View Full Version : Shannon D. -- east of the Hudson 9/18-9/19

09-20-2015, 10:43 AM
My fathers report: All day troll east of Hudson. Nada. 2 hours into the night trolling, nada. Founds whales, set up to chunk. 2 am first fish... managed 5 from 2-3 am. 55-75 lb yfts. All taken on butters.Then shoal of mahi so thick you could walk on came into slick. Couldn't get bait past. Tried jigs to no avail. Tuna gone. Boxed nice mahi to 15+ lbs. Not sure how many. False dawn, back on troll. Headed further east. Nada. Stopped to deep drop for tiles in 600-650'. Boxed a nice handful of fish including the attached 49 lb'er.

I live vicariously through him lol. Catch em up.

09-20-2015, 05:09 PM
Great report !!! NICE Tilefish !!!!!!

09-20-2015, 10:25 PM