View Full Version : 2015 3rd Annual Hybrid Meet&Greet.......

09-16-2015, 11:02 PM
Well it's getting to be that time of year fall is on its way and what a better way to spend a fall day then getting together with a bunch of NJF'ers and catch some Hybrids on the Big Pond called Lake Hopatcong!!!!
We always seem to have a pretty good turn out and hope this year we can get a few more people out to enjoy the day!
Come ON Let's Do this!!!! Saturday October 31st is the day so put it on the calendar NOW!!!

Was thinking maybe we can fish in the morning and Grill some MEAT back at the ramp for lunch talk some smack and have a few laughs !!!!
Or we can Just FISH!
What do you think?????


Can I have a Sticky Please!!!!! Thanks.......

09-17-2015, 07:56 AM
Well alright then. I sure do love this M-N-G! Count me in as always. One problem, I'm going to need to jump on somebody's vessel. Not sure if mine is ever going to be on the water again!


09-17-2015, 10:05 AM
I've missed this one for the last 2 years so this time I'm in! Just blocked the calendar...Looking forward to it boys.

FE if you want on I got a spot on my boat my friend...just let me know.

Mikey topaz
09-17-2015, 11:08 AM
Ill be there this year...works slowing up should be able to make it,

09-17-2015, 12:51 PM
gonna be a great day as long as its not blowing 25mph+ and whitecaps lol

as we get closer to the date we'll figure out whos gonna jump on w other ppl Im sure there will be plenty of room, most of the guys can handle 3 anglers if we rly need to, cant wait to start jigging up some stripes and eyes

bunker dunker
09-17-2015, 01:02 PM
jigging in the fall,music to my ears.let me talk with my son and see if we can sneak out there.blue and silver #5 please

09-17-2015, 01:08 PM
I think i can finally actually make one of these m&g! if i have to use my jon boat who ever draws coming with me will really have the short end on lake hopatcong! I'd rather leave my jon boat at home and jump in with someone...ill let you guys fight it out...who wants me!?

09-17-2015, 02:43 PM
Halloween meet &greet? Hmm, I'd like to catch a hybrid, maybe I'll make it to this one.

09-17-2015, 02:49 PM
I'm gonna try and make it again this year... like Jimmy said, hopefully without the 25mph blow...

09-17-2015, 04:26 PM
I'll be there if it's 20 mph or less, have room on my rig.

09-17-2015, 06:52 PM
I am game if someone wants my .... on board.


Otherwise you will leave me no choice but wade around the lake in search of the spot where I can hook into one of yours boats and get trolled along.


09-17-2015, 07:11 PM
I think my ride is full but if I do have a spot I will def offer it up to the highest bidder :p:p BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Nice to see such a quick response from the usuals but Come on Newbies !!!!
Here's your chance to learn and hopefully catch a few wipers, never know maybe some walleyes or a musky any thing is possible up there especially in the fall!!!

AND Halloween are costumes are optional!!!!!!!:eek:

09-17-2015, 07:58 PM
If someone wants a seat with me, no alcohol onboard. That's the only restriction.

09-17-2015, 08:29 PM
I will if I'm available. I could alway just have dale pull me along his troll in my kayak.

09-17-2015, 10:35 PM
One of my favorite days of the year! Gotta get it up on the calendar now so the misses keeps quiet!!!

Skunk City
09-18-2015, 10:19 AM
I'm in! Praying for overcast and 5mph winds!

09-18-2015, 01:31 PM
and maybe a storm incoming?! caught one of my biggest walleye to date on hopatcong on october 31 during that freak Halloween snow storm a few years back! if this picture doesn't get people to come to the m&G then idk what will!!

http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z379/chrisper4694/PB%20Walleye2c%20Lake%20Hopatcong2c%208lbs%206oz.2 c%2027.5%20inches%201.jpg (http://s1186.photobucket.com/user/chrisper4694/media/PB%20Walleye2c%20Lake%20Hopatcong2c%208lbs%206oz.2 c%2027.5%20inches%201.jpg.html)

09-18-2015, 01:41 PM
That's not a HYBRID!!!!!!!!!!! Sure is a fat WALLEYE though!!!

09-18-2015, 02:12 PM
Barring 20+ winds or another super storm I am in!

Where do you guys meet up? Lee's? My boat is docked at a marina and will meet you there.

Chrisper is welcome on my boat!

09-18-2015, 03:00 PM
That things a TOAD.

09-18-2015, 05:24 PM
That is a SATURDAY so I am in.

Where is the meeting place, time?

09-18-2015, 05:29 PM
I will have room for someone on my boat-must like big smelly dogs who fart loud/often though & has been known to knock over your beer & lap it up before you know it is happening.

PM me if anyone is game to join me & Yuma.

09-18-2015, 06:32 PM
I got my own boat but might come on yours anyway...sounds way more fun! That's funny dude. Unless "YOU" are the smelly dog of which you speak...then it's just gross!!! :D

I will have room for someone on my boat-must like big smelly dogs who fart loud/often though & has been known to knock over your beer & lap it up before you know it is happening.

PM me if anyone is game to join me & Yuma.

09-18-2015, 11:20 PM
We usually launch out of Lee's Marina because it's close to most of the good fishing . As far as the time and those kinda details they will be posted as we get a little closer to the event!!!LOL I will be there as early as I can to once again to help anyone who needs a hand launching and I am Really Looking forward to this!
I personally haven't been on Hopatcong since it defrosted this year so it's been a while!!!!

09-20-2015, 02:21 AM
Me and my cousin are both going and both of us are taking boats so both of us will have room for a guy on the boats. One extra guy on my cousins boat and one extra room on my boat.

09-20-2015, 11:09 AM
You guys have 2 boats now!!!!! ????? Yea Buddy Nice:D

09-20-2015, 05:02 PM
Yes dale my cousin bought my old one and I bought myself a 17ft skeeter! I will be taking out the skeeter tomorrow on lake hopatcong for the first time and me driving a 115 hp for the first time! FISH ON!!!

