View Full Version : Gambler 48hr. "Get 'em on the Gambler"

Pennsy Guy
10-09-2015, 06:47 PM
Just got back from one of the more productive trips in recent years. Bob took us to the Hudson's "notch" for a night anchor after starting with a drift in 72* bluish water. Didn't leave the green water 'til almost there. A slow pick of large (60-65#) LFT and like sized YFT. First night produced a slow pick of Yellows and a few birds. No life or weed. Bob suggested tiling and/or pot hopping around 11 morning on Thursday and while reeling in, I got hooked-up on another bird which prompted us to stay there as we were still reading shots of fish...Sometime the right move is no move...;) Wednesday night produced a very few free swimming Mahi, a released rat & 2 swords(65 and 125#) also. Thursday continued with the shots of fish as before and a truly "EPIC" 3+hr fight and ultimate win over a blimp-like eye ball scaling out around 245#.(used formula length(65") x girth(55") x girth(55") divided by 800. Was truly amazing as the rod broke-reel seat & guide section kind'a twisted-he had to keep aligning the sections, plus he said reel was a piece of s$#t-guy that hooked it gave rod to buddy after 20 min.- & had 40# test leader--unbelievable...Fish really did look like a blimp lying on the back deck!!!Last night continued with small shots of the larger yellows, then a couple of "football" shots came through being pushed out by 40-45# yellows being pushed out by the bigger ones...No life/weed Wednesday/night---Thursday PM a newly forming weed line & a few Mahi. At night, more Mahi & squid plus a Mola-Mola--only saw 1-2 blue devils on the trip, they didn't hang around...that was nice ...most fish caught on butters, squid when caught, then sardines. Only a handful caught on jigs. "toot-toot-toot" went at 5:30 this AM.. As usual, the crew--Greg, Chris, Todd, Alex and Zach(doubled as chef) were in their usual A-1 professional mode-always cordial & helpful with any problem & pleasure to fish with...the guys on the trip fished together like a team...They cleaned/loined fish for quite awhile, set up an assembly line to expedite the process greatly cutting down the wait time dockside...
Fish totals: 2 swords, 1 huge Big Eye and 82 Y's & L's(about a 2 to 1 ratio Y to L's). Oh yea, 2-3 Skippys and a few 5-6# Mahi..hopefully, friends and family will be happy and freezers get filled..goin' out on the next 3 36's...see you next Wednesday...


10-09-2015, 06:50 PM
Now go take a nap Chucky!!! It was great to see you guys.

nate chud
10-09-2015, 06:58 PM
way to go guys great report so if you were waiting to book for the trip on the 19th do it now the fish are there lets fill up the trip

10-09-2015, 07:46 PM
Good report

Pennsy Guy
10-09-2015, 08:33 PM
Now go take a nap Chucky!!! It was great to see you guys.

likewise Shorts...needed two more sentences to finish report, t'storm-lost power-had to rewrite , pissed me off! Can't sleep yet, still got tunes to steak & vac seal-not all, but some...can't wait for our next trip...my legs are killing me because "the rail is your friend"...;):D:rolleyes:

Charlie Tuna
10-09-2015, 10:34 PM
Nice going guys!

See ya next week

10-10-2015, 07:30 AM
Congrats on a great trip. Get 'em on the Gambler!!!

10-10-2015, 08:15 AM
If anybody out there wants to learn how to chunk tuna fish book a spot next to this man Chuck. Not only is this guy good at what he does he is also very helpful to others. At his age he stood at the rail for most of the trip. He is a true professional and a wealth of knowledge. Once again great fishing with you Chuck, Greg

10-10-2015, 01:14 PM
As chucky said great trip I think there is room left on the NJ fishing trip book now fishing dont get any better than it is now

Pennsy Guy
10-10-2015, 04:09 PM
Thanks for the accolades Greg, but it's quite a bit over-rated---got my start from my tutor, Muldune!!!!!and still learning...Lesson re-affirmed on this trip, don't tie knots when you're exhausted & don't focus...just might cost you a fish...right Greg?..;) Hooked-up, I feel it's a 50/50 deal---hook pulls, that's fair---lose it due to your screw-up, that's 100% on you and I hate it when that happens...OK, school's out, got one more fish to steak...see ya'll next Wednesday...:):)

Pennsy Guy
10-10-2015, 04:42 PM
Just remembered something I think is worth mentioning---tried something new; live bait or circle hook to a split ring, then Sampo swivel on the ring and tie to main line( I used a 25' 40# test fluoro wind-on leader between main and swivel). It worked, boated a 40# LFT & 60# YFT (both daytime) hooked in jaw hinge using a sardine. main line 30#:D:D:D

10-10-2015, 05:22 PM
GREAT report guys !!!! Love Owner Gorilla hooks and gut hooking tuna, die faster and almost bled out by the time they get to the boat, jaw hooked fish will fight to the bitter end !!!

nate chud
10-10-2015, 07:39 PM
lets fill the the trip for mon the 19th guys the fish are there!

10-11-2015, 05:20 PM
Nice job, saw you guys back at dock., We went out behind you and wish we would have had the same weather......:eek: We managed a nice haul but not quite as big as yours. way to go!

nate chud
10-14-2015, 07:07 PM
still 13 spots available for mon nite trip on the gambler if anyone is lookin to get out:confused:

Capt. Lou
10-15-2015, 02:01 PM
Just remembered something I think is worth mentioning---tried something new; live bait or circle hook to a split ring, then Sampo swivel on the ring and tie to main line( I used a 25' 40# test fluoro wind-on leader between main and swivel). It worked, boated a 40# LFT & 60# YFT (both daytime) hooked in jaw hinge using a sardine. main line 30#:D:D:D

Quick rigs CB hooks can be purchased with welded split rings & BB swivels , one of the best used them for 20 seasons . :cool:

Pennsy Guy
10-16-2015, 09:01 PM
Quick rigs CB hooks can be purchased with welded split rings & BB swivels , one of the best used them for 20 seasons . :cool:

Thanks for the info Capt., and here I thought I'd come up with something new, damn....By the way, who's got em???