View Full Version : Tuna

09-08-2015, 07:57 AM
A Big Party Boat out of Brielle had their first canyon trip on Sunday. Does anyone have any first or second hand info on how they did? Later today, I'm heading to O.C. Md to do an overnighter on my friends boat along with Mike Jung. We'll be heading to the Washington canyon more than likely. If we catch anything special, I'll post it. Dennis

09-08-2015, 01:43 PM
I did see that the boats out of Rhode Island did pretty good recently!! I am sure when the first few are caught they will post everywhere!!! It is a long expensive boat ride if you do no catch!! B3een there done that too many times. he 48 hr trip on the Gambler gives you time to look around and lots of hours at the rail and 2 night and 2 morning bites. the 24 hr trip gives you 1 morning bite and your done!!!