09-20-2015, 08:35 PM
That's not a HYBRID!!!!!!!!!!! Sure is a fat WALLEYE though!!!

That is so a hybrid! It's a cross between a walleye and a dinosaur!

09-20-2015, 11:37 PM
Chris you can come on my boat if you help me out with jigging or whatever you do to catch a beast like that lol

09-21-2015, 02:48 PM
I got my own boat but might come on yours anyway...sounds way more fun! That's funny dude. Unless "YOU" are the smelly dog of which you speak...then it's just gross!!! :D

He accounts for more of the farts on my boat but yes sometimes they are mine! He figured out how to operate a pony keg way to quickly....

09-22-2015, 01:09 PM
I'm hoping to be out there mugging all your hot spots!!!!

Duck or Bleed
09-26-2015, 04:15 PM
I will there Going to fish with Mikey Topaz in his boat looking forward to it should be well enough for this

09-27-2015, 02:20 PM
Great it will be excellent to see both of ya's Haven't seen either of you since last ice!!!!

09-28-2015, 03:58 PM
Just got back from LH, the gatekeeper told us they are closing on the 31st of October. Also told me they are lowering the lake an inch a day and by the 31st it'll be very shallow, I don't know how reliable this info is, but I'm sure someone can look a little deeper into this before our M&G. Hopefully this guy is full of sht.

09-28-2015, 04:13 PM
Was at LH yesterday and can confirm that lake is shallower than it was back in June.

Don't know how much shallower it will get come October.

Oh and yeah I got skunked.


09-28-2015, 04:45 PM
Full pool for Hopatcong (i.e. the crest of the dam) is 9 feet, which it never attained this year. As of today, the lake is at 7.6 feet so it is about 1.5' 'low" and on a downward trend as can be seen here:


The current lake Hopatcong water level management plan was drafted in 2011 and is still in effect:


Since 2015 is a 26" draw down, the lake will be brought to 6.83 feet so there is only about 9" to go.

The official method by which this is done is as follows:

If the water level in the lake is at 9 feet beginning on November 12 the gates shall be opened to reduce the water level in the lake by .79 inch per day (88 CFS= 2.44 feet on the gauge).

The start date for the draw down shall be adjusted according to the water level in the lake, such that if the lake is above 9 feet the draw down will begin one day earlier for each inch above 9 feet and if the lake is below 9 feet the start of the draw down will be delayed by one day for each inch below 9 feet. The rate of draw down shall be adjusted to account for rainfall throughout the draw down period.

The rate of release shall be adjusted to reach a water elevation in the lake of 6.83 feet by December 15th.

09-28-2015, 04:59 PM
For the Inaugural Hybrid M&G, a couple of the guys volunteered to put on there waders (Thanks GetANet) to help launch and load the boats, due to the low water...I'm guessing we can do the same this year. Last year most of us got blown off the lake.

09-28-2015, 05:00 PM
Just got back from LH, the gatekeeper told us they are closing on the 31st of October. Also told me they are lowering the lake an inch a day and by the 31st it'll be very shallow, I don't know how reliable this info is, but I'm sure someone can look a little deeper into this before our M&G. Hopefully this guy is full of sht.

Was this at the State Park or at Lee's?

09-28-2015, 05:30 PM
had to be lee's because the state park doesn't close, in fact we were told the boat ramp becomes free after a certain day in november (i forget the day). less water means less hiding places for the fish, bring it!

09-28-2015, 05:32 PM

09-28-2015, 06:14 PM
Low water might not be a concern if the current forecast holds true....I know big IF


09-28-2015, 06:45 PM
We need that rain badly. I hope it comes in full force. I've never been a fan of low water conditions, it puts fish off there normal marks. But that's my opinion. Full pool is a great pool.

As for the BIG POND! This draw down, lack of rain seems to be a problem every year but we still manage to get out. I wouldn't be too concerned right now. State park is open for business as always. Does the ramp suck? Yes! Is there only one? Yes! It is a last minute option if we need it. For you Knee Deep members, you can just launch at the Yacht club? Yes?

09-28-2015, 08:51 PM
Damn right I will be in my waders if need be... Glad to see some one remembers that!!!!!!! I am sure there will be other NJF'ers willing to lend a hand with the launching as well RIGHT???

09-28-2015, 09:35 PM
I'll wader up!

09-29-2015, 08:40 AM
I'll wader up no problem.

Will be easy as pie


09-29-2015, 01:31 PM
you guys are such diamonds...i'll strip down and swim out there, forget waders!

09-30-2015, 06:06 AM
I only recently joined NJF but would like to meet some of you guys in person so I don't feel like such a cyber geek. I also have never fished Hopatcong or caught a Hybrid so that is an added enticement. I am Going to do everything in my power to swing it, but in case no one realized the date is set for Halloween.

All the other guys with small children probably feel my dilemma, these kids (I) go trick or treating practically mid-afternoon, and (II) apparently parents now accompany their children trick or treating. I feel sorry for this overprotected generation, I can't ever remember going out on Halloween before dark and pretty sure by age 6 I was on my own with a pack of friends (and a roll of toilet paper/carton of eggs). Anyway, I digress, bottom line is that I really hope to meet some of you 'Old Salt' members who have always been extremely friendly and supportive when responding to my frequently rambling and always clueless posts. If I can make it I hope someone has some extra room on a boat and can teach me how to go about catching a hybrid.

If there is anyone who plans to leave a bit on the early side that day let me know, as that is probably the only way I will convince the warden to let me fish on Halloween.

09-30-2015, 07:31 AM
you guys are such diamonds...i'll strip down and swim out there, forget waders!

Just sound a warning horn first, some things are better not seen! :D

09-30-2015, 07:47 AM
I only recently joined NJF but would like to meet some of you guys in person so I don't feel like such a cyber geek. I also have never fished Hopatcong or caught a Hybrid so that is an added enticement. I am Going to do everything in my power to swing it, but in case no one realized the date is set for Halloween.

