View Full Version : Till death due us part

Kevin Bogan
10-14-2015, 10:56 AM
:) Hey Skip, where can I get a great bottom fish rod that will catch the most species, has the BEST components, the BEST sensitivity, action, and performance?
:cool: Well did you ever consider doing what many party boat captains and mates do?
:confused: what's that trading in my wife for a new fishing rod?
:cool: No don't do that, you need to keep her around to clean and cook the fish!
:D OK I give up what's the secret?
:cool: Go get a FISH POISON ROD, THEY HAVE MEDIUM TAPER E GLASS, Fast taper composites, long story short the factory rods don't come close!
:) Is it realy true that when you catch all the fish, they don't swim too good anymore?
:cool:When you hook them with a Fish Poison, they will no doubt die in the bottom of your cooler!
:o OH! so that's why they say "DEAD FISH DONT SWIM" IT'S NOT FAIR TO THE SPECIES!!!!!!
:cool: THAT'S RIGHT!