to 27.99 inch fish.

Looking forward to some Great Reports, Pics and Video's.....Hope you are in them!!!

Capt. Ron

10-16-2015, 07:56 PM
me to:d:d:d