All the other guys with small children probably feel my dilemma, these kids (I) go trick or treating practically mid-afternoon, and (II) apparently parents now accompany their children trick or treating. I feel sorry for this overprotected generation, I can't ever remember going out on Halloween before dark and pretty sure by age 6 I was on my own with a pack of friends (and a roll of toilet paper/carton of eggs). Anyway, I digress, bottom line is that I really hope to meet some of you 'Old Salt' members who have always been extremely friendly and supportive when responding to my frequently rambling and always clueless posts. If I can make it I hope someone has some extra room on a boat and can teach me how to go about catching a hybrid.

If there is anyone who plans to leave a bit on the early side that day let me know, as that is probably the only way I will convince the warden to let me fish on Halloween. I will be finishing up early if you'd like to hop on, let me know.

09-30-2015, 03:20 PM
theres plenty of water to launch right now, we launched the year before with teh 5 foot drawdown almost to the end, so no worries with that. As uglystick said the low water point is only a few inches from where it is now, they wont begin the draw til after mid october, and we can launch no probs at 6.9 feet. The state park is a shallow launch and anyone w decent size boats probably wont be able to get in there, but the small boat guys are welcome to launch at state park and run over to meet us at lees.

hopatcong is a large lake and a draw down does nothing to the fish there, they are in the same spots no matter water levels come fall. this will be deep water jigging and live bait rigging, you wont fish in less than 25ft all day and will be in up to 40ft depending on where they are at. get your blade baits and jigging raps ready, and live bait setups whether they are fishfinder rigs or 3 way rigs, fish are tight to the bottom

I know its halloween and many of us have kids we have to take out, alot of us will be off the water after lunchtime, myself included. Plenty of time to get home and even get a nap in then take the kids halloweeing

10-02-2015, 08:38 AM
Turns out I'm out for this one... Joaquin blew out my annual striper trip to Montauk this Sunday and 10/31 is the only day my crew and the boat could re-schedule for...

10-12-2015, 12:11 PM
If anyone has room on their boat and doesnt mind someone who has never fished for hybrids before I'd be interested in coming. Otherwise it will have to be a really calm day for me to consider taking my jon boat out on the big lake.

10-12-2015, 08:25 PM
Two weeks away !!!! Hoping Mother Nature is nice that day and we can still get some bait!!! I have been toying with the idea of moving it to Spruce and earlier in the season for next year. This is a great time of the year to be out but there are too many variables that always seem to throw a wrench into the spokes !!!!

10-12-2015, 08:42 PM
Got the binskys polished and the other blades ready. Not like we use them on the GetANet lol... At least I'll have them though!

Spruce ain't a bad location switch either.

10-12-2015, 09:31 PM
Yeah but then you can't nail by catch of giant eyes!

10-12-2015, 10:47 PM
True. Good pt Chris.

10-12-2015, 10:50 PM
Anyone use jigging raps when open water jigging? I know they're good thru the ice. If so, what size? Color? Also, I see there are original shaped and the shad rap varieties...any preference?

10-12-2015, 11:30 PM
Anyone use jigging raps when open water jigging? I know they're good thru the ice. If so, what size? Color? Also, I see there are original shaped and the shad rap varieties...any preference?

All the time for eyes. W9's in any of the patterns w/silver in them. I like silver/blue and clown colors. Haven't caught a hybrid on a jigging rap yet though. fishusa.com selling them buy 3 get 1 free right now.

10-12-2015, 11:31 PM
That's why I asked! Got the e-newsletter today!

10-13-2015, 09:25 AM
Gots to have the jigging raps! Just placed an order! Good deal with the buy 3 get 1. Can't beat it! HYBRID M-N-G!!! YEA BUDDY!!!

10-13-2015, 04:39 PM
Trader Mike was @ SKUNKSVILLE SUNDAY with a giant box of slightly used JIGGING RAPS for sale. They little SH marks on them & looked to used only once....

I got a box of blade baits a few years back for X-MAS & have never used them so this may be a perfect opportunity to donate a few to the lake bottom @ LH.

10-15-2015, 02:00 PM
guaranteed to lose blade baits if you're fishing them properly for cold water! jigging raps you usually don't lose as many cause you can jig them under your sonar and keep them from pounding into a rock.

johnson thinfisher blade baits are pretty low price compared to others and i have to say i have no complaints about them. come in many colors, seem to work real nice, and they catch fish.

that being said i'm still wondering how cold the water is going to be...i read 62 degrees on my ff last night! we'll see what the cold fronts do.

10-15-2015, 11:04 PM
Plug knocker... A lil birdie also gave me a tip about blade baits. Clip the front hooks off each treble...

10-19-2015, 03:10 PM
The weather report looks good-cold on the overnight FRIDAY but SATURDAY looks to be cool but sunny (55-57f). Nothing yet on wind conditions until mid week though. Hopefully not blowing too badly.

What time will this floatilla get underway @ LH STATE PARK?

Skunk City
10-19-2015, 04:46 PM
The weather report looks good-cold on the overnight FRIDAY but SATURDAY looks to be cool but sunny (55-57f). Nothing yet on wind conditions until mid week though. Hopefully not blowing too badly.

What time will this floatilla get underway @ LH STATE PARK?

The meet and greet is on the 31st, not this weekend....and the meet location is Lee's County Marina, not state park.

10-19-2015, 05:31 PM
Thanks-I had my calendar date wrong there but I was aware that it will be on the 31rst.

What time will we meeting up?


10-19-2015, 06:37 PM
we usually head out around 7 so get there early to launch ur boats.

and an update:

getanet and myself scouted sunday morn w little going on. laurie has had trouble getting herring in the traps they are all 2" tiny baits and worthless IMO, all our fish came on binskys. Not sure how great the striper fishing will be, but theres plenty of crappie and fish all over in schools to go around. Im gonna scout again next weekend to see whats up, Im almost thinking if the bait situation is like this maybe make it a walleye M-N-G and head up to GWL instead and just make a jigfest out of it. Time will tell.......

