View Full Version : Near state record longfin- canyon trip 9/16-17

Bass Kicker
09-19-2015, 12:40 AM
Took an hour twenty min steam on the quad engine Nor' Easter to head out to the canyon with capitan Dave, Jim, Dan, Joe, my dad, Curt, and myself. Upon arrival we started on the tiles, slow tiles to say the least due to no drift while pulling up one tile, although we were entertained by huge manta rays and a 20 ft whale shark. Hopped on a few pots and loaded up on mahi before going on a troll for an hour while missing a supposed white marlin hit. Set up on the chunk and started fishing. A little while in to the chunk we started seeing an abundance of squid in the underwater lights and started marking fish. First fish was on the rod i was tending. Once the hook was set i knew this fish was too big and i couldn't reel it in so i passed the rod off and soln we pulled up the 170 lb bigeye. A few hours later joe hooked in to the MONSTER longfin which ended up to be 47.5 long and 33 in girth weighing in at 70 without guts, blood, or gills ao this fish was a state record contender with the record being 77.15. A little later in to the night we hooked in to our nice sword around 100 lb. after a short troll and mahi in the morning we took our hour and ten minute steam back to the dock. Overall a decent trip but nothing like what it couldve been if we connected on our three missed hits.

Bass Kicker
09-19-2015, 12:43 AM
I dont know why i cant upload more than one picture at a time

Bass Kicker
09-19-2015, 12:46 AM

Bass Kicker
09-19-2015, 12:47 AM

09-19-2015, 10:53 AM
Nice haul !!!