View Full Version : Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs

broken bobber
09-10-2015, 04:08 PM
The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife will be hosting a free 2-day Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs (HOFNOD) training October 2-4 in Waretown. HOFNOD targets teachers, staff and volunteers of schools and community-/faith-based organizations looking to engage youth in an ongoing or year-round fishing, conservation and aquatic education program.

HOFNOD is a great way to introduce youth to fishing and their local waters and other natural resources while supporting positive outdoor recreation activities and life skills. The program can be used by most organizations.

Direct questions to Liz.Jackson@dep.nj.gov or call 908-637-4125 x122.
For more information or to register visit http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/hofnodnj.htm on the Division's website.