10-19-2015, 09:20 PM
we usually head out around 7 so get there early to launch ur boats.

and an update:

getanet and myself scouted sunday morn w little going on. laurie has had trouble getting herring in the traps they are all 2" tiny baits and worthless IMO, all our fish came on binskys. Not sure how great the striper fishing will be, but theres plenty of crappie and fish all over in schools to go around. Im gonna scout again next weekend to see whats up, Im almost thinking if the bait situation is like this maybe make it a walleye M-N-G and head up to GWL instead and just make a jigfest out of it. Time will tell.......
Where's Greenwood Jimmy?

Bruce Litton
10-20-2015, 10:21 PM
I may be able to make it, but won't get my work schedule until the Tues, and then possibly switch the weekend day I work with someone. I noticed some guys have room on their boat. Since I have no boat, maybe I can hop on with someone? About the 2-inch herring. Laurie does have small stuff, but they're about 2 1/2 and a few about 3. We caught walleye on them Sunday under the cold front, and I wouldn't be surprised if hybrids take them. At any rate, while jigging Binskys, to put a weighted herring line over the side with the bait suspended off bottom might yield some fish. In the choice between chicken liver and 2 1/2 inch herring, I'll go with the herring. I think they're guys who have really got the chicken cooking just right down there for them, but I'm just not into that. But if I end up fishing with someone who is, I'll be plenty curious anyhow.

10-21-2015, 11:31 AM
Beleive it or not the chix livers r the bait of choice right noe on LH the herring r too small for hybrids but they do work. All the regulars r fishing livers and most have stopped using thenherring due to size. Im with u i hate chix livers and would rather jig all day and run downlines off the sides. Hope it gets better i dont like how LH is becoming, the fishing has gone downhill the past few years i used to fish it 3 times a week all season long and do rly well

10-21-2015, 01:00 PM
i think we want to fish the lake like we normally do at the end of october but remember that water is probably still in the 60's!! swarts was 60.3-60.8 degrees sunday morning and that place is usually cooler than hopatcong. I'll be on cong today and report back. i'm thinking, treat the lake like you normally do in september!

Bruce Litton
10-21-2015, 03:14 PM
Beleive it or not the chix livers r the bait of choice right noe on LH the herring r too small for hybrids but they do work. All the regulars r fishing livers and most have stopped using thenherring due to size. Im with u i hate chix livers and would rather jig all day and run downlines off the sides. Hope it gets better i dont like how LH is becoming, the fishing has gone downhill the past few years i used to fish it 3 times a week all season long and do rly well

Yeah, the size of the walleye we caught Sunday--20 inches tops--wasn't much. The state put fewer in there for a year or two, but the stocking is supposed to pick back up. Wish the walleye & hybrids naturally reproduced, but they don't and have to live w/that. My son & I did do real well last October on our annual third week outing.

Had 58, 59-degree water temps on Sunday.

10-21-2015, 11:50 PM
Water temps were all over the place this afternoon. Read as high as 63 degrees in Henderson area and as low as 58 in a few other spots. Nothing really happening for us fishing wise.

10-23-2015, 08:33 AM
Be sure to gas up your boats before getting on the lake..The marinas are sold out of gas for the season.....

10-23-2015, 04:16 PM
Ain't no party like an NJF M-N-G party! Almost there fellaz!

Went by Lee's today and it looks like there closing up super early this season! WTF? What's up with that nonsense? Fishing season never ends in NJ. The chains were on the all the ramps and the cones were out. The first ramp was open for some reason but the chain was laying on the ground connected to one of the pilings. This tells me somebody may have pulled there boat from there slip or a paying customer went to run some gas out of his tank. I didn't see a single boat out there. Looks like we'll all have to head out early and launch from State Park. Nasty little ramp that is. The show must go on. See all you wackos next Saturday. TIGHT LINEZ!!!

10-24-2015, 12:42 PM
I just called Lees. They are opened until the end of November depending on water level. M&G is still on!!!!!!

Lees number

(973) 398-5199

10-24-2015, 05:00 PM
Great to hear...

Mikey topaz
10-24-2015, 06:15 PM
Yeah fished with the greek this mrng asked the guy said they had ramps closed cause they paved the ramps all three ramps woukd be opened back up before m and g he told me

10-24-2015, 07:32 PM
Ya I went to lees also after I went to the state park and couldn't get my boat in cause it was too shallow there and had to back up till my bumper was almost under and it still wouldn't pop off the trailer. Then went to lees and they said the same thing it should be open again by Monday. Went out for a few hours to test the motor out after working so much on it for the past few weeks. Marked a lot of bait and only a few but very big arches of fish on my fish finder. Have maybe 2 hits on the rapala jig but was being pushed by the wind like crazy. Next week I'm bringing 2 anchors for sure. Saw a guy using chicken livers and caught a few hybrids. Can't wait for next Saturday but I will most likely be out there Friday also.

10-26-2015, 11:12 AM
The ramps at lees are all open again so no worries there. What bothers me is the fishing is a mess right now. The herring are way out deep in a winter pattern already most bait is suspended in 35 to 40fow and marks are few and far between. Ive never seen the lake like this before its like a mix of summer and winter pattern no fall pattern at all anywhere. I fished sunday w mikeytopaz and it was ruff to say the least. As many crappie as u wanted but nothing else biting. Water was a solid 56 degrees everywhere on main lake. My plan is to do some searching in the am for some bait balls w fish on them in the deep and im gonna spot lock and just sit there all morning chumming and fishing chix livers while jigging. Thats whats working right now for the regulars and im gonna go out on a limb and give it a try. Run and gunning looking for schools is not working they are roaming open water but dows has herring again in decent sizes so that's an option too. Im tempted to troll and find a school that way but we will see what the wind looks like for saturday

10-26-2015, 10:36 PM
Just like fishing clam bellies for pure strains! But just a tad bit more gross lol...

10-27-2015, 10:50 PM
Counting down the days!!!! Stoked for this whether the fish are biting or not! Looking forward to seeing the NJF crew!!! Who knows that might be the day they turn on !!!! Gotta turn on soon !!! Been prepping the boat and my gear every night a little at a time so by thurs night I'm ready and can chill on friday night!:D

10-28-2015, 12:04 AM
Getting my blades and raps situated right now while watching the game... Gotta dig my binskys out. I'd like to stick something other than a panfish with a binsky lol...

