View Full Version : Fisher Price IV 10/11 Tough Bassing

Capt Derek Fisher Price 3
10-12-2015, 04:53 AM
AM- Headed out this morning with the Ken Spencer charter. Got set up where we had a few fish yesterday and had immediate action. The last hour of the tide we were able to land 4 or 5 shorts and 1 nice keeper around 18 to 20 lbs. Once the tide died, that was about it. Bounced around the rest of the morning with nothing to show for our efforts.

PM- Ran our open boat bass trip this afternoon. Headed a different direction and found excellent readings. Set out the trolling gear and could only manage 2 shorts. Took a ride and got set up for the end of the tide. Read fish constantly for the remainder of the evening, but could only manage 1 short bass. Tough fishing overall