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Gerry Zagorski
09-11-2015, 01:46 PM
God bless America, the people who perished and continued strength for the family and friends they left behind.
Never Forget!!
Irish Jigger
09-11-2015, 01:50 PM
Never Forget!!!!!
09-11-2015, 02:11 PM
Well said Gerry!!!
09-11-2015, 02:12 PM
A few years ago this video popped up on FB and continues to appear every year. Thought I would share for the people who haven't seen it, as it relates to the local fishing/boating community, and the heroism they displayed on 9/11.
shrimpman steve
09-11-2015, 03:21 PM
God bless America
I still think they should show those towers falling everyday. Too many people need reminding of what happened.
And now we stand on the precipice of letting thousands of angry middle eastern men into this country with no way of knowing who they are. We have to learn to say "no, not here". It's a matter of sovereignty and national security.
09-11-2015, 03:53 PM
bunker dunker
09-11-2015, 04:18 PM
God bless America!!!!!!
Blackfish Doug
09-11-2015, 07:05 PM
I worked only a few blocks away from the towers we used to be in 4 WTC. A day I will never forget some the people I knew who perished that day. We lost a lot that day I was back in my building 4 days after it. Horrific what I saw that day was devastating the horrors. God bless all that was lost RIP Robert Hussa a good fisherman & family man you were taken way to soon from us.
09-11-2015, 08:37 PM
What an awesome video. Thanks so much for posting it. I had a lump in throat the whole time. As said, everyone has a little hero in them, you just have to try.
09-11-2015, 09:19 PM
What an awesome video. Thanks so much for posting it. I had a lump in throat the whole time. As said, everyone has a little hero in them, you just have to try.
No problem, I'm curious did any sponsor party/charter boats aid in this rescue or was it mostly NY head boats and ferries? I was 21 years old in my senior year of college out of state, so I wasn't around during these events.
09-12-2015, 04:45 PM
Amen and God Bless!
God bless my country and god bless our east coast fisheries... Tight lines guys fishing is freedom may our childrens children live the same joys on the water us and our fathers lived :)
09-13-2015, 11:04 AM
Our company went registered on day 2 for rescue work from the rubble.They called on day 3 and said there was no survivors
09-13-2015, 12:46 PM
God bless America
I still think they should show those towers falling everyday. Too many people need reminding of what happened.
And now we stand on the precipice of letting thousands of angry middle eastern men into this country with no way of knowing who they are. We have to learn to say "no, not here". It's a matter of sovereignty and national security.
I understand your point but I'm not sure seeing those pictures everyday is therapeutic for anyone certainly not for the families and friends of people who tragically lost their lives that day. I'm not sure anyone will really ever forget the horrific images burned into our memories that fateful day. Hopefully decisions involving national security are made in this country with the atrocities of 911 in the forefront and not with personal political agendas.
God bless the countless many families and friends who lost loved ones on 911 and whose lives were forever changed. It's a day which among many things should remind all of us just how precious life is and to not take family and friends for granted.
09-13-2015, 03:11 PM
God bless America
I still think they should show those towers falling everyday. Too many people need reminding of what happened.
And now we stand on the precipice of letting thousands of angry middle eastern men into this country with no way of knowing who they are. We have to learn to say "no, not here". It's a matter of sovereignty and national security.
We have already forgotten.. Networks rarely show the footage any more, and the American public has a short memory,, We are a PC society, and if you aren't PC you are deemed a "hater"racist" or "xenophobe.."
We simply don't care anymore it seems... I fear for our country... I hope my fears are unfounded... bob
Capt Sal
09-14-2015, 08:55 AM
No problem, I'm curious did any sponsor party/charter boats aid in this rescue or was it mostly NY head boats and ferries? I was 21 years old in my senior year of college out of state, so I wasn't around during these events.
It was mass confusion that day to say the least.I had a charter out that day the only communication was over the VHF radio.It took too long to figure out it was a terrorist attack. Niether the Coast Guard or the NJ or NY State Police had a clue.The commuter boats were bringing victims to the Jersey side and we could have used more boats and professional capts.It was a sad day and one i will never forget.
Captain Rich
09-14-2015, 12:32 PM
It was mass confusion that day to say the least.I had a charter out that day the only communication was over the VHF radio.It took too long to figure out it was a terrorist attack. Niether the Coast Guard or the NJ or NY State Police had a clue.The commuter boats were bringing victims to the Jersey side and we could have used more boats and professional capts.It was a sad day and one i will never forget.
Sal- I was with Jimmy on the Cock Robin, we had the boat cleaned and stocked with medical supplies and the Coast Guard told us to stand by and not sail, we sat there all day, finally I went out to the turnpike and gave the supplies to first responders heading north that were stopped for gas.
Capt Sal
09-14-2015, 02:19 PM
Sal- I was with Jimmy on the Cock Robin, we had the boat cleaned and stocked with medical supplies and the Coast Guard told us to stand by and not sail, we sat there all day, finally I went out to the turnpike and gave the supplies to first responders heading north that were stopped for gas.
Took me one week to get clearance from the CG to resume my charters out of Sewaren. With the bridges and refineries it was considered a prime target.CG had there special unit flown in from Mass. They were in and out of Smiths creek everyday and we gave them an empty slip.These guys were Viet Nam vets and officers in the reserve.These guys were capable of making an executive decision!Fed them every day and could not thank them enough.I pray this never happens again but if it does i think we will be better prepared.
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