10-28-2015, 09:51 AM
Looking forward to it you maniacs....I haven't caught a fish since August so it would be a bonus to actually land a fish. Unlike you real fisherman I never expect to catch anything so whatever I end up with will be good for me. It's going to be a good time no matter what happens.

10-28-2015, 10:51 AM
GPS location for Lees ??

10-28-2015, 04:07 PM
433 Howard Blvd, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856

Sorry guys I won't be making it this time because of work but I took be going out on Friday sometime during the day so good luck to all you guys and girls ou there! Fish on!!

10-29-2015, 09:58 AM
Is this weather prediction real life? Clear and cool, winds less than 5MPH......This aint Hopatcong M&G weather!!!!!!!!


10-29-2015, 10:30 AM
I'd prefer a breeze and a miserable cloudy day lol. Clear skies will kill a walleye bite! Oh wait.. Hybrid meet and greet. That's right haha

Bruce Litton
10-29-2015, 02:16 PM
Looks like I'm fishing LH w/son after all, on the 31st, renting from Dow's. It's possible he has too much to do, in which case I hope to show up at Lee's and maybe someone has space, maybe not, but at least I'm there.

10-29-2015, 02:43 PM
Being this is my first M&G what is the typical battle plan?

Do we all meet up in the morning and get non-boaters loaded up then head out?

Are we doing lunch? Do we need to bring eats? Ill bring some chicken livers for the bbq!

10-29-2015, 02:56 PM
For this meet and greet I prefer a quick hello, launching and getting straight to the catching!

10-29-2015, 03:08 PM
Last year it mostly consisted of standing around and talking about how hard the wind was blowing.

We did, however, have a little excitement when GetANet and his son got about 50 yards out and their motor died. Always fun to watch. :D

Skunk City
10-29-2015, 03:59 PM
For this meet and greet I prefer a quick hello, launching and getting straight to the catching!

HAHAHA me and Mikey were saying the same! We'll do our BS'ing afterwards :p.

10-29-2015, 04:34 PM
Last year it mostly consisted of standing around and talking about how hard the wind was blowing.

We did, however, have a little excitement when GetANet and his son got about 50 yards out and their motor died. Always fun to watch. :D

I will video any misadventures & show ya Sunday...too bad u cannot make it bro.

10-29-2015, 04:53 PM
Party time on the big pond. YEA BUDDY!!! Can't wait to get out there and work on my tan. Good times will be had by all! The BROTHERHOOD is rolling deep! Love it!!!:D

10-29-2015, 05:04 PM
All the BS'ing happens at Lees while guys are putting in their boats. The sun isnt up til 7 so the guys who get their early will have put in and tied up w their motors warming up. Most guys have somebody to fish with, pm'ing has been going on behind the scenes like usual. Its a big lake and you may or may not be fishing around other NJF'ers, depends on what you wanna do. Some guys will run and gun jigging, others will troll, others will anchor. Some guys will make the run to dows for bait then start fishing, all depends. Im just hoping theres some fish to be found, otherwise its gonna be a crappie fest like its been. I personally can only fish til noon or so, have to do the family thing after lunch. Im sure some guys will stay til its dark, others will leave whenever. If anyone has any questions on what to do or go just ask me or Dale, Fasteddie, Skunk, Mikey, or any of the regualr LH guys we'll be more than happy to help if we can, we may need help too at this point LOL

As far as food goes you can always run to main lake market w the boat its on the left just shy of the brady bridge around the point and down some from lauries/Dows. Like usualy if you are a hungry guy bring some food to munch while you are fishing or whatever you usually do when you are in a boat for hours on end. Its gonna be near freezing at sunrise DRESS WARM and in layers, the last 2 weeks I started w my lightweight ice suit and bibs, you can never be too warm

10-29-2015, 05:37 PM
My plan is Walleye or Die before sunup, then mug everyone's chicken liver chum slicks the rest of the day. See you guys out there!

10-29-2015, 09:54 PM
My plan is Walleye or Die before sunup, then mug everyone's chicken liver chum slicks the rest of the day. See you guys out there!

Hahahahaha! Niiiiiiiice....

10-29-2015, 09:58 PM
We did, however, have a little excitement when GetANet and his son got about 50 yards out and their motor died. Always fun to watch. :D

See this Dale? You my father now?!? Lol...

Dale got that motor fired up quickly after the sputter and off we went... Trolling away in the stiff breeze. Managed one 22" hybrid that day while most didn't launch. Was a doozy for sure!

10-29-2015, 10:47 PM
I'm not bringing my jigging flies, I don't want an unfair advantage!

10-30-2015, 09:13 AM
swung by Dow's last night...they open at 6:30 and have herring, shiners, and chicken livers

The 14' rental boats are $70-$75 and the 16' is $95

Laurie said there have been reports of jigging up eyes early in the morning.....

10-30-2015, 09:55 AM
swung by Dow's last night...they open at 6:30 and have herring, shiners, and chicken livers

The 14' rental boats are $70-$75 and the 16' is $95

Laurie said there have been reports of jigging up eyes early in the morning.....

Thanx for the info Squatch! Let's see if we can put a nice catch together tomorrow fellas. See you damn MANIACS bright and early.

10-30-2015, 10:23 AM
See this Dale? You my father now?!? Lol...

Dale got that motor fired up quickly after the sputter and off we went... Trolling away in the stiff breeze. Managed one 22" hybrid that day while most didn't launch. Was a doozy for sure!

I thought you were out in the other boat....oh well...I'm old, it was a year ago and my brain is already full of other equally useless misinformation.

Y'all have a great time. I'm out this year...gotta spend Saturday doing my chore list so I can go out striper fishing in the RB on Sunday.

10-30-2015, 10:47 AM
I thought you were out in the other boat....oh well...I'm old, it was a year ago and my brain is already full of other equally useless misinformation.

Y'all have a great time. I'm out this year...gotta spend Saturday doing my chore list so I can go out striper fishing in the RB on Sunday.

