View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Labor day report

captain george angler
09-07-2015, 06:19 PM
we went back to where we had found some keepers yesterday and had next to no drift. Found a few shorts and a keeper but left to look for better conditions.
Once again a lack of drift but we were picking at the shorts so i waited for the current to slow and the fishing got better. we picked and plucked catchin 11 keepers on one drift. I thought we were in until the wind picked up and the drift got to fast. Mike Strauss from Manville had the pool with a 6 1/2 # fluke. Robindra managed 3 keepers.

7:00 AM first boat out no galley till Thursday.


Thanks Captain George
Pictures a little later

captain george angler
09-07-2015, 08:06 PM
Here are todays pictures. See you in the AM.