View Full Version : Party boat mahi tuna trip on 9/10

Short Cast
09-12-2015, 08:53 AM
Went on a non sponsor trip out of point pleasant. started pot hopping there were lots of mahi & jacks some times it was hard to get the bait thru the jacks to the mahi below. Later we found some pilot wales & set up on the drift in the deep it was relatively quite while still light, one guy in the stern hooked up on a rental & couldn't get the fish up after about 20 min one of the mates took over & he couldn't move the fish any closer then 100' down until it came unbuttoned after about 40 min. With the wind & rate of drift I needed 28oz of lead so that when I let out 180" of line I figured I would be down in the 120 - 150' range that they were calling off.
As it got dark my rod goes off & I'm hooked up push the lever on my 50w to strike & the fish finally slows down & stops now the fin begins as we quickly bulldoze down the side of the boat to the stern where we stayed for a while & finally after about a half hour we get a nice about 120# Bigeye in the boat. it was slow fishing, another guy hooked up & after another half hour fight our second Bigeye is in the boat this one about 130#. a few more were hooked up & lost & the guys jigging were hooking a few but with light tackle you were bringing a cap pistol to a gun fight.
Later the mate comes past & says come on hook another one. About 10 min later the 50 goes off again & by the time I get the pole out of the outroder & was able to push the draq to strike the mate was there screaming REEL in my ear. This fish was taking line against 25# of drag whenever it wanted to. I knew it was a bigger fish. back to the around the stern again, passing another guy who had what turned out to be a longfin on the way, where me & the rail fought the fish. I didn't think that pole could bend that far the but was angled up & the tip was pointed straight down. The mate hollers I got color, its a big fish, we finally get him up & another Bigeye hits the Deck this one about 150#.
The mate turns to me & says, ok get back down & get your third. I told him if I hooked up right away he might have to finish him. After all an over 65 office worked that doesn't go to the gym had just put two bigeyes in the boat & I was a little tired right then. But back down I go to 150' this time with a live squid. after about a half hour I notice the rod tip bouncing funny so I get up take the rod out of the outrodder, the mate comes over & a foot or two of line goes off the reel. He says wait for it, the reel starts screaming & we count to three & push the drag up two turns of the handle & we are tight but the fish is still swimming away at will. It came up to the surface way out. I got him stopped after dumping half a 50W. but no matter what we did we couldn't budge him I would gain 10 ft & he would take 20 back. The mate says to me we may be here a while. after about 20 min the line goes slack, he's swimming at the boat, so I reel like hell in high range but it was not to be. the fish was gone. the leader parted at the hook. He may have nicked it when he whacking the squid with his bill. We figured out that it was probably a big sword.
For you guys going out a word to the wise, Bigeyes are not light tackle fishing unless you like getting spooled. I was using a Avet 50W 2 speed filled 80# line & was using 80 lb floro leader because we started in the light & after it got dark, because you don't fix what's not broke. both bigeys were caught on sardines. If I had been fishing for swords I would have uses a heaver leader. But I had my best day ever off shore no pic right now, I got one of the 150 on the deck, but first I have to find the camera. its some where in the bag. If I had caught the sword I don't know what I would have done. Sorry for being so long winded. Go catch'em up. ;)

09-12-2015, 10:00 AM
Great report, you had my heart pumping! Thanks. I know the fellow who caught the other eyeball and who also lost one. He sent me a photo of it and along with a short story. I Like Your Story Much Better!! lol Dennis

09-12-2015, 10:17 AM
That sounds like a great trip.This in my book only proves that you you need top equipt. to beat up bluefins.Avets are top of the line reels ,an matched to a good rod,you stand the best chance to land the fish. As for swordfish they are evil . Every thing that you do to reel up the fish they come back an beat you.There is no felling like setting the hook and watching your reel dump line .As for age ,grey hair only make you use the rail more......

09-12-2015, 10:22 AM
Helluva trip pal. Certainly sounds memorable. You were clearly dialed in too. Kudos on decking 2 eyeballs. A sword would've been a major cherry on that tuna sundae. That's for sure!

09-12-2015, 10:33 AM
Nice report. Thanks for sharing.

09-12-2015, 01:43 PM
great report. Thanks for sharing. I was out there with you on an adjacent boat. Way to tough it out through the snot. Also had one on with a different outcome.

09-13-2015, 09:48 AM
2 bigeyes on the party boat !!! :D <clap it up> you crushed it great job.. agree with your comment on tackle there are a LOT of bigeyes swimming around out there right now with couple hundred yards of mono trailing behnd them... you just cant appreciate how hard these things are to turn on a 50

Charlie Tuna
09-13-2015, 10:57 AM
Nice Job and a great trip

With all the big eyes around and bigger yellows about plus some swords, the extended trips coming up on the Gambler allow for more time to get these beasts in the boat and get more of them for that matter.

When the big fish are hooked up, giving the anglers that are fighting the fish the courtesy by getting out of the water to avoid tangles is what team work is all about.
With the extra fishing time it allows everyone a shot or two and so on to hook up and land fish and to work as a team.