************************************************** ****


Call me later to touch base on plan for SUNDAY. Hopefully I can get some SB stank on me to bring some luck aboard MARIE'S DREAM on SUNDAY.

Pumped for this w/e...the hell with the dam leaves, they will have to wait until next week end!

Mikey topaz
10-30-2015, 11:18 AM
Worst comes worst skunk said anyone gets hungry hes gonna whip up some chicken liver sheeeemr sandwhiches!

10-30-2015, 05:51 PM
Dont worry boys theres plenty of crappie for everyone on the binsky, they are freekin everywhere..........and Scoward Im charging 10 bucks a boat to hang in my slick haha

lauries chix livers are 5 bucks a tub so stop at shoprite if thats what anyones plannin on using its 2 bucks there

10-30-2015, 06:13 PM
To get you guys all pumped for tomorrow I went and did alittle but of fishing on the big lake and here's my story for you guys! Wind felt like it was 20 miles per hour!

Caught 1 hybrid in first 5 minutes on chicken liver and thought it was going to be a great day but that was the only hybrid caught nothing on jigs either no pan fish. But that didn't stop me from jigging then I thought I was snagged on the bottom and felt something on my line. I thought I had a record walleye or a huge channel catfish but nope it was my first high 40's or low 50's musky on 8lb line and had its head in the net and couldn't fit the rest of the fish in and hook popped out of his lip and fish turned around and swam away. Thank god my buddy took pics and a video so everyone can believe me now and it wouldn't end up as another fishing story. I think we should've swing it into the boat I was never so pissed and happy in my life lol

Enjoy guys, good luck tomorrow and fish on!!


10-30-2015, 06:15 PM
This was the by accident hooked musky that got away 😔 maybe one day I will be able to get it into the boat! We're going to need a bigger net! Lol

10-30-2015, 10:00 PM
Here we go boys... Gonna be like bumper cars at the ramp with all you crazies all hopped up with Wiper Fever! See ya'll at dark o'clock...Don't forget your head lights!

10-30-2015, 10:10 PM
Tryin to get my azz in gear and hoping to be up there about 6:30ish and hoping the fish will be biting!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D Let's get r' done BoyZ!!!!!!

10-31-2015, 06:52 AM
Where is everybody? Just pulled into Lee's and there's only one ramp open. Get up here fellaz! We have some fishing to do!!! YEA BUDDY!!!

Mike, how'd that giant Musky feel? Nice fish man!!!:D

10-31-2015, 02:37 PM
I will tell you one thing I notice after hooking my first musky ever and for it to be near 50 inches. It did not put up a fight at all just few times did it pull the drag for a while but what do you expect with 8lb line. The excitement was having to pull this beast up from the depths and have just the head fit in my net was exciting enough. Just wish it came in the boat to get a few pics holding up this beast. Easily high 40 or low 50 inches.

Skunk City
10-31-2015, 04:36 PM
Man, what a fun day. Near perfect conditions for fall fishing and a nice turnout of Hybrid-hungry NJF'ers. Very nice to see the crew and to meet a few new guys. Captain Mikey kept us on the fish all morning, with about two dozen Hybrids landed and a handful of white perch and bluegills. These fish were FAT! Everyone I saw or talked to landed fish, with the targeted species not letting us down!

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20151031_145742_zps99qidbzk.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20151031_145742_zps99qidbzk.jpg.html)

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20151031_150044_zpsjvwfdfby.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20151031_150044_zpsjvwfdfby.jpg.html)

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20151031_101503_zpsnf3cszej.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20151031_101503_zpsnf3cszej.jpg.html)
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20151031_100027_zpsigdudbr1.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20151031_100027_zpsigdudbr1.jpg.html)

10-31-2015, 05:36 PM
Great day on the lake today. Thanks to KKritch and FE for letting me tag along and allowing me to catch the biggest fish of the day on our boat.
I think we had half the freshwater board members out fishing today.
I hate chicken liver fishing...but it worked today;)









10-31-2015, 05:46 PM
Def good times! We started our morning away from where most ended up, picked off a few, then it went silent. After some cruising with dale and Kelly on the getanet we saw the crew and the mean muggin started lol. We picked off a bunch more fish but mikey and Rob were dialed in big time. Good stuff guys. Some pigs pulled in as well. I'm sure their photos will make an appearance. Looked like pretty much everyone in the "raft-up" scored some fish. Prob one of the more productive meet and greets I've been a part of!

Here's one of my cookie cutters... and a fog shot from right around sun up. Kellys got more...

10-31-2015, 10:50 PM
So i knew eddie would be looking to steal my silver surfer flies design and I had to hide my fly jigging rigs at an undisclosed location for the morning. After eddie left the scene and I knew it was safe, I had NJsquatch bring me to my secret hiding place to retrieve our secret weapon and go to work! Brids came flying into the boat left and right puking chicken livers all over the place! I saved it all in a container...rob and mikey you guys want any of it back? At one point while fighting a nice one I accidently yelled "get a net" and now I'm waiting for the copyright infringement lawsuit from dale.

10-31-2015, 10:50 PM
AWESOME !! Glad the wind wasn't blowing 40mph this year !!

11-01-2015, 01:28 AM
I must admit I wasn't sure what today would be like but MAN DID WE HAVE A DAY OR WHAT!!!!!! Def a load of fish caught today in near perfect condtions!!!
The Fish Gods blessed the NJF Crew today for sure. Hate to say it but all you guys who wished instead of fished missed one of the few great fall trips on Lake Hopatcong!!! I was really great to see everyone since it's been a while and a True Pleasure to have Duck or Bleed and Wilson out with us today. It ended up with almost all of our boats being within shouting distance making for a fun day of talkin smack among us all! Skunk and Mikey were slammin em as well as Rocco and Jimmy and the rest of us battled too but those guys were on fire! Ken, Eddie and Wilson held their own pretty well too! We had some fish missed a bunch but had a blast and I wanted to thank each and everyone who made it out today with us for making the Hybrid Fest better and better every year!!!!! Wipers Rule!!!!!!!

