View Full Version : Beginner Surf Rod

10-01-2015, 11:20 PM
Hi all, my friend is looking for a surf spinning rod to use with 20-30 pound braided line for tossing bait and maybe lures off the beach into the waves.

He mostly targets fluke and bluefish so I'll guess the rod needs to throw 2-5 oz of weight.
Or would 1-4oz be better?
Thinking he needs an 11 foot rod or so.

What would you guys recommend? I just guessed the specs, so if there are better recommendations, I'd love to hear them, thanks for any help!

10-01-2015, 11:50 PM
Tica tc2 with a penn slammer would be a good all around beginer rod 2-⁴ see pete at Atlantic bait hel find you something

10-02-2015, 12:09 AM
Tica tc2 with a penn slammer would be a good all around beginer rod 2-⁴ see pete at Atlantic bait hel find you something

Hey man, clean out your forum mailbox, i can't PM you any more haha!

I'll check the specs out on that rod. Thanks! We'll find something in my friend's price range :)

Gerry Zagorski
10-02-2015, 09:20 AM
If he's going to be casting a lot, casting fatigue is the enemy and the wrist is where you'll have the most fatigue.

Quality and construction aside, the lighter the rod the better but its also very important that the rod balances well with the reel. For this reason I would bring the reel along with you and see how it feels on the rods you are considering.

Hold it in your hand on your side with your casting hand on the rod/reel in the normal position your hand would be when reeling and casting. Now loosen up your wrist and make sure it's as effortless as possible to keep the length of the rod parallel to the ground. The more effortless it is the better the rod is balanced to the reel.

It sounds trivial but if you are making a few hundred casts in a day, it makes a big difference.

Check out this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A6mrbF4BmQ

Jersey Reel
10-06-2015, 10:33 AM
Gerry you hit the nail on the head, great info.