11-01-2015, 07:25 AM
Holy HYBRIDS! Started off scouting all over the lake trying to find a pod of feeding fish. Came up with a short Walleye and some assorted panfish. I kept looking over at the spot where every boat on the lake was anchored up. I couldn't see what was going on from where we were. It looked like an orgy in the middle of the lake. Hmmmmmmm, I wonder if those Brids are blitzing. That's what I was saying to myself in my head. 2 minutes later, Skunk calls, "drop and reel Brids buddy" that's all we needed to hear. Ken, Wilson and I joined the Hybrid mayhem and soon enough we were all locked up with these little tough broken striped fish. Good times had by all. Probably the best M-N-G when it comes to catching. I'd call it the LH Halloween Hybrid Massacre! Some nice fish with some rats in the mix. It was like every BRID in the lake was in one spot. AMAZING! I'll admit I hate livers as well but they sure did do the trick on this day. Thanx for putting it together guys. What a friggin day!


Mikey topaz
11-01-2015, 10:04 AM
Great day out on the water for sure, happy to see evreyone catching and for duck or bleed to come out of retirement...thanks to dale for getting evreyone together.hope to see evreyone soon on the hardwater :)

Bruce Litton
11-01-2015, 11:08 AM
Found some of you guys at the hump off the yacht club. Didn't recognize or really know anyone. Saw a couple of small hybrids caught on chicken livers. My son & I were in a Dow's boat & for a moment, wasn't sure if we were being mocked as foreigners. lol. But really, the foreigners, if not for them, you could forget Dow's business. And Joe Welsh supplies the entire state.

Matt got a 3/5 walleye. I fooled around for 15 minutes w/ultra-light, taking a break from trying to catch walleye & hybrids, and caught three largemouths, one of them at least 3 pounds. We caught some big crappie, Matt nailed two of those with Binsky. Matt caught lots of nice perch w/ultra-light while we otherwise fished deep.

Slow day, but very nice.

11-01-2015, 12:28 PM
Fun times at the NJF Flotilla! Everyone anchored up within ear shot of each other and catching fish made for a fun morning! Here's a few more pics of some of the action.http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh142/ScowardNJ/May%202015%20Fish/3EFB8CDC-24EE-4D48-9624-519BCC69CA7E.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh142/ScowardNJ/May%202015%20Fish/32B2D610-288B-4D36-96C0-61081C64560B.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh142/ScowardNJ/May%202015%20Fish/7521538F-4B9C-48AC-877F-CF5CCF1B4FC1.jpg

Bruce Litton
11-01-2015, 01:12 PM
Man, you guys hit the fish big time! I took my son to our favorite spot with the portable running lights, and the hybrids just were not there. He did catch a nice walleye, but we usually go third week in October, and apparently our spot is too far off the main lake this late, w/only 35-foot depths & even less w/water low. So we hit Chestnut & marked a lot & couldn't get them to hit, some big crappies, Matt on his Binsky, though. We tried Sharp's Rock and then we were headed in when we saw seven boats off the yacht club. Saw a couple small hybrids caught & one of the guys asked what keeper size...so then I was wondering if many had been caught, seemed maybe not, but WOW, you guys did well & I can't wait until next time...

11-01-2015, 05:16 PM
Great day out w the crew......those 7 boats were us on the humps in open water.....the first pic is my boat w rocco in the back hooked up w a nice walleye at sunrise and then he got another a few min later.....we did good w many hybrids coming over the gunnels and many crappie and white perch too.....highlight was roccos 2 walleye back to back first thing in the am and our last fish as we were warmin up the engine that rocco grabbed at 24" and super thick.........awesome day out the fish gods gave us some love for once

http://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh556/jimmythegreek1/0922071857_zpseuev86zq.jpg (http://s1251.photobucket.com/user/jimmythegreek1/media/0922071857_zpseuev86zq.jpg.html)

http://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh556/jimmythegreek1/IMG-20151031-00385_zpsgbsa47ae.jpg (http://s1251.photobucket.com/user/jimmythegreek1/media/IMG-20151031-00385_zpsgbsa47ae.jpg.html)

http://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh556/jimmythegreek1/IMG-20151031-00382_zpstpcmwwha.jpg (http://s1251.photobucket.com/user/jimmythegreek1/media/IMG-20151031-00382_zpstpcmwwha.jpg.html)

http://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh556/jimmythegreek1/IMG-20151031-00388_zpsbwtavasx.jpg (http://s1251.photobucket.com/user/jimmythegreek1/media/IMG-20151031-00388_zpsbwtavasx.jpg.html)

Skunk City
11-01-2015, 07:49 PM
Bad idea using the 7'6" Medium Light, my shoulder is sore as sh*t today!

11-01-2015, 08:10 PM
Great work everyone! Looks like an excellent day!

11-02-2015, 10:22 AM
The morning started out with frost on the boat & trolled my way over to DOWS thru the fog (we are talking APOCALYPSE NOW fog) to pick up herring. This was going against the recommendations of the crew @ Lee's. I always like to match the bait to the local forage so I skipped the livers & went with herring(mistake #1). Trolled from DOW'S & hit a few points looking fish in 20-45' & did pick up a monster crappie on a 6" crack-back plug.

Once the sun came up & the fog lifted I realized that I had left the food back bag (mistake #2) in the truck so back we trolled to LEE'S enjoying the sunshine. Once Yuma pissed on the wheels of the B*******S trailers that were having time trials racing back & forth we headed back out.

Headed west from LEE'S where I saw the floatilla so we trolled on over & joined the herd.

Well I guess there must be a Jewish deli down on the rocks on LH because the Brids gave the herring the cold shoulder. Had two break off my leaders though (mistake #3 on the 4 & lb leader). The few seconds of being hooked up set the hook in me on brids. Those bad boys are everything as billed & will back with some bagels, cream cheese & plenty of livers!

The day was not a total loss as I did boat a few large crappies on blades & it certainly was an education. Good times, with a bunch of great guys. Great meeting everyone & really look forward to the next M&G.

On a separate note GWL has turned over & the eye fishing has turned. Heard from my sources in da'hood that the eyes were voracious on the w/e. Indian summer weather this week, get out & enjoy it.

11-02-2015, 10:22 AM
Awesome day out there guys...Great job getting the gang together Dale. Maybe I'll actually catch a fish next time. It was kind of strange to be sitting within spitting distance of everyone catching all those fish and not get one myself...and two of those guys were on my boat! :eek: I think Eddie and Wilson had 16+ hybrids between them plus a bunch of hook ups that were not to be on my boat alone. Plus a few crappie a slab blue gill and a walleye..and I got total of two bites that broke off all day. Goes to show you it is not as much luck as some people would like to believe. As they say 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. I can tell you I saw the 10% at work on Saturday watching the NJF Freshwater crew at work. These guys can fish. Nicely done for sure everyone. Cant' wait for the next one...great time for me as always...fish or no fish.

bunker dunker
11-02-2015, 10:49 AM
glad you guys had a great day.was busy with the saltwater version and some blackfish scouting.sounds like the bite was all bait???did anyone jig them up??
congrats to everyone!!!!!

11-02-2015, 12:44 PM
Great day on the lake today. Thanks to KKritch and FE for letting me tag along and allowing me to catch the biggest fish of the day on our boat.
I think we had half the freshwater board members out fishing today.
I hate chicken liver fishing...but it worked today;)









************************************************** *******
Something to be said about creating a chum slick...them MB LIGHT butts sure did the trick for you guys!

11-02-2015, 04:28 PM
Met up with Chrisper at my boat moored in woodport @ 0600 in the pitch dark air temperature was 31 degrees.

Ice had formed on all the docks and planks which made it treacherous to unbutton the boat. Finally got the main turned over after 3 attempts (she was cranky being asked to wake up in the freezing cold) and made our way to main lake. The fog had ice pellets in it and it was like we were being sand blasted while cruising down the lake. We were dressed for ice fishing and were still freezing our a$$es off.

We stopped by Dows to grab some bait and were met with the Polish Navy leaving port (4 rental boats loaded with 3 a piece). Chatted up with Laurie and Joe and they mentioned the liver bite had died off. Hearing that we bought some herring and after loading up we were like do we want to go straight to the spot or swing by Lee's and see what was going on.

Mistake #1 - We went to Lee's to see what was going on. Tied up and met YumasDad and Duck or Bleed and spent about 15 minutes BSing and sharing fishing tales. In the meantime some boats headed out and I was getting nervous about our spot. We headed out from Lees and sure enough 3 boats already on the spot. :(

Mistake #2 - Not wanting to fish like we were on a fluking party boat down the shore we ran around the lake all morning hitting a bunch of spots. We marked a ton of bait and fish but couldn't buy a bite. We even chased herring around that were breaking on the surface like they were being chased. Finally decided to crash the banks and Chrisper landed a monster pickerel.

Got a text from Jigman saying they were killing them on the spot we wanted to hit originally. GRRR :mad:

Mistake #3 - Figuring that we missed the action tried one more spot in the main lake for a bit. Again marking fishing but couldn't get one to commit. We looked over to the "spot" and were like how many boats are over there 3,4,5???? Decided to cruise on over and witnessed a full on NJF orgy. I lost count but well over 7 boats all within casting distance of each other pulling up hybrids and white perch left and right on .........yup you guessed it Chicken Livers!!!:mad: Eddie was nice enough to offer us a picture with his hybrids but we declined.

Everyone took off around noon. Chrisper and I stuck around until 4pm and jigged up some crappie and a nice 19" hybrid.

Pretty frustrating day but had a great time fishing with Chrisper and meeting some of the NJF crew!

At least I know what not to do next year!

11-02-2015, 04:31 PM
Bad idea using the 7'6" Medium Light, my shoulder is sore as sh*t today!

Gladly trade you the sore shoulder for my day of fishing....Good work!

11-02-2015, 04:55 PM
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Great replies on this thread. Next time you see the NJF floatilla just stick your boat in the middle of the others and anchor up. It was complete mayhem out there. Myself, Ken and Wilson dared to be different as well. We marked a bunch of fish from here to there but they just weren't chewing. Chummed a bunch of spots and only came up with panfish and a short Eye. Livers were King of the Lake on this day. Those Herring just couldn't measure up to the stank of 65 gallons of nice fresh LIVERS!!! I'm starting to think every BRID in the lake was at that spot Saturday. It was unreal! The NJF community welcomes you with open arms. Hooks in anchor lines, boats bumping eachother, livers flying from one boat to the next, turkey sammiches and beers at your request! It was a day that I'll never forget! Good catching was had by most! Hope to see all you MANIACS again soon! :D


11-02-2015, 07:15 PM
@ NJSquatch....You know they had to be thick in there if I caught some:D
And as far as 7 boats being in casting distance well I just dropped straight down to the bottom and reeled up 2 feet like my grandfather taught me 50 years ago... and waited. Low tech fishing at it's best. The fish TV on KKritch's boat had the same show on the whole time... fish, fish and more fish.
The difference was these fish were biting:eek:

11-03-2015, 12:12 AM
I still can't get over the insanity!!! Although it is a little harder when we to do it in the boats but we always try to get together and fish as the "CREW" for a while during our meet and greets as everybody is usually searching or catching fish.
This time we were playing bumper boats and all bailing fish.
The beautiful weather was a bonus!
It's always a good time when we get together and it makes me wonder why more of our members especially the newer ones don't come to these events!
You will usually learn more at one of these then you would in months of trying to figure it out on your own.
They are almost like on the water seminars LMAO!

We are a "family" and that's what makes this site so great!
No more excuses so Get your Azzes OUT THERE!
There is plenty of great fishing to be had before the year is up!

I just wanted to thank Jimmy as well he does a lot of the leg work as well behind the scenes to help get the Hybrid M&G going! Thanks Buddy!

If there was one thing I wish I would have done it was to move a little deeper as we were fishing in about 20ft and they seemed to be a little bit deeper.